Any Finding Nemo Fans?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

The other day my granddaughter (4) came running in to tell me that Dory was hiding in my plants. I got my camera and followed her outside. Sure enough, there was Dory perched in my sanseveria...what do you think?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Can't quite find her? Here is a closer shot:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Dallas, TX

?????? I think i'am going blind ????? Please HELP !!!!! Jerry

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

It is actually a seagrape leaf that fell just right, but we had a hard time convincing Tali of that...finally talked her into touching it, and sure enough, she decided that the sea grape tree was playing a trick on her!


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jerry - the yellow fish shaped blotch in the midst of the sanseveria...see it?


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I was able to see it in the second pic. Cute!!!

Dallas, TX

I could not tell what it was. I've never seen a seagrape, that i know of.Tali what cute name! Jerry

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Short for Talia - Hebrew for "Dew of Heaven". My daughter's favorite friend when she was young was the daughter (Talia) of an Israeli family that was working with my husband for a couple of years. We all loved it that she decided to name her daughter after this wonderful friendship.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, couldn't see Dori on the first picture but sure did on the second. I love Nemo, bought the movie for me! Talia is a beautiful name for a special little girl.

Love ya,


(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Loved the movie too. Many funny moments in it. Every time my husband or I see a Sea Gull we say "mine, mine, mine!"

Talia is a beautiful name. I've heard it before, but never knew the lovely meaning of it.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Glad to share. My Tali is our "miracle" grandchild. Both my daughter and her husband had been told - separately - that they would never be able to have children. So much for medical expertise! But I admit, I spoil her rotten, and would be lost without her. I probably would never have noticed Dory in my garden without my Tali's eyes.

Yokwe all,
what's my name, I know I have one... oh, HI!!! I'm Shari, what's your name?

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Shari, are you speeeeakiiiiiiiiiiiiing whale too? LOL! Hope you don't forget why you're going to Sydney!
You're so blessed to have a granddaughter, and I bet staring at the clouds or walking thru the garden brings the whole Disneyland and even more in her sweet 4-year-old imagination! And if you have a bit of a kid left in you (apparently everybody that posted here, me included) you'll find Dory and Nemo, and you'll stay young forever.
Kids are so precious gifts, so don't worry about spoiling her! In our country, this is what grandparents do! Parents sometimes have to counteract a bit of it, but it is always good to have a Grandma or Grandpa that will always have time for them! I think grandparents are what parents would be if they would have (much) more time.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My mother was adopted into the Acoma Indian Tribe in New Mexico. She was allowed to visit the reservation several times with her friends. They have a wonderful custom. The mothers, young women, bear the children and do all the heavy work in the household. The grandmothers raise the children as it is supposed that by their advanced years they have more wisdom. Now that I am a great-grandmother I think that is probably true. I wish I had known more about how to "pick my battles" when my children were small.

As always, Shari. OT.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Not a bit OT! I envy your Mother! I find it so very ironic that our daughters do not appreciate us until they are mothers themselves. My girls were never close to my parents, but very close to JB's mom and I envied that relationship. I try very hard to be a part of my grandchildren's lives, loving them of course, but just being someone they can come and talk to when mom and dad are too busy, is just as important to me. I think those "Adopt a Grandparent" programs are wonderful - everyone needs an older, unconditional hug now and again.

Yokwe and hugs from this Nana,

I loved the movie, but hated that they made a dentist into such a bad guy.

I love my teeth, and my dentist!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I love my teeth but avoid going to the dentist as much as possible. lol. He is good though. lol

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

We are sooooo funny. lol From Nemo to grandmothers to dentists. hahahaha

I love you guys.


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey, they are all related so why not?! LOL

Nemo has a great smile with no teeth at all, hey?

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

GREAT FILM!! I am an animation freak. The Movie , COOL

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Love the movie, and Tali! She is so precious! I used to teach Sunday School to two year olds to five year olds for four years. They are so precious at that age! Just adorable!

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