Anyone out there a Four o'clock specialist?

Whitesboro, TX

This is my 2nd year of growing 4 o'clocks & was wondering if it is common for them to hybridize themselves? I put in pinks,whites & yellows last year & only saved seed from the pinks & whites & now I have a half pink(left side) half yellow (right side) & pink & yellow striped ones in the middle of the bush! If they do hybridize themselves how can I stop that&get true color seeds from them? Thanks for the read & any help or suggestions y'all got & Happy Gardening from N Texas

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm not an expert on them, but they will cross with each other and give you a mix of colors. Not usually all on the same bush though, are you sure it's not a couple different plants that came up right next to each other? If you want true color seeds, you'll have to either just grow one color, or you need to separate your colors out more in the garden. I'm not sure how far away they'd have to be though, the bees can travel! Or you could buy new ones every year if you really want certain colors, otherwise just enjoy seeing what you get every year!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Sounds like you have broken colors.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

The broken colors come out all kinds of colors no matter what and even on the same plant. You can, however, just leave them in the ground and they will come back or dig the tubers and store them over the winter if you live in a cold area.

If you want just pinks, you might want to get some seeds for Limelight. That's a very pretty plant with lime green leaves and dark pink flowers. Comes back from saved seeds exactly the same. There are other varieties that have just solid white flowers. I think Select Seeds has some of the other colors. Limelight you can usually find in the Burpee seeds at Walmart.

Whitesboro, TX

Thanks for the link Meredith79 - yeap that's what I got - broken colors & yeap it's only 1 plant - I'll try to get a good pic of it to post - gorgeous big full bush just my garden is all in purples,pinks & blues this year & it's right out front in the middle of it but I'm going to leave as I can't bring my self to pulling up healthy plants & tossing them. Got a gorgeous pink & white coming up too. If I harvest seeds from it is there a good chance it'll come back the same next year? Thanks for all your help y'all & Happy Gardening from N Texas.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

If you want a gaurantee that you'll get the same colors, I would dig the tubers in fall and store over winter. If it's something you'd be interested in trying I could give you more info on how to do it.

Whitesboro, TX

Thanks meredith79 - I think the tubers winter over this far south because when I went to pull some of them up to move them they had nice,sturdy tubers on them but would like to know how you would do it so I can move the yellow out of the front yard. Thanks for all your help & Have a great weekend.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Yes I thought about how warm you are there in winter after I posted. (lucky) What I have to do is dig them up after the first killing frost and let them dry on the counter. Then store them in a paper bag in a dark, cool dry place. I'd imagine if you need to move them and you want to be extra careful. I'd do it anytime they are dormant.

Whitesboro, TX

Thanks meredith79 - will take your advice & wait till Nov to do them (that's when we usually get our 1st really cold frosts here - gotta love it though - usually can get back out & start planting for spring by Feb. - we Texans only get a few months off from our gardening). Good Luck w/ your gardening - I'm putting in another 10 x 10 no-dig vegie bed in this weekend because my pepper plants are turning into small bushes & crowding my rogue tomatoes & strawberries - have 1 cayenne bush that has to be picked twice a week it's setting so many peppers.Many thanks & Happy Gardening

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I don't think after the killing frost would be a good time to transplant now that I thought about it. I know most nurseries recommend a fall planting which allows about 6 weeks for the plant to get settled before the first killing frost. I think when I was thinking dormant I was thinking more in late winter or early spring, before the plant gets started for the warm season. Good luck with your 4'oclocks and your new veggie garden. I have to make a spot for veggies still myself. : )

Whitesboro, TX

thanks again meredith79 - think I'll tag them & wait for early spring. Hey if you want a recipe for a no - dig garden I have 1 posted under the Texas section of - takes only a few hours to put in a nice 10 x 10 bed - did it this morn. Check it out if you are tried of digging! Have a great day gardening.

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