Angel's Big Sis

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Hi! I am Oneanjl's sis, and Anjlsmom's oldest daughter. Must say, think there may be some payback coming for Angel......I have 14 acres...... How about another garden -- for my peafowl family. Would be nice for game birds, if I ever get back into Valley quail or Pheasant again. See how well SHE takes orders again ----- hummmmm

Actually, hard work hasn't killed me yet, & the results are VERY satisfying. Can't wait to see it all done! And it will be easy upkeep in the long run.......Neighbors are definitely wondering, watching and advising. Sure will be fun when they realize 3 women did the work (with the help of 2 young boys / men).

Angel gets to finish the rest of it, as I get to work & the whining gets on you after a while. She is giving them most of tomorrow off while mom & her visit Dragonfly's Garden tomorrow (really today now). Day of rest driving & walking???? Guess if you are not bending & lifting it would be a 'break'??? LOL Have fun with the muscles after driving sis! Luv Ya! :~)

Here's a link to what she's making me do!! Then she twisted my arm and forced me to become a DG member!!


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

a 14 acre garden??!! oooh! dont threaten me with a good time :o) I just may stay here all summer and enjoy this cool weather and plant to my hearts content! LOLOL! ooh, and remember sis, I've got plenty of pictures of you working on moms yard...all covered in dirt and grime :o) I can always post them on here :o)

tee hee hee !!

Actually, I have the worlds greatest oldest sister/Best Friend!! Thanks for always being there for me...listening to me, and walking me thru all my joys and sorrows.... oh, and for jumping into this 'moms garden project' with both feet! I love you mostest!
and its about time you signed up for DG!!! can I let go of that arm yet?!


(Becky) Colmesneil, TX(Zone 8b)

Yippee any sis of anjl's is a SIS of mine!!! Cheryl.. you are gonna LOVE Dave's!!! You are gonna be addicted in no time... and since you love peafowl.. there are forums for that too!! ALL kinds of forums!!

Bribery..LOL.. thats what younger sis's... best friends are for ..right??


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

welcome sis peafowl. pull up a tump and chat awhile

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

PeaFowlAnjl, welcome welcome welcome!!!!! Be sure to check out all the cool threads in the Pacific Northwest Forum, in addition to the great ones all over Dave's Garden!!!!! You and your sister have been doing incredible work on your mom's garden - I am so impressed! What a family - even the kids are helping!!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Soooo, anjl's sister.!!!! First of all we are thrilled you are here, you can 'help us handle Lucy when she gets out of hand. We have to watch her all the time, so now we have someone to tattle to!!

You really will have fun here and be sure you get over to the mixed seed thread so you can see what she is REALLY like!!! lol

I know your mom is very proud of ya'll I can't imagine my kids doing that!!! They might bring me a glass of water while I worked, but that's about it! lol

Anyway, welcome. (Oh, I"m Ethyl to Angl's Lucy)

Fountain, FL(Zone 8b)

Welcome to DG, Cheryl.
Sounds like a family affair.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Welcome, welcome. You are dear girls - your mom is so proud, I'm sure. And the boys have been fantastic. Hope they're getting some cool, big-leafed, stinky plants today to lure them into gardening.

(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Cheryl. I know you'll enjoy it here. You know it's inevitable that your name will be shortened to pea, right?? lol
Your sis is the best. I think both of you are lucky to have each other.
anna ruth

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol Anna! I already warned her about the "pea-Pea' name :o) lol! I figured Ethels grandkids will get a kick out of having a pea-pea anjl! :o)
tee hee hee!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Anjl, Kaleb will like the pea pea too, only he's want the "head" at the end.!!!

Joey in Conroe, TX(Zone 8b)

LOL another 'nut' from the Anjl tree!! Welcome to Daves. Glad Anjl was able to twist your arm! It's a long as you like frogs, and snakes and slithery thing...Right Lorraine?

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

Hiya Pea....from another P...Phyllis =)

Your mom is SO lucky to have daughters who planned this project for months and then actually made it come true!

Welcome to DG...when you get settled and your sister is back on her way home, come tell us alllll the stories we need to hear about anjl ;) wooohoooo blackmail

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL! Ya, right! I'm draggin sis back to cali with me..... I've got a garden at home that still needs tending to :o) and lots of 'catch-up' to do now she's gotta come help me with MY yard! tee hee !

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Cool. Everything has it's price!!!!

Oh, you'll get along great as long as frogs are your favorite thing in the world.!!!

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Wow! Thanks everyone! And I still have to say, my fave thing is Peafowl, have others too.

Should have put Anjl to work shoving real & fresh chicken manure, rather than paying someone else to compost it! I got quite a stock pile, course chickens have help with the bugs, worms...... Did someone say slithery things??

One more day & should be finished. Anjl & son did a great job on the path and planting! It will be so pretty once everything comes up. Little does she know, I am going to cali for a rest! yeah, right......I can dream....

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

lol, no rest for the weary! you get to help me erect that arbor DH built! oh, and I have seeds to plant and cement to pour, and and and ...lolol!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Welcome Cheryl! I’m so glad to see another member of Anjl’s family has come aboard :-).

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

a belated welcome from upstate new york.

South Milwaukee, WI

Welcome ! A 14 acre garden is really a huge challenge! I wish you the best!

Rochester, WA(Zone 7b)

Yea, mom is really glad they did most of the work to get my garden going. They wore me out just watching them.

Thanks Cheryl for all the help. Now I just have to learn to keep it alive, so far so good. Nothing has died.


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

You have some good kids there. Glad that everything is thriving.

Rochester, WA(Zone 7b)

Yeah! All of them are pretty great, even the one's that don't garden.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I suspect they are go-getters, too, and that they come by it honestly (from their mother). So much energy in that family.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL! Poor mom... there are FIVE of us! we out numbered her years ago :oD but she's still BOSS (shhhh! dont let her know tho! tee hee)

and yes, all are go getters! even have a sister who is a welder, and another who is a mechanic!
altho I will say that I and oldest sis (PeaFowlAnjl) are the 'normal' ones with 'normal' jobs! lol!

Rochester, WA(Zone 7b)

I don't know but I think DS would qualify as working a normal job, don't you. Top salesperson in California should qualify him for that.

And welding and auto mechanicing are normal jobs too, only normally they are considered men's work. Just because I had only one son and four daughters, Jeez someone had to take after their dad.


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sounds like one heck of a great family to me! Good job, Pat.

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