brooder possibility what ya think

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

the one on the right in the first shot looks like a lbrown leghorn, can you see which kind of comb it has?

in the second shot the only possiblity is the brown stirped on the right in the back, but i can't see the legs or posture...

londonderry, Australia

tamara i think it has the normal comb

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

really, cause its head is turned, it doesn't show in the picture. there is a rose combed brown leghorn and a standard combed one...

londonderry, Australia

i only think cant be sure do u think it is a cross or just not a leghorn

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i think she needs a picture taking lesson from silkiechick, that is what i think ;-P

londonderry, Australia

lol she is still getting used to it

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

These guys run to fast for me. And i think the setting is to high on my camera it take about 20 seconds for the pic to take. Not something I can do right now, I am suffering from a self induced illness. I told hubby about the new chicks and he just said the D word, I guess we have to build the coop. BIGGER. I just smiled.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

yep, what CAN he do. i just remiended DH about tighetinging up the little cracks in PH#4, so i can move some guys in there in a few days...

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

L2G just watch out he doesn't make it big enough for you and the chicks!! LOL


Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

LOL tee hee

londonderry, Australia


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

He did make just that comment yesterday. He said he can make it big enough for me also. It is raining today and he had to work anyway, maybe this evening we can get started on it. All I need him to do is put in the posts and I can run the wire.

londonderry, Australia

so it is nearly finished

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Built a new one today for the bantams. Hey not perrty but it works. They are OUT of MY HOUSE.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

awesome, i bet they are loving it! i am down to only about 50 in th house now...

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes they were loving it out there, but they are still so tiny, hope they make it thru the night, They will get the light now the others in the other brooder are doing great and dont need it any more.

londonderry, Australia

im sure they will make it and wat do u mean thats not pretty it looks pretty good to me

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

the picture doesnt do it justice, it is rig beyond you can imagine. So far so good and the dogs are keeping guard the little ones can get out but the dogs let me know when one does. I have them down for the night now will work some more on it in the morning.

londonderry, Australia

i think it looks pretty good anyway

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

awwwwwwwwww thanks. It does the job.

londonderry, Australia

yep thats all its ment to do

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yep it is

londonderry, Australia

so how many more pens do u need and are you keeping all the chicks or are you gonna sell when they get older

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL I need no more brooders as of yet, the enabler is trying to get me to put an order in. I just cant. I need to enlarge my coop about 6 times bigger than it is. Plus I need to get the day yard going. Again there is NO possibility to free range. Maybe later I might be able to just cant right now, I have 3 dogs 6 puppies 1 cat 6 kittens and my mother has 4 or 5 dogs that run the property and would just LOVE an afternoon snack.

londonderry, Australia

wow how old are the kittens and puppies we tried to get our cat pregnant but couldnt get a male

Lodi, United States

What kind of cat, Josh? We had a Balinese that refused to mate--we had to buy a male kitten and let her raise it and then she mated with it.....sort of twisted:0)

londonderry, Australia

persion cinchilla we had a female she started to go in heat so we started to look for a male found one the owner said he would not be old enough to mate until he was 1-1/2 he was 9 months at the time so we waited they got along great she would back up to him he would do nothing when he was 2 we went to the vet because we had no kittens we had not even seen them do the buissnes the vet did tests and said he has a low labito he also said he would of been ready to mate at 6 months the old owner probably relised somthing was wrong and palmed him off.

in the mean time we had a cat that would go in heat and no one was getting any sleep

i just wanted to chuck her outside because the male cats were lining up outside my wife said no they wont be pure breed so we got them both de-sexed

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Kittens are 1 week old last saturday and puppies are 4 weeks old past friday.

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

L2G......the trick is convincing your DH that the coop really DOES need to be big enough for all your chickens AND you....maybe a space big enough for a queen size bed even....yeah, he will think your losing it (if he hasn't already that is) then you have an even bigger coop for even MORE chicks......hee hee. I think your new brooder is fine. Like you said, you needed something that works and you got it. We have an outside movable pen that is pretty thrown together......though one of the older turkeys and the keets are starting to fly out over the top.....but they tell on themselves when they get out.......cheep, chirp, CHEEEEEP, and we run over and put them back in. It is pretty funny...they fly out and then stand there looking did I get out here? where am I? lol

Our kitty is now pregnant and is getting as big as a house and still has a way to go. We held off on letting her breed during her 1st heat thinking she was too small yet. It was pure torture on us all and we too almost tossed her out the door and let nature have its way. She even tried to poke her back side in our HUGE boxers face.....he looked at her like she was nuts and looked a bit confused at it too! lol He did like how she was rubbing all over him......just about as good as getting petted I imagine.


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I told asked him last night what he Did not hear, and he said the chicks, where are they. I told him I put them outside and made a new brooder, he got his shoes back on and said lets go look. He was impressed. It will work for a little while until these guys start growing. hopefully by then we will have the coop built and move the older ones to the coop. I am hoping to thin them out in about 4 more weeks.

My cat, there was not even a male close, or so I thought. I still have not seen a male cat anywhere.

Humansville, MO

here is are chickern run

Thumbnail by ellesgh
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Ok question if I were to do a tractor that I could move around the yard built big enough for say 20 hens. Would I want the ones in it that lay eggs for eating or reproducing????

Ellesgh, I do like yours, simple but effective.

Humansville, MO

i will have my hb anwered your quistion
he the one that know

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

looks great elle!

londonderry, Australia

now i think of it our female cat is heaps small if she did get pregnant boy would she of had a fun time bearing our male cats babys(he is huge) so good thing he is not up to the "job"

elle cool tractor how may nesting boxes do you fit in it because i seen this documentery on you tube about this guy who gets chickens for the first time and he puts them in one of those things and it had 2 one of the chooks even went broody in there

Humansville, MO

it was build for our younger chickern
we do no put box in there
went they old enought they go into the hen house

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

excellent idea elle, so that would save a lot on feed to grow healthy pullets...!!!


Humansville, MO

yes it does
we hatch eggs
but we onlygot one
so we went to the aution and bought 16 baby chicken
one die so we
got 16 left
we have 6 hen we think

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

great! you will be ready for lots of geggs this winter! are all the chicks hens?

Humansville, MO

only 6 are hen
10 are rooster good meat

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