my angel

Delaware, OH

my angel is a cross between c. intricata and c. orientalis var orientalis. it is very vigorous but with lacy leaves can be used without danger to others. i grow it with will smith and a species intricata, which are not blooming yet. my angel is always first.
another under utilized clematis which has nice potential for the collector or someone wanting coverage faster than a large flowered clematis.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Love this one!! I had to cut mine back because I planted it in the wrong place. (it was a monster) but it never came back. I will have to add this back onto my need list.

Delaware, OH

tanguticas can be less hardy than indicated. i have had a major one disappear before, but my angel has been trouble free.
i like to collect the species as they are the beginning of it all.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) beautiful!!...Jeanne

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

I love those sweet looking blooms!

(Zone 5b)

I just purchased this from Garden Crossings (sale) which I believe advertises as 6-8 ft, does that sound accurate?

Also do you have protect in the winter, I'm in a cold zone 6.


Delaware, OH

i think it can be held back to that height or lower, as it will fold over on itself and sort of mound itself at a lower height if it is at the top of its structure. that makes a nice full, bushy display. the seedheads are beautiful too. here is a photo taken yesterday of My Angel seedheads, which were undisturbed by the after ike storm we got that knocked out power for 4 days and blew down 5 large trees! (it is in a protected spot i admit, yet it seems amazing how intact they are)

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
(Zone 5b)

Yes the seed heads are pretty!

We also were w/o power here for 4 days and had several large trees go down, root and all. Lots of large and small branches too but luckily no major damage.

Delaware, OH

if you like My Angel you will also like Intricata "Will smith".

we are doign the last of the IKE tree clean up, and when i say "we" i mean a garden helper, hubby and a crew of professional tree men. i can only imagine how bad it would be to be in a real hurricane. this was bad enough. i am amazed at the toughness of the clems however.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I wondered if it was as beautiful as GC has it pictured-thanks!!

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