Can someone ID this flower for me please?

Bendigo, Australia

I thought it was a Carnation by the look of the stems. When the flower buds formed this swirly looking flower was forming, then I knew it wasn't a Carnation. I bought a packet of mixed flower seed and it was pot luck what came out of it. I really like this flower but have no idea what it is. Any ideas? I know that someone will know, you are all like walking encyclopedias of the gardening world and I trust your judgement. That's all I will be doing the gardening department today, it's freezing here today and my bones just won't take it!! Thanks in advance.

Thumbnail by chrysies
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks like Agrostemma githago

Bendigo, Australia

Thanks ecrane3. I checked the link. It says that it is classed as a weed in the United States, but I haven't found it on the Australian Weed List. It's a pity it's classed as a weed as it is so pretty. It can't be classed as weed here as I purchased the seed in a packet mix with other seeds, so I am sure they wouldn't deliberately sell weeds, would they?? I know Gazania are a weed but they too are really pretty...I suppose it's because they grow everywhere. We I am they grow in the median strip in the centre of the road and they look wonderful in the summer in full flower. I will grow the Corn Cockle in pots and that way I can control the seeding. Thanks for the link.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't know about whether it would be a weed in Australia or not--I don't think it's too big of a problem in California (I've seen it sold in nurseries here) so if you're in one of the dry summer parts of Australia where the weather is similar to California then it probably won't be too bad. Don't count on them not to put weeds in seed packets though, if it's a wildflower packet that was designed specifically for your region then you can feel pretty good, but if it's a packet that they sell all over the place there's no guarantee that all of them are good plants for you. Lots of wildflowers can be problems if they're planted in a different climate than where they're native to, and a lot of seed companies don't really do a lot of research on what's appropriate to plant in what areas.

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