Can I convince this critter to eat my cabbage worms?

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Heh. Just kidding. These tiny yellow and black spiders with translucent legs have set up residence on my broccoli. But they aren't as tiny as mites, so I'm assuming they're "good spiders," right?

Not sure the broccoli's going to make it anyway. I picked off the cabbage worms - they're so tiny! - and sprayed them with some organic stuff. I guess if they don't make it, though, I'll have a good excuse not to eat my veggies. :o)

Thumbnail by dividedsky
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Bt (DIPEL or Thuricide) will keep your brassicas free of cabbage worms (the butterfly) and cabbage loopers (the moth). It is considered organic.

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