Plant watching on the go

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Now all of you have heard of birdwatching but I know many of ya'll do the plant watching as you travel.

My DM was telling some one about my plant watching she said she could not understand how I could ID a flower well driving at 60 mile down the highway but could not find an idem 6 inches in front of my face.

I use to take photos of the wildflowers so I learned most of the plants that grow around here, so I know what to lookfor. Some times it is only a color in the right spot for me to know what it is. Now that I can't travel so much I find myself doing more and more with garden flowers. The other day I saw a huge brug covered in pink flowers in a yard.

I also birdwatch will driving, some of my best sighings have been from a moving car. I think my DM is finelly getting us to it she now no longer tells me to get my eyes back on the road.
Do any of you plant watch on the go??

Thumbnail by wren107
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Absolutely! If it's something I think I just can't live without, I will back up, stop, and ask for a start!

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