New Michigan Subscriber

Clinton Township, MI(Zone 6a)

I just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Jennifer from Ann Arbor. I'm a newer gardener. Bought my first house two years ago and have been redoing and ADDING flower beds ever since. I'm so crazy I spend my vacations working on the yard. I even make my mom come visit and I work her to the bone too! We are dangerous together when it comes to nurseries! We are like addicts that can't stop adding plants to the cart. I mostly at this point stick to flowers but I do have a very small raised bed veggie garden.

Looking foward to some plants swaps some time!

This picture is of my "pool" garden (I took out the above ground pool to make a flower bed!) and the awesome old shed I was able to rescue from an old farm down the road.


Thumbnail by jvw
Clinton Township, MI(Zone 6a)

This picture is from last year. This is my rock garden which was my pride and joy last year. Its not as great this year since I'm in the process of converting it to perennials. Hoping next year will return it to its glory.

Thumbnail by jvw
Clinton Township, MI(Zone 6a)

This is a picture of my favorite area this year. Its in the pool garden. This area I call the "wild bed". It was supposted to be yarrow, multiple varieties of coreopsis, various gaillardias, and other wild like plants. But the yarrow have taken over so I'm going to have to move several of the smaller variety of coreopsis which you cannot see because they are hidden in the jungle!

Thumbnail by jvw
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome to Daves garden jvw.!! Have fun with the forums!! Looks like you have a whole lot of sun Im mostly in the shade. Loved looking at your gardens. Very pretty. Ronna

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

wecome jvw lovely beds thats how you learn !!! have fun and you can come here to ask questions everyone is very nice ;0)

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Jennifer, welcome!!!! You have a very lovely flower garden. I especially like the boulders. I'm into rocks in the garden and every time I go to northern Michigan I look for boulders on the dirt roads.


AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome Jennifer. Your pictures are lovely! I remember ordering seed for Achillia "The Pearl" (yarrow) and carefully growing it and planting it out. I was a new gardener and had no idea how invasive yarrow is. I had a time getting rid of it. I pulled and pulled for a couple years. I had garbage cans full of it sitting at the edge of the driveway and some seed must have fell off into the neighbor's lawn. It took and grew and spread and spread and took over his lawn. I never had the heart to tell him what it was and where it came from. I was so embarassed. :) I can chuckle about it now since I've moved away from it.

Have fun here at Daves. I hope you check into the Michigan forum often.


Clinton Township, MI(Zone 6a)

Thank you for the welcome! I'm sure I'll be asking lots of questions!!


Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello jvw,
You look like you have a green thumb for a newbie!!! LOL! Your garden really looks lovely projecting off the grey house. All the colors just pop!! Really quite pretty.
Welcome and nice to see your pictures. We LOVE pictures!!

Clinton Township, MI(Zone 6a)

Thank you Julie! I never do anything half hearted so even though I'm a newbie I'm learning as much as I can as fast as I can. I'm glad you love pictures. I take a lot! I use them as a digital journal.


South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Hi from the Northeast, I’m a newbie to DG also. I’ve been here about a month (not sure how long you get to claim the newbie status), this place is great, and the people are very friendly and helpful. Love your pics, thank god for the digital camera; it’s saved me from yanking stuff in the spring.

Westland, MI

Welcome Jennifer. Dave's is THE place for a newbie! I have learned a great deal in the short time I've been hanging around here.

You have beautiful gardens and that shed is just way to cool!

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