Another Hot spell

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

So, since all of us actually find the weather interesting to talk about and keep track of I figured I'd start this. Also to dispell beliefes that the PNwest doesn't get hot!!! So, how hot (or cold!) are you today? Pictures and Chat, whatever.......

This message was edited Jun 28, 2008 11:45 AM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

At the moment my thermometer is showing 85 deg, and it's not even 11 am. yet! Even though I know many of the athletes are used to it, I fell sorry for all the Track athletes and spectators in town today.

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

Under the eaves, and shaded by a large Ceanothus the temperature is 81 degrees. Too darn hot!!!!!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I agree with that. Dang that's one big ceanothus!

Since I always like to keep proof for myself and others. Here it is...... taken at around noon. strange place for a thermometer, but hey it gets some shade and there's not a plant there anymore.

Thumbnail by redchic01
Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

That nice shady spot is now 90 degrees. Sad to say I have accomplished precious little today, and the near future looks no better. Oh for a nice cooling fifteen minutes of light rain.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

90........ in the Shade! that tells you something. Hear at work, we're showing 94 in semi shade. So, I bet we're pretty darn close to each other temp wise. hahaha....... I'm not ready for rain yet for a long, long time!!!! however, a sprinkler sounds excellent! Or, maybe I'll go on down to the river this evening when I get home. It's still a little high from all the snow melt. But,. I think that I can handle it! that's what you should do!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Just past 5 pm: 92°.
Not too hot to be in the shade - pulling weeds. Was out in the sun until 2, and decided it was best to conserve energy for the evening. The weedeater died, but I had purchased a backup just in case. More fun weeding tonight - I can hardly wait...

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

You guys are just killing my idealistic view of the NW!! I thought it was garden paradise and it's sounding more like an inferno! What gives

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Victor - how nice to see you west of you!!!
We have had a prolonged cool winter-spring. This several days of heat is quite normal here, and somewhat cyclical. No inferno - just a bit intense when it arrives so suddenly.
I will say that no matter where you live, you get used to a certain tempeature range. It typically hovers in the upper 70's to low 80's during our summers, but we do get spikes of heat, and that is what throws everyone off. Not fun to work hard in, though.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi Kate! Yes, not fun to work in for sure. But I do like your summer range. Can't wait to visit that part of the country.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hey victor!! great to see you here! fancy that. I think we still maintain our idealist image cause we cool off at night! If it's 90 something in the day Usually, it'll be back down to 50's at night. Not always, but most of the time you can cool your place off. You'll still have to come and visit, if you must cool off you're usually only and hour or two from either the ocean or the high cascades.,.... it's probably only 80 or so at 5000'. Maybe i'll "see" you tonight back over your way. stop by more often though, I think that everyone would love to see some of your photography!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Sherry, think I will! That's a nice cool-down. I'd live to see some photos of your wild areas out there.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

i'll post a link over in your thread when I get home this evening, careful though, pictures are numerous and I wasn't any good at sizing things yet.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. It was 90 here today too. Showers tomorrow and a bit of a cool-off. Here is my first Stewartia bloom today.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

It is 103 degrees here in Albany in the shade right now!!!
Too hot for me to do anything in the garden. I only am watering the lawn for the first time so ran out there to set up the sprinkler and back inside!
Yes, the NW has had a couple crazy years for weather. The hot spells just come out of the blue so we all are taken by surprise.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

92 degrees on my front porch in the shade. We are up high enough that we can't open our windows at night unless you want to be cold. More of the same tomorrow and then a cool off.

Port Angeles, WA(Zone 8b)

6:45 p.m. and a balmy 81* here in the "rain shadow." Great day for everything today...Brick (bike/run) this morning, then into Wildcat Lake for a nice after-brick swim. Lake was 68* and WONDERFUL. Then home and work in the yard, plant some stuff, water stuff, look at stuff. Just finished washing off the sweat and grime in the rain locker and now it's time for my book and nice pinot! WOO HOO! Life IS good! ^_^

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hey balvenie..... I think I have a good chance of getting your rain that you wanted this evening. The thunder has just started rumbling. I'm not sure if they were thinking that we would get rain with it, if the lightening happened at all, or if it would be dry. I'm off to out and watch!

Oh my gosh daisy, I'm sooo sorry to hear that. Yuk!

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Sorry to butt in here guys!! But it's been so dang hot and humid here since the last of May. We finally got some rain last week. It really helped my fried plants!! I really thought they were gonners. I envy your landscapes and diverse weather changes. Ours are always cold and humid or HOT and humid. The latter is the norm. Happy gardening!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hey Tina! Glad to see you here..Ok balvenie, I really hope that it's raining up your way because it is absolutely pouring buckets and 80 deg here! I came back in from being outside since my last post (i'm a drowned rat) , turned on the TV, and a flash flood warning just went across the screen! You can have the rain! But, I guess if it's going to rain.... I will take a warm rain anyday!!

Eugene, OR

Hi redchic, when am I going to get that? It certainly looks like rain and I thought I heard thunder, but nothing yet. Oh there goes a big one, maybe it's on it's way! Got up to 92 deg on the covered deck today. Too hot for me to work outside so I did inside stuff. Not what I like but it has to be done sooner or later. lol Too bad for the athletes, but they're breaking records anyway. I'm avoiding town for the next week or so.

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

Right on redchick. Around here the surest indication that it is Summer would be that the rain is

Eugene, OR

Here it comes!! We're getting lots of flashes now. Mt Piscah just lit up beautifully! Hope the rain comes, the yard could use it after the heat today.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Don't worry, the rain is definitely following! In a big way! The lightening show is still going on too! The rain has let up some now, though it'll likely be back. It should be getting to you I would think within the next 20 or 30 min, guessint by the way the cloudes are going. Mt. Piscah would've looked great that way! Wish that I could've seen it!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

This is great Sally. When something interesting is coming in from the west, you can warn me, and when it's coming in from the east I can warn you!

Eugene, OR

I've got a perfect view out my window. Almost the whole wall is window, which lets in the cold and heat but offers fantastic views. I haven't seen this much lightening in a long time. I love it!!! Luckily we're so wet still, there shouldn't a problem with lightening fires.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sheri - I'm with you, we're in the Rain Shadow and I don't think it quite hit 80 degrees (but I confess it felt really hot to me!).

Fun to hear from other parts of the country!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sally, is it common for you to get those kinds of storms? How about lightening fires - do you sometimes get those?

Eugene, OR

We crossed in the mail. Yes that is neat. I like a heads up when something fun is going on.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

It's all relative! you felt hot murmur! I feel wet. It's all ok good.

I wish I had your view Sally. I was standing outside to watch. I love lightning shows.

Eugene, OR

Hi Murmur, no we don't usually get the lightening storms like this. At least not where I am. Like I said everything is still pretty wet from our cool damp spring so I don't think there will be a problem. The FD was on TV a couple of days ago saying they're beginning to gear up for our fire season....looking for volunteers. So it will be here shortly, but not yet.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

We don't usually get large lightning storms until late summer/fall, which will then start fires. I tend to get them more where I live since it's closer to the cascade crest and they tend to disapate before they reach Eugene. So, tonights storm was definitely odd, but fun! When they are strong enough to reach the valley, it's usually a pretty good one though... just like tonights.

This message was edited Jun 28, 2008 9:53 PM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

You still up Sally? Is this still going on there? It is here, going on 3 hours now.... I don't know that I've ever seen a storm go on for quite that long. Unlike the first time I went out... at least i've just been drenching my coat now! I took a pretty decent video, or at least for my little camera, think I might post it somewhere.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Victor, I forgot to mention that's a great picture of the stewartia (pseudocamellia?). No backlighting this time? :-p I don't think mine are even thinking about blooming yet.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Good grief, 2 weeks ago, it was when is summer going to get here? Its too cold!!!!

Now, its "Oh, no, when is this hot weather going to end? Its too hot!!

Weather is as weather does. Just enjoy that you can still feel warm or cold. There will be a day you can't.

I saw 90F at home at 5pm, but most of the day seemed more like 85F.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Ooooo, I do love a good storm! Quit hogging the thunder and lightning and send it up this way! Please? ;o) We sure could use a good 30 minute rain....things are getting parched up here and I've been told Albany has the highest water prices in OR. Been trying to keep the bills down.

Carol, the last I looked at the thermometer it said 100°....but I believe it when you say 103°! ^_^

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Ok, the lights just flickered. You really did send it up this way! Thanks! LOL

Eugene, OR

Well if I wasn't up before I would be now. There was one thunderclap right over the house, knocked out my Directv.
I didn't want to touch the computer for a few minutes. lol Still no rain. Just lots of lightening and thunder. I think I better go grab a couple of plants and put them on the deck.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

The winds are really kicking up now. Had to go outside and round up my debis bin which was blowing around and a few misc plastic pots rolling around too .Almost midnight and 75 deg. Very warm in the house..may put the A/C back on so I can sleep!

Eugene, OR

Got my plants to safety, I'm starting some plumeria cuttings and they're a bit tender yet. It's starting to sprinkle, so maybe we'll get wet too.

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