A good laugh....?

Payneville, KY(Zone 7a)

Okay, I am bursting to tell you about our restaurant experience tonight....

We traveled a few hours away from home today and, of course, hungry and wait out in the country, we start looking for a restaurant. We see this really nice sign, looks new.... Riverview Restaurant...with an arrow pointing up the road.

So we take the road, a bit curvy, but I'm already envisioning how nice it must be, and must be right on the river, up high....you know the kind I'm talking about.

We pull into what looks like a convenience store at first...we see the riverview, alright...a paper mill and the locks...not as pristine as I envisioned, but okay.
We go in, they say sit wherever, so we sit at the first table.

Oh, I should have known this was not going to be our ordinary place...........

"Can I get you something to drink?" the girl asks. DH says, "Yes, I'd like a Pepsi." Girls says "No!"...We're like 'what?' "No you can't have a Pepsi we don't have them here." Another waitress comes up and says we only have RC products, so he orders an RC Cola, regular. I order a sweet tea. While waiting, we decide we want a table near the window to see the pristine river view of paper mill and locks!

He goes to the restroom and I tell the girl we are moving when she is bringing back his cola. She goes to set placemats at the other table and sets his cola down somewhere. All this time, I'm hearing something running like water, but I'm figuring it's my sweet tea that I asked for. The other young girl starts yelling out, hey, hey, hey, hey and says no more. An older woman comes out of the kitchen and sees the iced tea running over and yells, runs over and shuts it off. The waitress with me says "Oh! I'm sorry." A minute later she comes back to me and says "we are out of iced tea, I'm having to make some more, it will be a few minutes on your drink." Of course, I almost choked but kept my cool. DH comes back to the table.

We decide this is not the place to have the buffet, so we order off the menu....the floors are pretty dirty and I'm a little concerned about what I'm going to eat, what is safe. So we wait a few more minutes then she comes over and says "I didn't give you your drink" to my DH. She looks around and finds the glass of soda she had poured for him almost 10 minutes earlier. She puts it down in front of him and says "here's your diet" DH says "did you say this is diet?" She says, "well I think that's what I poured.......TRY IT!" He almost chokes...but he sips it and it is diet....he says I didn't order diet. So, not very happy, she takes the soda and comes back (not right away) with a regular one. Then my sweet tea comes; it is not sweet! By this time, I just take it.

So then I go to the restroom and go to wash my hands and the push button is on the top; so I put hand at the bottom of the dispenser thinking the soap is coming out there. I hit the push button and soap goes flying across the room all up my arm. It comes out from under the push button. (DH did the same thing and we laughed so hard on the way home about that).

So we order...he gets a double cheeseburger, I get a turkey club sandwich (I figure it's the safest thing to eat. My sandwich wasn't bad but his burger wasn't good). While we're waiting for our order, another party came in and sat next to us. They got the buffet. This man was eating fish and lots of it, he was really enjoying his catfish and frog legs. Our dinners come and we are eating and out of the corner of my eye I see this man still eating his fish and pulling it piece by piece off the bone. He's holding the whole skeleton of the fish in his hand and still picking at it. I resisted 3 times saying something, but couldn't hold it in anymore. I said to the man "you look like you are enjoying that fish!" He said, "Oh yes, it's real good." I asked if it was catfish and he said, "yes, do you like catfish." I told him I'd never had it. He puts the bone in the air and says "Do you want to try some?" My husband almost choked and I told him (DH) that had I said yes, he probably would have had cardiac arrest right then and there!

All the time, my DH is mumbling to me "you owe me big time for this" (it was my idea to drive up the road and try this restaurant).

The older woman that was in the back, came up and saw napkins and trash all over the floor, the tables not clean and was going around picking up everything saying "worthless, they're just worthless!"

There were so many other things that happened that I can't remember all right now and we were there maybe 45 minutes. I said to DH, "boy have we got some good fodder for the ride home."

So the moral of my story is this: Not all off the beaten path, country homestyle restaurants are all they're cracked up to be.

Oh my, what a night........

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