identify my plant for me please

Clinton, SC

Someone gave me this beautiful plant I need to know what it is and how to care for it I am afraid it is gonna die on me, Thank you, Geraldine

Thumbnail by daystar316
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I think it is an Aglaomena (spelling is probably waaaaaay off). Regardless, it would be an understory plant, so really good draining planting medium so that the roots so sit in mud, shade, and don't let it dry out. That would be my guess.


Keaau, HI

Carol has the Genus. It is Aglaonema commutatum. The closest variety I can find is 'Pseudobracteatum' in A. Graf's "Tropica".

Allow the soil to dry out some between waterings; overwatering may cause stem or root rot.

Aloha, Dave

Sinking spring, PA(Zone 5b)

It is a hybrid Aglaonema. I think it is the cultivar "Jubilee."

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

HGi Daystar, Aloha and Metro.
I believe Aloha nailed it and agree with Metro that it doesn't need to be kept wet but can dry out a bit.
Tha's by sight, mind you as I have no idea of the plant name. It looks many different plants, ot the Elephant ear family sorta kinda.
You kin tell I are a high school graduate, almost.
I would have called it what Flora4Fauna said, but they beat me to it. Yeah, that's the ticket. The "borrowed" pic has nothing ti do with anything, just you'd like it.

This message was edited Jun 28, 2008 10:19 AM

Thumbnail by LApalms
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I have one on the patio under the canopy, so it is indirect light. It is still in the pot it came in. It was a distressed plant from Lowes, for $1 or $2. It gets watered about twice a week. So far it's doing OK. It's good to know what it is....THANKS!

Keaau, HI

Aglaonema can handle some tough conditions, but it doesn't like being rootbound. Double the size pot that it's in and you will good results!

Key West, FL(Zone 11)

I have a variegated variety that will eat the house if I let it. It occasionally throws off a thick woody stem, and the stem will root and grow anywhere you stick it in dirt. There are now about 24 of them playing understory in my yard here in Key West.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Wow! Had no idea what I had! LOL! I will repot it tho! Thanks both of you!

Clinton, SC

This is amazing my comp. went on blink I have not been on the site since last year, forgot I posted this, made a picture to post and low and behold here it is,

thanks each of you

I have had mine in my kitchen it does not get light, and I water it every other week but not heavey and it is growing and looking good but does not bloom, should it ?
again thanks, Geraldine

Thumbnail by daystar316

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