ORVG COFFEE HOUSE #112 - HOLD OFF on the Water!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/864848/

Rose: Moonlight

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

George, you would have been in less trouble if you would have just left the comment as it was. ROFLOL

Waving to everyone from Texas.. ^_^

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just wishing everybody a safe week, I am heading out the door, for the long drive to Florida.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I wonder how you mail a cow's skull--it's not on the list of illegal stuff to mail, is it? LOL
I'll bet it would be safe if you have enough bubble wrap and mark it "Fragile".

Sue, maybe we should join the "healthy living" thread (I think that's what it's called). A lot of folks are there for encouragement for dieting dropouts like us. My doctor told me to lose weight.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Bye, Bonnie, I'll miss you! Drive carefully!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I saw that article before the RU and they do have a gorgeous garden! I was going to say something to you or Tabasco about inviting them to the RU and of course to join DG, but you probably have already done that. I believe they even have done their own hosta, is that right? That's cool, and now they've moved on to DLs? I'll have to check out your site on the tour...oh crap, never mind..I have a family reunion then.

I moved a few more things to the pine tree bed next door last night. Got my camera ready to take with me today. I think Bertie is going to come and help me. I'm out of round up and I really need to go get some, but I'm in "gardening clothes" now, so that's not going to happen for a while!

I know you're busy Sis, hope the move has not gotten to be too much for you and the Commander.

Marcy, I'll know better next year if I want to grow them again! I do think they're cool and I'm hoping my little tropical area will be neat.

I'm praying for a safe trip for you Bonnie and crew. Hope you can check in from time to time.

Sue...the older we get...the harder it is to lose that weight....Mother Nature just doesn't have any sympathy....

Waving to all I didn't mention!

Love you

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning....

Enjoy Florida for me Bons...I miss my fishing...Have a wonderful week!!

I am almost packed up with a load for the homestead...This one will be all of the dining room stuff, and all of the clothes closets except my work clothes, and what Jim needs for the week...Linen and utility closets...Next load will get all of the rest of the kitchen things and pantry, and hopefully some of the plants...Most of the houseplants are already up there...
I'm going to let the boys get the stuff in the two sheds next week...

We have a new lady driver at work and she is the daughter of one of my fav patients...Her Hubby does carpet, and he is going to come next Monday the 30th and clean all of these carpets here for me...$50...and worth every penny to save me the time and energy...
Then we will set up a time for him to come up to the homestead to see the ones upstairs, and give me a price to clean and restretch them...

Tomorrow, I will get the dog fence put up and ready for the kids...I don't know if I am off again Monday or not yet...If I am, I will get whatever I can loaded up, and make another run or two then come back here and get the laundry done for the week, and crash...I am beyond ready to be done and gone from here...
If I had a bed and a fridge, I'd be there tonight...LOL

Have a terrific day everyone, and enjoy the sunshine!!

Good morning everyone
Well we are going to look at a tractor today with my FIL why ? i have no idea . He thinks i need a tractor. ? Oh well a fun ride with my FIL is always fun for me. We talk of gardening , OHio history and stories of when he was a kid. Funny they way i m gardeing and animals is the same way he did it as a kid . Go figure .
I do go to Healthy living forum LOL sheesh. Leaflady and i are good friends and famous dieters together . LOL we both love pie.
Dusty hope your move goes well today. Hope you get it all done before it rains. Im sure your ready to sit on your nice front porch with lemonaide or sweet tea in rocking chairs and relax . :)
Joycet LOL sSSHHHHH don't tell my body that yet .! I have it convinced my body i m still 23 yrs old . SSSHHH don't tell. LOL :) it just doesn't want to listen to me yet . :)
Ric glad your feeling better. Looking forward to seeing them pics of the hosta's .
I still can't believe i missed Geo's joke LOL :) i m getting so slow . sheesh
Hi back to you Maryn ~~~~~~~~~~~ from OHIO
take care
and have a good safe day

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Joyce he does indeed have his own Hosta.
It's Hosta 'Demetriou's Gold'.
We haven't yet planted ours, but after 2 years in a pot it's still doing famously.

I have before invited him over but his time is very limited.
He's stretched and stretched.
Dawn to Dusk he's in the yard.... maybe this Winter.....
Plus he pays for a lot of the upkeep of this yard w/ the proceeds from sales so trading.....
not so much.... lol!

We see him just a few times a year.
That I feel is starting to change though.
Not a close friend but a good one in the making.

Here's a few shots from yesterday.
Remember this is a Sale not a Tour... so it's a bit rough in the yard yet.

Here's an 'Ugly Bits' shot of one of the work areas.... lol!

Thumbnail by henryr10
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue! If you get a two for one deal, give me the free one. LOL I'd never come in if I had a tractor. ;) Your home is looking more and more wonderful with every update! I've been keeping up with you on the farm forum too.

Shipping out more orders today then headed out to play. Man! It feels good to eradicate all the weeds! I know it's never ending but I'm making progress! Hubby reworked the waterfall for the pond and took out the big tub. I so need rocks!

I'm sorry I missed the joke about my cow heads too. hahahaha

Mother Nature has no sympathy and neither does gravity! It just sucks and sucks. LOL Too bad things don't go north. ;)

Gotta shower and get to the post office. Just wanted to say hi.

Have a safe trip Bonnie!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Here's 'Demetriou's Gold' used as a hedge.

Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

And we're off to Lowe's....
Here's the view from our chair....


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Here's a view of some of the plants for sale.....
And Robyn talking to Dave... on of John's buddies...


Thumbnail by henryr10
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Wahhhhhhhhhh.....I wanna go to the plant sale!!!! LOL! Geesh...like I don't have enough plants!!! And you guys...duhhhhh...George didn't TELL the joke...that's why you missed it!!! So did everyone!!! LOL...he said he edited it!!
Well...just thought I would drop in and say hi too. Gotta go hem some tshirts to wear. Gosh I hate doing that! It's not bad enough I have to hem pants,etc...but tshirts hand to my knees...lol! And no...I can't tuck them in...because I am so shortwaisted...and that looks dumb too! I wish I could grow just a little bit...up..that is!!!! Already grew out...lol!!
I have a swollen knee this morning? Have no clue what I did to it, except walking around Wallyworld yesterday. Oh well..such is life.
We have to go to a graduation party for my niece. At least it's at a park...and not inside. George Rodgers Clark park.
So everyone have a great day!!!!

Edited to say...I love that gold hosta Ric. Snag one for me...lol!!! I'll pay ya!!

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 10:39 AM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Geeesh Marcy!! You and Dave will be on 4 at the park...All ya gotta do is go to 68 and head north and you will go right by the Homestead...3.0 miles north of the last light in Urbana on the right...Ya can't miss the 2 big Silos...

This message was edited Jun 21, 2008 10:44 AM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Dusty..how far from the park?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Welllll... the park is about 4 miles from 68....then 15 north to the house... You can take 36 back home....When you see 296 N of town, if you look past the Blue house on yer right you can just see the tops of my silos..

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Today at 6:00PM (Cincinnati time) starts the Ceremony for Carol Eads up in Seward, Alaska.


Several DG Members from the KY area have made the trip to join in.
Notably Sharran and just last night a surprise entrance was made by Soulja.
Please check out the Beautiful Memory Garden they have created and keep them in your thoughts.


Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

How's everyone today? Thought you all were going to share some of your rain this morning, but the clouds just kept moving on without leaving a single drop! So have been out planting, watering and weeding.

Ric, love the pictures! Sure wish I had shade like that! I've got about 50 baby hostas and a dozen large hostas and no place to plant them.

Bonnie, how much room you got you to bring stuff back? I can think of lots of stuff. LOL! Enjoy your vacation and have a safe trip.

Sue, we bought a large garden tractor/riding mower (really could have used something bigger, but this was more versatile)...one of our best investments! Hated letting go of the money, but we sure get a lot of use out of it.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Well the rain is not co-operating very well...made a fast dash up and back, got wet, and now it's raining here with lots of thunder...At least I can still load up tonight as the car is in the carport...Will head out in the early morning, rain or shine...My back is hurting, and I am done for the day...

My son just called me and they will be here late Friday night...so the rest of the things will be out of here on Saturday...I will come down Sunday and be sure everything is clean and gone and nothing missed and go HOME and run that clawfoot tub full of hot water and crawl in it...I have a place to leave the key for the carpet guy, and he will put it back for the owner to retrieve...Our internet and cable won't be back on until Monday the 30th sometime, but that's okay...I plan to spend Sunday evening having dinner on the porch and sitting in my rocker enjoying the peaceful evening...

5 minutes till Carols service starts, so I need to go and get my shell ready to send Smoke...Looks like I will have to be in the carport if this rain doesn't let up, and from the sounds of the Thunder, it isn't going to...

Have a wonderful evening...And take a moment to remember Carol Eads in your prayers...She was a remarkable woman who touched everyone here at DG in one way or another...

~~~~~~~~~ to all

Dusty is that near the old black barn by 296 ? hmmmm might have to send over some goodies . :)
RIc i will sure to be visiting that memory garden for Carol.
Ric those are great pics. I am hoping i can get around our log home to look somthing like that too. Someday. :) it will be fun putting it all together. :)
Well its almost official i will be the proud owner of a 600 Ford tractor. late 50's ish ? i think . All rebuilt and brand new looking. Great deal on it and he is going to deliver it to us on sunday. yeah can't beat that with a stick.
It also is comming with several attachements. mower. and others stuff i cant recall.
will post pics tomrow.
got a little rain
hope everyone had a great day'

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

The Black Barn is on the left going North.. I am on the right next to the road just past the corner of Herr...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, y'all. :)

Your tractor sounds neat, Sue! I can't wait to see it. I love vintage vehicles, be they trucks, bikes, cars or farm equipment.

Dusty, you're in the home stretch now! Enjoy the time offline...If you're anything like me, you'll get more done without internet. LOL

Ric, glad you're feeling better, man. Wow, what gorgeous shade gardens!

I planted out the last of my hosta from the ORV trades and just have a few more things left to go. I've tried to label them all, though I am going to have to go over the writing a second time. I used a Zig Painty marker, but it's a red one and I don't trust it not to fade. The blacks have lasted well for me, but red just has a way of disappearing no matter what the formula of paint or ink.

My next-door-neighbor Mandi had a yard sale yesterday and today. I bought some earrings from her along with a set of plastic-coated wire storage cubes and some track shelving strips and brackets, among other things.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well feeling better but not 100% yet.... Bonnie was right this is a tough Bug!

We pulled the winter shield off the Hot Tub today.
It's was basically just a Silver Tarp from Harbor Freight.
The leaf netting we had under it was way too open to keep out the Mimosa leaves and droppings.
So we have started putting up a black aluminum screen....
Then of course the rains started.... nice, calm and cool now...

We planted some of Carol's seeds at 6 and put in a few more of her plants.
We don't have a memory garden per say.... we have Memory Plants, Stones or Sculptures.
I know the stones for Carol.... just haven't figured out an arrangement I like.
That will come in time.

Here's a few more shots from John's.
Brenda's Wren Houses


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Just a path in the yard....

Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

A Fairy Garden

Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

One of the many Goat Carts...



Thumbnail by henryr10
Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Ric, I'm turning green with envy! Love the goat cart!

Congrats on the tractor, Sue!

Thanks :)
I just left the Carols memorial I don't have any plants but i will always remember her whenever i put on my cartharts when i go hunting . She talked and told some stories in the Girls hunting thread . I shall always remember her when i hear the word , Booty fly. LOL :)
have a good night everyone.
peace be with you. :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sue is Red and Gray and does it a have a 4 Speed?
If so it's a 640 Workmaster (probably) and I used one for years and years.
GREAT Tractors but watch the float bowl in the winter.
REAL workhorses!

Here you go...



Yes it is Ric !!
its red/grey with a four speed in it . Gas .
It has the number 600 on it or maybe a looked at it wrong. I left the books at my FIL house. The original manuals !!!
thanks everyone
have a great night
i think i said that already earlier lol
still trying to get to bed . but keep reading more in Carols memorial thread :)
one more time
good night

Ric thanks so much for that link !!!!!! it will help alot and very informative too. Thank you thank you thank you
love it

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

A 640 is just a 600 Series w/ a 4 speed.
That and a 42 Wiley's Jeep Pickup are what I learned to drive on.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello All!
Late night fly by. It was the most beautiful day! I didn't work on anything. I spent the day in a lot of meditation and just enjoying the flowers. I came up with the location of the english roses and how I'm going to revamp a few gardens.

We had friends for the weekend who are moving here to finish school. I love em, but will be glad when they get their own place. They found a place and are moving into it this weekend. The temp was so nice. I did a little something for Carol(of carol's journey thread) and after felt such peace. I went and laid in the futon/swing and fell asleep for about 1.5 hours.

I then had to jump up and get ready for a solstices celebration at some friends house. Good food, good fire and great company. We laughed and talked like we have not in years. It felt so good. It's been so nice to reconnect with friends and really appreciate them. It's an odd old/ new group and i didn't know just how much we needed each other.

Well I did a "flower" show on the OVR bloom thread if anyone would like to see a small part of what I enjoyed today.
Blessings to all and hoping you are dreaming wonderful dreams and have a great tomorrow!

Buffalo, WV(Zone 7a)

Hi all, have been trying to catch up after having been gone a week at Kids Kamp. Had lots of fun as usual, made some new friends and spent time with old friends as well. This evening dh and my family and friends surprised me with a birthday party! I had no idea and thought we were going out to dinner and a movie with friends :) They got me good. It was done at Mom's house with both my brothers and their families there plus a friends and their kids. Almost 20 people total. We had bbq ribs and chicken, hamburgers, mac salad, potato salad, baked beans, etc. Oh, and snowball cake for dessert, yummm! Then we all sat and talked while the kids played on the swings and slide, chased fish and frogs in the pond, and caught lightening bugs. Didn't leave mom's till almost midnight then had to make a run to Walmart. As you can see having a very late night.

Hi to everyone! Hope to chat more soon just really tired right now :)


Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Greetings to all...another beautiful day on the Ky horizon!

Happy Birthday Lana!

Geo, glad to hear you had such a wonderful day and evening!

We'll be spending part of the day getting DH packed up and ready to head off towards his new job on the other side of Louisville, after I spend a few hours outside this morning continuing my weeding/planting schedule. Is there no end! LOL!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

(and MANY more!!!)

Ric and Robyn

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy birthday, Tabasco! Hope you have a wonder gardening day.

Aaaaa..Lana...Snowball cake???? Recipe please....

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Judy's a birthday girl today! :D

Lana, that party sounds like perfection...Good friends and family, good food, and simple pleasures. I can imagine the kids playing. Nice.

George, sounds like you had a good day, too.

I'm trying to get motivated here. LOL I did quite a bit yesterday and my pesky shoulder hurts and my hands are pretty sore. Maybe today will be a light duty day and I can do the weeding and such tomorrow. Yeah, that's it...LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Howdy people! I'm running through again today before I hit the work load.

We finally were able to get about 1/2 of the vegetable garden above water so it could be tilled and raked into rows. We have about 100 tomato plants, 100 pepper plants, 3 rows of onions, a long row of cucumbers and 3 rows of beans planted. After hubby ran the sprinkler for about an hour and we did some work elsewhere, the storms rolled in. Figures.

I've been weeding like a maniac! I have one end of the pond garden done and am about 1/2 way done with the other end. The middle is going to take a bit more work. I've also been nuking weeds in the daylily beds and they are busting with scapes and blooms. Over the next two weeks, I should have a ton blooming.

Neither hubby nor I have found jobs yet. :( We just found out his unemployment will be less than a 1/4 of what he was making. This is really bad news. His severance is almost up and we lose our insurance along with it. It's been nice having hubby home because we've gotten so much done and for the last 3 years he's been working 7 days a week. But he needs to get back to work. LOL

Well, I guess I'm going to suit up and get going. We have a ton of stuff in the garage to go through to see if we can garage sale any of it or offer it on freecycle. Hubby got the garage cleaned out and built some serious shelving out of scrap lumber a neighbor gave us. That was a major job but now it's done!


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