I swear he was happy and perky this AM!

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

My poor artichoke! It's 105 out, which is rare for us here, and it looks like it just collapsed, in a big way! Any chance of it coming back? It's still too hot to water it, I think it would cause more burning.

Thumbnail by Sonoita
Phoenix, AZ

Triage! When the sun goes down, water thoroughly. There's no mulch there, so heap up some straw, bark, shredded paper, whatever as thick as you can make it. The leaves on top look like they might still have some life, so give it a try. Might survive.

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

Water deep and under the leaves. Mulch and give him a little shade for a few days if you can. Artichokes develop a really deep tap root in time and quit doing this so often. But they really do like more humidity than we offer. I am starting new ones now but had same plants for several years. They're just not easy. Tasty tho and beautiful if you let a few go to bloom!

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks - I have watered deeply and mulched. He/she came back that evening, with only the lower leaves showing damage. I have started a deep watering rotation on all my plants as we speak to get them to keep reaching deeper.

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