Wooly Adelgids in my hemlock?

Harwinton, CT(Zone 5a)

I've been told that the appearance of a "cottony" substance in the hemlock branches are a sign of the wooly adelgid. I've found a couple of small areas of "spittle". Now, would this be from a harmless spittle bug or is it evidence of the wooly adelgid?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Doesn't sound much like the adelgid, which is more 'dry' fluff than spittle-like.

Can you post a photo?


Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I wondered what a wooly adelgid was, and came across this page. Pennsylvania has a similar climate to CT, so there might be some good information on there that you can use. http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/forestry/woollyadelgid/index.aspx


Harwinton, CT(Zone 5a)


That you so very much for reassuring me. I KNOW I heard that it was more of a dry material than the liquid spittle but I needed more opinions. It was only a small area and I destroyed what I found so I cannot send a photo. If I find any more, I will.

alwaysplantin in Harwinton, CT

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