July GH pics

Fulton, MO

A few pics from today. These are plants that spend part or all of their time in the GH.

Ficus 'Panachee'

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Outside of the GH. Nearly every plant in this bed is either 1) from cuttings; 2) from divisions; 3) from DG trades; 4) rescued from the nursey compost heap.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Ficus 'Petite Negri'

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Lemon guavas

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Papayas are starting to turn color.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

This is a jaboticaba of one variety or another. Some disagreement about whether it is the standard Myrciaria cauliflora because it doesn't bloom on the main trunk. Anyway, very tasty fruit.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

Gorgeous Neo 'Ralph Davis' from Digital Dave in Springfield.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Fulton, MO

And finally, the first of what will be a large crop of passionfruits.

Thumbnail by stressbaby
Evergreen, CO

Wow! you have a little slice of paradise there! The landscaping around your greenhouse also looks great.

Evergreen, CO

Oh, by the way. I think you bought all that fruit at the local grocery store;-)

This message was edited Jul 1, 2008 10:14 PM

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Do we get to see pictures of the inside of the greenhouse.

Livingston, MT(Zone 3b)

Yes, I second the please.... Do you have all the tropicals growing inside?

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 6a)

That's some greenhouse. I'm jealous. I wanna see inside.


Mountain Home, AR

Ditto, want to see inside. You give me hope because you're in Missouri. It's been so hot I am afraid to put anything in the GH except some cactus and an orchid. What is your heat source in the winter? Nanadee

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I wish I had a bunch of tropicals to put in my GH in the summer. The only thing it's good for right now is drying my white t-shirts. Works great and no purple bird droppings!

Thumbnail by pastime
Fulton, MO

Folks, I have tried several times to upload more pics and my internet connection is bad and I have been unable to do so. I will keep trying.


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks SB we are looking forward to it!

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Looks like you have done quite a bit more landscaping since I was by to see your greenhouse.. just wonderful!

You have an incredible tropical fruit collection! Very cool!

Fulton, MO

Hi KathyJo,

I really haven't planted too much more, but it has filled in, for sure!

Figs are coming on! I tried my first 'Chicago Hardy' today. Found a nice recipe for fig fritters that I intend to use on the coming crop of 'IT Honey.'

I pick my last 2 papayas yesterday, and I may have to remove that tree from the GH, since it is stubbornly growing into the roof. It is starting to send out suckers from the side, though, so who knows.

Ring me next time you are here!


Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

You should make some Fig Newtons! =)~

BTW are you coming in for the Washington Fair this week? =)

Fulton, MO

Hi Eggs!

No, no fair this week. I'm on call this weekend.

Fig Newtons? Maybe! The figs are really coming on. The trick is to get them before the eye opens and the ants spoil them. You have to check a couple of times a day. They are great.

Papayas are done. Pretty good, not outstanding. I'm not sure if they will warrant a spot in the GH all winter.


Deer Park, IL(Zone 5b)

Stressbaby: I am SOOOOOOO jealous of your GH and your tropicals. I am in the process of looking into getting a greenhouse by am bewildered by all the choices and accessories. What brand is yours and what are the pro's and con's of it?

Fulton, MO

MM, I have a National Greenhouse Company "Grand Hideaway" greenhouse. All tempered glass, that is the pro and con right there. Very nice, finished look, all aluminum, but not well insulated. I add bubble wrap in the winter.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I will need to insulate better this winter too. Does the bubble wrap do well?

Fulton, MO

Pretty well, but I got these little clips from Charley's last year, and this year I'm going to try adding a solid layer of poly on the inside using these clips.

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Is your bubble wrap only good for one year?

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