CLOSED: Which Bishop?

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I photographed this beautiful little weaver-bird in the walk-in aviary in the Bloedel
Conservatory on Little Mountain in Vancouver back in December 1997.

I have been trying hard to identify it and I am almost certain it is one of the Bishops of the genus Euplectes, but I am unable to pin it down to a species. Can anybody help?

Here is the bird a colourful male and the next picture will show what I believe is a female of the same species,


Thumbnail by kennedyh
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

here is what I think is the female of the same species

Thumbnail by kennedyh
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Sorry, can't help, bishops aren't covered in any of my books :-(


Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Try Orange Weaver ...Ploceus aurantius or another in that Genus.

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Orange Weaver

Thumbnail by OldNed
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

that picture looks very close, but when I search for other images on the net, I find all others look very different, like this:

I will pursue that (rather large) genus further, but I don't think it is Ploceus aurantius


Merritt Island, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe Euplectes franciscanus or E. orix (?)

An article in a cage-bird site mentioned that the red/crimson color on many Bishops and Weavers will change to yellow over (captivity) time. The color change has to do with a feed deficiency

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I finally managed to identify this one, it is the Crimson-crowned Weaver or Black-winged Red Bishop - Euplectes hordeacea illustrated low down on this page:

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