brooder possibility what ya think

londonderry, Australia

yea i didnt think of that tamara ventilation would be a problem good thinkin

Lodi, United States

But they are plastic and you could drill ventilation holes.

Here for those who missed it before is the Mother Earth version of the small flock portable coop and chicken tractor. I did build one and it is very, very ugly--but easy, very solid and works well.

londonderry, Australia

how ugly

Lodi, United States

Well only the truly chicken obsessed will build it--I use it as a sort of diagnostic tool.

londonderry, Australia

well time to get my building supplies

Lodi, United States

:0) You goof!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hmmm, ventilation holes, of course...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Those dog igloos are expensive up here!


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yea here also, I am still looking at the rubber maid tubs, all I would have to do is cut a slit in the front, did one for the puppies and they are 3 times the size of chicks. then put in some roosts, dowel rods??? i have 4 tubs, and about 90ish to brood. I could make an outdoor day pen for them that is surrounded by the tubs????? I have a cattle panel or two i could gt DH to make that out of then put hardware cloth around it. The little pullets are out side now in the tubs but they are right side up with a good top on them nothing can get in but air and sunshine. They are loving it. I will pull them in at night, leave them in the laundry room, that is right off our bedroom, EVIL GRIN again, maybe that will get him to MAKE THAT COOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and I have cinder blocks I could bury some to keep out critters.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

almost 4 weeks now, yes I am getting devious.

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

l2g2, love that idea with the rubbermaid containers! May have to 'steal' it if you don't mind. On the dowels, are you thinking of something that is not totally round? If round and because totally smooth, chickens may have a hard time using.

Do you have any 1x2inch or 2x2inch pieces of wood around? I have also used sturdier fallen branches in cages / pens in the past. Just tried to choose ones big enough in diameter to carry their weight; but small enough as to not take over the area. We have a lot of fir and oak trees here that lose branches every year due to wind storms. The bark helps them hang on. Saves on costs and effective. Just I making any sense?

Like your way of getting your coop built! Hey, what ever gets it done, is what we have to resort to, uh? ^_^

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

oh yea that is the truth, whatever it takes, yes I do have branches, that i could use, I was just thinking of the hole that would have to be drilled into the tub. I have them out in the yard now with the tubs on their sides, just looking to see how that would work. They are loving the dirt and grass and such. Even the older birds are over inspecting out the new girls. By all means yes you may use it. I like to use what I have or what is somewhat easy.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

L2G I'm in a similar boat. We've got a young buck coming first week of August and the much promised lean to shed for him to live in has only a ledger board up on the outside wall of the barn!! I may have to move him into our bedroom!!!!!!!


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

OH no. That is what I would do. Not really but I would threaten it.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm beating the drum daily now L2G

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lol good luck.

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


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