Rudbeckia hirta 'Moreno' showin' off!

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

I love some of the new rudbeckias! This is the first one I've tried besides my ol' standby 'Goldsturm,' and I think I'm going to have to try some more. I just had to show it off.

Anyone else have interesting rudbeckia cultivars to show off?

Thumbnail by KaylyRed
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

And here's another shot!

Thumbnail by KaylyRed
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That's a nice one. I wonder if it comes true from seeds?


Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

I guess I'll find out! I'm going to let a couple seed heads remain this fall.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I let my Lemons and Oranges gaillardia go to seed last year and ended up with 100's of seedling this year. Can't wait until the ones I let grow bloom.


Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I've got rudbeckia Indian Summer. The year I bought and planted the first two, they did the same thing as yours. They seem to be difficult to start from transplants in our climate. I had to rig up shade and leave it on them for several weeks. I didn't get to enjoy the flowers that year because they were basically hidden but because they were shielded from the hot sun, one was able to bloom and it self seeded (the other never recovered). The volunteers grow healthy and strong without any protection so I think the best way to start this type of flower is from seed. I now have lots of volunteers that I can dig up while they are very small and move to wherever I want them.

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Ooops! I posted to the wrong rudbeckia thread. I meant to put this on the thread farther down. Where's my brain today?

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Well, it works here, too, NatureLover. :)

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I love your rudbeckia! I decided this year that I am probably not going to plant goldstrum in the future because I prefer the more colorful rudbeckias. This year, I started from seed and planted goldstrum, becky (a dwarf rudbeckia), a multi colored rudbeckia (glorioso daisy), irish eyes (green center), prairie sun (green center, and darker gold ring around center) and Maya (a pretty multi petalled flower that looks like a giant marigold).

I probably have more echinacea and rudbeckia than anything else in the yard. They are such happy flowers. Rudbeckia always makes me smile.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

This is a Rudbeckia I winter sowed the winter before last. It didn't bloom the first summer, but seems to be doing good this year. Can't rember the name, but it was mixed colors. Only ended up with 2 of them.

Thumbnail by lincolnitess
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here's the other one.

Thumbnail by lincolnitess
Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

Those are pretty, lincolnitess!

I had ordered something called 'Summer Magic Mix'. I wonder if that's it?

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Okay, I'm ready to post now.

This is Maya. The flowers are huge.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Close up of Maya. It looks like an overgrown impatient.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

A gloriosa daisy

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

More gloriosa daisies.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

This darker rudbeckia is also a gloriosa daisy. It came from the same seed pack.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Irish Eyes. I love the green center

Thumbnail by pennefeather
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

pennefeather, I really like that one with the large dark center. Maya looks like a great one too. I'm thinking my mix may have been Cherokee Sunset.


Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

pennefeather--some gorgeous rudbeckias! I like that one with the big dark center, too. Really cool!

'Moreno' is in full bloom now. It's kind of an odd plant--I planted it deep enough when I initially planted it, but it's very tall and erect and when it gets rained on it tends to get tippy. I actually dug mine up and planted it deeper because the root ball seemed small and it looked like it was trying to heave out of the ground.

Here's how the replanted 'Moreno' looks now...

Thumbnail by KaylyRed
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I'm going to have to add some moreno next year. That will make a nice contrast. I just hope that I don't overdo it on the seeds. I always plant so much more than I need.

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