Grubs yuck!!!

Pioneer, CA

I was working the soil this morning to plant some carrots and found SOO many grubs, I couldn't believe it. This particular bed is about 5'x4' and I carefully went through the soil-- found about 20 of them. I think they've been feeding on my chard roots that are in that bed also. What to do??? There are probably a lot more that I didn't find.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Milky spore works on grubs.

(Zone 7a)

Yeah, I'd go with beneficial nematodes, but when I had that mole, it sure helped clear out all my grubs.... maybe you could rent one and put it on a leash! ;-)

Pioneer, CA

Maybe I'll do that!! We could go into business, renting moles, what a great idea. LOL

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Make sure they're union moles...

Pioneer, CA


(Zone 7a)

When moles form a union, its all over!

Pioneer, CA

Maybe if we kept it hush hush we could get away with it for a while. We could just promise" all the grubs you can eat " sort of thing. What do you think?

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey, you. C'mere. I got something you'll really like. Bring your friends, and yours will be free...

Pioneer, CA

LOL Greed would take over--- grub problem solved! Voila!!

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