My only flower bud and bloom on Ville de Leon

(Zone 4a)

OMG I just love the colour of this clematis!!!! This is one of my new ones I planted on the pergola....this plant only had the ONE flower bud and it finally opened!!!! I wish I had more of this plant!! I can't wait till she matures and the vine is covered in this colour!!!

Thumbnail by DawnLL
(Zone 4a)

Another shot of my single bloom...hehehe.

Of course she had to bloom away from the pergola so I can't see her unless I am on the other side of it LOL

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Clayton, IN

Years ago I bought a clematis, but didn't know what it was. I planted it out back but it never did much. Last year I moved it up closer to the deck to see if it would do ok there. I have a Prince Charles a few feet from it that just loves the old clothes line pole so thought maybe that was a better area. From what I can tell, it is a Ville de Lyon but the flowers are fairly small. I'm hoping that it just needs to adjust to its new surroundings and will fill out more in the next few years. My question: Is this really what I think it is? If so, I have another one out back that looks just like it.

Thumbnail by CountryGrl
Clayton, IN

This is my 5(?) year old Prince Charles which just loves the old clothes line pole. He was marked as a Nellie Moser when I bought it! I used to prune him back but the past 3 years I've just left him alone and he seems to be doing just fine.

Thumbnail by CountryGrl
Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

DawnLL, here is what your Ville de Lyon will look like in 1 or 2 years.

Thumbnail by mwperry
(Zone 4a)

Oh mwperry - thanks so much for sharing that photo with me....Yours is doing wonderfully and it certainly is a beauty!!!!

Country your Prince Charles certainly seems to be loving its home!!! Very think and green!!!

Oh I just took a walk outside too and noticed a few buds starting to open on my Comtess de Bouchard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great day!!! LOL

Delaware, OH

here is what your villa de lyon will look like in 8 is an amazing clematis, truly my favorite. do her a favor and prune her back after she blooms and fertilize her with a balanced formula and the late summer blooms will be smaller but there will be a huge number of them.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Delaware, OH

are you sure that is a prince charles? mis labeled clematis are rampant. it is def not a is prince charles

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Ville de Lyon looks lovely and it will be covered with more blooms in each subsequent year.

(Zone 4a)

Ok first off here in Canada they Label it as Ville de Leon and not Lyon? Is there a difference?

Secondly Niobe I think that is the prettiest comibination I have seen! You make me want to have that Prince Charles one like big time!

Clayton, IN

No, niobe, I'm not 100% sure but I spent hours and hours reading thru gardening articles and pictures online and that was the only one that matched. I'm not even sure that my others are Amanda Marie and Ville de Lyon but again, they closest matched what I found. I bought the first ones at a roadside nursery so I can understand the mismarking. I was really bummed that the last two I bought from a well known nursery here locally weren't even CLOSE to what their tags were. (See post in ...wilting overnight.)

One reason I subscribed to this site was to learn from the rest of you, so if it's not what I think, please let me know!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

WOW..Yall's Clematis "Ville de Lyons" are STUNNING!!..I have two and they are only 2 years old..can't wait till they are breathtakingly beautiful as yours!!...Jeanne

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

niobe, your clematises are breath-taking! Speaking of niobe, do you have a Niobe clematis? Here is Niobe combined with Romana.

Thumbnail by mwperry
Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

This is a great thread. I love Clematises. Thank you DawnLL for starting this! Here come Earnest Markham (right), Blue Moon (upper left), and Jackmanii (lower left).

This message was edited Jul 1, 2008 5:21 AM

Thumbnail by mwperry
Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

And here are Jackmanii, Henryii, and Kardynal Wyzynski. (The photo is somewhat blurred)

This message was edited Jul 1, 2008 5:19 AM

Thumbnail by mwperry
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Mw...they are old are yours?..Jeanne

Delaware, OH

love niobe with ramona. i have it with rouge cardinal and it is a similar combo. ramona is fussy for me, but having a good year this year.
yes i have is one of the ones i have near my house, which means i like it. your display of niobe and ramona is gorgeous! aspirational.

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

JeanneTx, at the time those photos were taken, the Clematises were probably 2-3 years old.

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

niobe, thank you for those kind words! It nice to have good feedback, if you know what I mean. Isn't it remarkable that you in Ohio grow the same Clematis as I in Mississippi -- zones apart. This is toooo fun!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

2-3 years..kewl..they are in their Leap years..and stunning too!!...Jeanne

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jeanne. Did anyone see the Clematis article posted in the Daves Garden Newsletter dated June 30? Here 'tis:

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes..I had read it..thanks for sharing...Jeanne

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