prices of hydrangeas

Whitehall, WI(Zone 4a)

What would you consider a good price to pay for a gallon size potted hydrangea. I bought, from a garden center that was getting ready to close for the season, a gallon size potted Quick Fire hydrangea for $15.99. I thought it was a good price, but then I have since had a couple people express their amazement that I would pay so much for it. Was that expensive for that plant? I guess I might have to find out where they shop!!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Quickfire is a patented plant which is also going to increase the price somewhat, and personally I don't think that price is bad for a 1 gallon patented hydrangea. Maybe you could find it somewhere for a dollar or two cheaper, but I'm sure you'll also find places where it would be more expensive. I bet the people you talked to are probably used to buying things from places like Home Depot, Walmart, etc where you will pay less than that for a gallon shrub, but you won't get the patented cultivars. Or maybe they mostly buy annuals and perennials in 4" pots or 6-packs and don't realize how much extra time it takes for the grower to get a shrub to the point where it's a gallon size to sell, no way you can sell something like that for $3-4 like you can with annuals and perennials that grow in one season.

Hurst, TX(Zone 7b)

Boy, you should try buying camellia$$$ then. I have seen QF sell for less in mail order/Internet companies but only if you exclude shipping charges. If these people think you paid too much, have them buy your next QF for you. It is a great shrub and you may want more!

Hurst, TX(Zone 7b)

ecmama, you are going to hate me but I just did find a lower price: 7.45 at Garden Crossings. That is the good news. The bad news is that it comes in a 5.5" pot. And the other bad news is that you have about $11 for shipping (approximate amount). I am not sure if there a minimum number of plants that must be purchased with this company but they have a good clematis selection.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

I think for $16 you did just fine, it doesn't seem like to much to me. Do your garden centers normally close now for the season? I'm near Chicago and everywhere I go here everyone has so many plants still (which is not the norm) because I think they ordered stuff to come in later because of our cold spring. It's nice to still have a good selection. In fact I'm going to one tomorrow and will see if I can find a gallon size to compare prices and let you know.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

My gallon sized Pinky Winky was $30, if that makes you feel better. I got it at a garden center in Cedar Rapids, IA, at the Round Up, before all the flooding hit. I didn't actually pay that much for it, as they had given out "buy one, get one free" coupons for Dave's Garden members, so Mom and I each got one. It has doubled in size, and is covered in buds. I can't wait to see it bloom!

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