invasive groundcover for wet area

Akron, OH

I need a ground cover for the storm water retention area beside our house. It is in the corner of our subdivision. The 70' x 100' area fills with water when it rains and slowly drains. It does not hold water, but it is frequently very wet. It is not a pond. Someone suggested Chameleon Houttuynia, but there are so many negative comments about the invasiveness and smell that I am afraid to try it. The County mows the area once or twice a year, so it needs to be able to withstand mowing. Right now we have cattails, thistles and weeds. Mosquitoes are also a problem. The sides are very steep and difficult to mow. We are in north-central Ohio, zone 5b. Any advice?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Groadruck, How about Artemisia Vulgaris Limelight? It's varigated and pretty. I hear it can be invasive in warmer climates.

Akron, OH

Thanks for the suggestion, but I am afraid that 4 to 6 feet tall will not work in our application. I think I might try Golden Moneywort. I'm just not sure if it will be invasive enough to crowd out the weeds. Do you have any experience with it?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

No Groadruck< I don't. The Artemisia only gets about 2' tall. Most Artemisias grow very quickly and form large patches. Most of them are silver colored. The limelight is bright green with creamy/yellow varigation.

somewhere, PA

That one spreads far & wide. I'm not sure you'd really want to plant it

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