Thuja Green Giant: No More Neighbors!

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Saw this ad in a magazine while at the docs office. Funny how they never "say" what IT is??? Could it be a thuja green giant???

Opinions on this plant in the ad?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I am always extremely skeptical of this sort of "too good to be true" sort of ad, reminds me of the ones for the princess trees that are invasive in at least half of the country but they don't bother to mention that in their ad. I'm also always skeptical of anyone who neglects to include a Latin name of any sort for the plant on their website, and in this case they don't even include a reasonable common name that you could google for more info. And they are deceptive too--they say that you won't find "hybrid evergreens" at your local garden center which is absolutely not true--my nurseries and even places like Home Depot carry named cultivars of various conifer species.

Hopefully someone who knows their conifers better than I do will be able to comment, but in my opinion the foliage closeup resembles Thuja, but the pics of the full grown plants does not look like Thuja, I've never seen a Thuja form that "Christmas tree" shape, and because of the way they grow I don't think you could even make one look that way by pruning it.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Is this the Christmas tree shape you refer to?

Yes, I was quite skeptical of the ad myself.

Princess tree? Related to the "empress tree"?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Those Thujas do look more Christmas tree shaped than most I've seen, but I still think the ones in the ad look wider at the bottom and don't really look the right shape for Thuja to me. But admittedly I'm not really that into conifers so there are probably Thujas that I'm not at all familiar with. So maybe it is Green Giant, I'm sure someone else will know.

Yes, princess tree and empress tree are the same thing.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Ugh, I cringe at the empress tree. Goll I remember an old Oprah show where someone in the audience stood up and used that moment to be a commercial for them here in the states. After finding Dave's I realize what a mess they are. :(

Thinking of pulling the helpful advertisement in my original post so as not to add to the problems :).

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