Planting clematis

Delaware, OH

was wondering if there are any tips out there we could share on planting clematis. i use a "collar" i make from the top 4 inches of a nursery pot..usually 12 " pot. i insert the top of the nursery pot into the ground ( it is about 2 inches into the ground in this photo). it helps hold in the compost and identify the spot. i do have some weeding and mulching help and this helps them stay away form "the special plants" when they are doing tasks in the area. i have also gone back to some of my older plants and inserted the collars. i used to make them out of rocks i would place around the plant, but this is working better. sometimes i cut the pot into three collars, but if you have enough pots, the top piece of the pot makes a sturdier collar. i like to water my clematis with a open hose and i can run the hose against the inside of the collar to which keeps the force of the water off the plant. i think i used to damage a lot of my plants with too forceful watering!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

That is a great idea niobe!! I usually have to put chicken wire around the bottoms of mine. Mty cats have broken off the stems one too many times!!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

That's an excellent idea! I'll definitely give it a try.

Delaware, OH

it has really helped me protect them from this and that. it might help for those that have slugs , which may be the one thing i do not get. knock wood.
also when you cut one back for any reason you can really identify where it is. keeps the compost where you want it.
let me know what you think! also if you ever plant them on an area not level, it stablilzes the soil form washing away.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

It's a great idea to especially mark your newly planted Clematis as they tend to disappear in the garden and you also don't want to pull them out by mistake when weeding.

Yes, I like that the compost and soil stays in place too. Another excellent reason!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Great timing Niobe. I am new to vines and have a clematis to plant tomorrow. The collar idea is great. I'm not clear on how much help clematis need to climb up their support. Tying? Thanks for sharing.

Delaware, OH

lula, what type of support will it be growing on?
after you plant it you want to reduce the height by about half, cutting right above a leaf axil. this helps the plant focus on getting established vs rushing to bloom.
fill the hole you dig with water and put the plant in the water as it drains, fill up with water again , and as it begins to drain the second time, start back filling the soil into the hole. hopefully you have ammeded the soil you removed to make the hole by mixing in a handful of bone meal, and i use NIAS compost right now. bumper crop is also good.
what ever as a composted soil amendment is availalble in your area. sometimes i add perlite or vermiculite to the mixture.
back fill and water yet again.
keep an eye on the plant and you should be able to train it to the support by hand..or insert a bamboo cane into the soil and lean it toward the support you have chosen and it will follow the cane over there with a little coaxing.
it will do better with frequent watering over the first few months. if it looks wilted or sickly a week or so after planting,reduce the height again by half to de stress it.
good luck!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Niobe, re: support -I have a choice: I can grow it up and through a small Purple Smoketree, Cotinus, or on the fence behind the PS. The fence has 2x4" openings. THanks so much for the help.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Niobe, I'm trying to keep my two new clematis plants inside for the summer if possible. Do you think this will work? It's so hot and dry here and I'm not sure where I would like them to grow permanently, as my garden is new and very limited in space. I have a Guernsey Cream and Josephine, each in one of those commerical 1 gal pots on 42" bamboo tripods. They look very charming in the south-facing window but I wonder whether it's possible to go another 10-12 weeks inside until the weather cools again. The Josephine has a tiny bud on the top vine that I would love to see flower. Would you advise that I delay flowering and cut them back? Both have topped their tripods at this point.

Delaware, OH

lula, i vote for the fence. esp if it has better, more consistent sun than the smoke tree will provide.
sunlight is important. doyou limb up the smoke tree? if it is busy down low esp..go for the fence.

Delaware, OH

wow.i can't imagine keeping them inside...clematis are amazing and can really adapt. but why don't you go ahead and plant them outside and keep them well watered and settle them in a permanent home? i know the plants needs will be better met outside, maybe another reader has more tips on this... i vote for planting them outside as soon as possible, so they have time to establish before the winter.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Niobe, Thank you. I guess I was kidding myself to think I could maintain them inside. Much as it pains me to put them out in that hot weather, they probably will be better off.

Delaware, OH

are you able to water virtually daily in the heat? at least put thme out when you will be able to for a few days?clematis do not have to be watered daisy after established..they like a big drink less often for optimum health, but when they first go out it is important to keep the moisture even and ample.
these plants will give you so much joy for som long it is wonderful to get them established into the place where they can flourish!

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, Since my garden is new this year, I am out checking everything every morning, and often in the evening to make sure nothing dries up.

Delaware, OH

how fun! the excitement never fades....

Delaware, OH

big news . allanah and abundance were shipped with care from silver star, only to be left in a dark utility room by moi hubby...found by accident 6 weeks later ......gggrrrr, decided to take the high road and stay married.
2 days root rehydration. planted 4 days ago....and voila.......allanah already showing green......
abundance still sleepy, but i feel she will awake. here is a pic of the green show on allanah 6 days after being discovered , still wrapped in paper and plastic ..she had not given up on life. we should all be so smart as to keep the faith as she did!

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Niobe, sorry to take so long. Congrats on saving your marriage and your lost bulbs!

The smoke tree is new and only 3' tall. I had not thought about limbing it up because my plan is to stool it, cut it back each year to control size and just have the fresh purple leaves. And I'm glad I saw the hint on watering -- easy to be overly kind.

Delaware, OH

i have smoke trees or bushes, whatever..they are monsters. i prune them at least once a year, heavy hard, ugly. this keeps the to about 12 feet tall. i love the foliage and color. they look great but when i forget to whack them down thy are like monster.s i tend to limb them up too just to get light and air in
the hedge row where they are. never thought about clems on them. let me know if you have success with that.
depending on your drainage, the clems would rather have less frequent, but thourough watering than dribs an drabs daily. encourages a deeper, heathier root when they have to seek water. but all depends on your soil and drainage etc. no one formula on this.

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