CLOSED: Juvenile hawk(?) Far Northern NH(Pittsburg)

Wells, ME

I saw two brids that appeared to be chasing each other last week. I thought they were the same type of bird as it was difficult to follow them through my lens, but after I looked at my photos on my computer, it seems one was a gray jay and the other appears to be some kind of hawk. Probably juvenile, as it wasn't very large and the only small member of the hawk family I know if is the Kestrel, which has much more color. I know the photo isn't great, but can anyone identify this?

Thumbnail by jeswain60
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's a juvenile Gray Jay - it would have been pursuing the other one (its parent!) to demand food ;-)


Wells, ME

Thanks, again,. I have three bird books, but none showed a juvenile and I don;t know that I would have figured it out anyway...

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