My first Clematis

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

has bloomed! Crystal Fountain...I was surprised. I planted CF and Jackmanii last fall and worried if they were going to make it through our heavy winter. Now I've learned one is gp.2 and one gp.3. What do I do about pruning? Should I move them apart? Or should I not prune them the 1st. year?

Thanks everyone. I love flowers and I'm trying so many new things to find out what will grow for me here.

Thumbnail by seabreezy
(Zone 4a)

Just look at that colouring!!! Very pretty!

If your clematis is just a baby - you will want to prune it to the ground in the early spring - group 2 or 3. After 2-3 years the group 2 should only be pruned after blooming for shaping etc. Group 3's always get hard pruned in the spring! I hope I got that right?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Seabreeze...Congrats'll want to Hardprune next year since you want it to grow stronger roots ...You don't prune even with the soil...You MUST leave a leaf axil for the new leaf buds to come count the 3rd from the soil and prune just above it...Here is a pic of some I pruned in late winter/early Spring...Jeanne
ps..the "Y" you see is the leaf axil

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Whew I am glad you posted Jeanne!

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

Thanks for your replies. So I'll prune these next spring, right? Yes, these are my babies. I think there are a few more buds...can't wait. I can see more clematis in my

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

If you happen to plant a Group 2 and a Group 3 Clematis together, prune them as a Group 3 (hard prune). Yes, you will sacrifice some of the earlier blooms on the Group 2 vine, but the root system will get very developed thereby sending up more vines laddened with flowers. After you prune, remember to fertilize your Clematis with either Rose or Tomato food and reapply mulch to help retain the moisture in the soil.

P.S. You must be doing something right because your bloom is beautiful! :~)

Klamath Falls, OR(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the info Shirley. I'm glad I don't have to move them :) I'm always excited when a 1st year plant produces so I can see what it will be like later.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome! :~)

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