Another Hot spell

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Those are pretty nice!!

Laura, I wonder if you couldn't put a wanted message on Freecycle and ask for a used cat tree. Then you could wrap sisal around it or staple carpet around it. There have to be people out there who have trees/towers they want to get rid of.

Eugene, OR

Here's what we did last weekend. It was the Great Oregon Steam-up in Brooks. At noon everything that had a horn blew it. It was insane!! But really fun.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow Katie, what a story. I'm sure glad that all worked out all right for her and that the only thing that was lost was a little sleep. I'm also happy to hear of other folks who would be just as paranoid as me and go driving, knowing that it might be pointless, even though the odds are good that they'll come back for chow. And then to add insult to injury by being skunked. ugh... I feel so sorry for her! How did her neighbors that had the fires fare? be sure to pass on our best wishes!

Eugene, OR

I bought a used one at a garage sale for my Mom. Scrubbed the carpet with Oxiclean. Hung a cat toy over a bare spot and it looks like new. Plus I have our old one in the garage waiting for me to put new carpet on it, bought the carpet at the same garage sale. We have a half feral cat that lives in our garage and she likes that tower, but the carpet is shot.

Sisal is a must! I replace that regular.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2008 12:24 AM

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally - those are nice ones.

Katie – That’s a thought, I really need to get on to those sites, but never get around to it.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

those are really good cat tree's. I like them. The cat that I got in jan. came with one. But, really she loves to climb and should have a taller one. I have been looking on craig's list for free ones w/o much luck yet. But, I will hold out until there is one!! then I want a super short one for my senior citizen kitty. I doubt I'll have a problem even making that one. Just need the time now.

Sally, that looks as if it was an interesting day in Brooks. I didn't know that they did such a thing. I love those old steamers!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Feeling dumb here, but what is sisal?

Eugene, OR

redchic..DH and I started going on bus trips with Willamalane a couple of years ago. There's always something fun somewhere and we don't have to do the driving. Going to the Salmon Bake in Depoe Bay the end of Sept. We look forward to that and I get a lot knitting done on the drive.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2008 12:32 AM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ohhh..... I love Depot Bay! It's such a great little town (even if it is touristy)! All the restaurants have good food! the architecture of many of the buildings is interesting, i guess it just has a lot of personality. Those trips seem to be a great idea.

Eugene, OR

The only way I can think of to describe sisal is really thick twine. You wrap it really tight around a board or pole and the cats scratch it. Good for their nails and saves the furniture. We keep one board with carpet and one with sisal, cause they seem to like both.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red - I'm that way with my cats. Nero in particular is a Houdini cat. He always comes back, but I still have to go looking for him. Koshka is a home body; she's only gotten more then the yard once. The second day we were in this house Nero got out while I was at work, I got home at 11pm and went looking for him, found him on the neighbor's roof. I couldn't leave him there. We got out the tallest stool we had, couldn't get him. I ended up calling mom, she brought a ladder over, we argued over if we should knock on the door and let them know what we were doing; decided not to. We finally got him down about Midnight. I think that was the day DH started threatening him with Bar-B-Que Sauce.

Before and since I've wondered around asking if people have seen him for hours before he decided to let me know where he was. I've met more of my neighbors doing that then any other time.

I've also returned at least two dogs to their owners. I also once had to return a dead cat to her owners, but I figured better for them to know then always be wondering, but that was a hard job.

I think it's always better to know then to wonder, at least then you have closure.

Sally - I have a bunch of carpet my DSD brought home. She is a pack rat just like me; if it's still useable it's worth keeping. Makes the house a bit crowded though, and drives DH nuts; he's a minimalist.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

In between lincoln city and depot bay is an interesting nursery with a wide veriety of things, mostly hardy plants though and very few annuals. It's two or 3 acres. sometimes they charge the going rate for an odd plant, but other times they have some plants that are much cheaper than you will find anywhere. They are located on the inland side of the road.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

There's really no reason you would know what it was unless you'd had cause to use it. You can see it in Sally's picture, wrapped around the legs of the cat trees. They make sisal rugs, too, although I'm guessing they're a little bit less rough that the standard stuff. I think the sisal actually lasts a little longer than the carper.

So go to and enter your zip code there. The site will then tell you where the freecycle for your area is hosted (many of them are groups on Yahoo). Just go there and sign up. You'd be amazed at the traffic there. People just love to be able to give stuff to others rather than throw it away.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

good to know about sisal. Thanks. I'm thinking that I have a picture of what it is in my head. I've seen it on scratching posts before.

Zhinu.... I house sit for some folks that make their cats were bells so that they can find them when they go outside. Maybe that is what you need for your Houdini/Nero. That second day was a sign! And.... a good way to meet your neighbors! You do good things for your neighbors. I always feel better when there is closure.

Eugene, OR

redchic.. I'll put that in my file. Not doing any plants right now. Too much other stuff going on. I started some Plumeria cuttings my sister sent in May and I'm having a time keeping them out of harms way. Sounds like we all go all out for critters. Glad my girls stay in, too many bigger critters out there. We had coyotes in our yard last week. I worry about the garage kitty, but she had gone in her kitty door and was watching through it. Smart kitty!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

thanks for the link! I'll have to try that. And I know that the cats will very much appreciate it. But, in the meantime. I have to get off to bed as the morning is coming fast! Good night all!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally – I learned to knit this year, but it fell by the wayside. Too many things I want to do and not enough time to do half of them.

Red – I’m pretty sure this is sisal.

Thumbnail by zhinu
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is a close-up.

I'm stuck in the reply loop again tonight.

Thumbnail by zhinu
Eugene, OR

I thank you for the link too. Good to have source. I agree with redchic, time for bed. Good night all.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red – I’m somewhat against collars on cats. When I call he generally answers. We’ve just got better at keeping him in, or at least catching him quickly. He’s just wanted to eat grass recently. I need to get some grass planted for him.

Good night if you are still around.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

The rain started here about an hour ago. It's not raining hard, but it is raining consistently. It might actually do some good, since it is supposed to rain through tomorrow.

Eugene, OR

We had a lovely rain this morning, it was still dripping when I got up. Not a whole lot, but enough I don't need to water today. Yeah. I had collars on my outside cats, but always got the ones that would come apart if they got caught. They do work, I retrieved a few when they came in without them.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

My last two cats would have any collar I put on them off in less than 5 min.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I think we need a new thread.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My concern with bell collars is twofold: I can't imagine what it would feel like to have a bell ringing in your ear all day long and it makes cats easier prey for other creatures . . .

I understand that people don't want cats to hunt their birds, but I do think cats adjust and learn to move so that they don't make noise - I'm not sure whether that is all cats, of course. I have some that are more agile than others. LOL

I gave up on collars in general early on - I had tearaway collars and my cats kept coming home without them . . .

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

katie59 - My mom's cat hellion was one who learned to hunt without ring the bell, at least until she sprang.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll do the honors:

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