A big welcome to "kays_camelot" Port Sanilac, Mi.

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welcome... Hope you will join in our Michigander forum..lol...Tell us about you...and what you are doing in Gardening...If you have questions about this site..just ask..we can guide you around..It is a big place for sure...from soup to nuts...and inbetween..lol....Well nice to have you with us...


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Good morning and welcome to this beautiful garden full of great people!!!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Welcome to Dave's and to the Michigan forum!!!!!


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Wecome to the Michigan forum. Tell us about your garden!


Port Sanilac, MI

Hello to all you Michiganders and everyone else. I'm so glad to be in contact with other gardening people. I'm sure some are fanatics like myself. I've always had a vegetable garden and a few flowers, mostly annuals, even though my grandfather had a fantastic and large perennial garden and my mother grew the latest iris and sold them when I was a teenager. . When we moved and retired five years ago, I got into perennials and all, BIG TIME! I want 3 or 4 of each! So, of course, I am going to have a Lot of Questions. I'm looking forward to interaction with all you nice people.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello Kay!!
Well you hit it on the head!! I like many people here have all sorts of friends and aquaintances.
But when i want plant info, Plant talk and some Garden pals who understand addiction!!!!
Well I come here to Daves. No one understands us plant freaks, addicts, obsessive/compulsive
plant people like others of the same ILK!!!! I said ILK not ILL .......k ! LOL!!!!
Sometimes I think it is an Illness but I am glad I found other 'sick' people like myself!!
So in that vein, glad to meet you!

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