MIXED SEED NUTS June 19 thru ???

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


we came from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/860467/

DO YOU LIKE SURPRISES? Come join our monthly mixed seed swap!!

Each month participants will mail their seeds to the monthly hostess. The hostess will mix all the seeds together in a bowl, and then mail a packet of mixed seeds back to each participant.
Please post before and after pictures on here, so we can all enjoy the results!


Future 'mix-ups': And Hostesses:

July: Secret Froggie/garden art swap-Oneanjl
August: Mixed Prairie seeds / Chatnoir
September: LORRAINE'S CHOICE!/Lorraine
October: Mixed Bulbs / Gourd
November: Mixed Zinnias & Gloves / Oneanjl
December: Secret Angel Swap /BeckyGardener
January 2009: Tomato seeds (not mixed) / LorraineR
February 2009: Mixed up Cosmos/need a host.....
March 2009: Mixed seed/ LorraineR

The Mighty Oak was once just a lil nut...who stood it's ground!

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 6:58 PM

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


How would you like a souvenier apron signed by all your DG friends?!
Money will be due by April 25th, Please mail checks for $7.00 to OneanjL (I'm in address exchange or dmail me)
I have purchased 12 plain canvas aprons and 'fabric paint' pens. The $7 will pay for the apron,the cost of paints, postage and bubble envie to mail the completed apron back to you. Once I receive all of the payments, I will begin the round robin by mailing the box of aprons to the first participant. When you get the box of aprons, you will sign your DG name, and do whatever lil decoration you want to add to all 12 aprons. Put a self addressed label in the box (so I can send you back your Apron) and then mail it to the next person on the list. You will pay the priority or 2 day shipping cost to mail to next participant (approx $5) Once the box of aprons and labels's has travelled to all 12 participants, it will then be sent back to me (10 weeks later?) and I will mail an apron to each participant. This will be a fun usable souvenier of our nutty group of swappers! :o) This swap will be limited to 12 participants. Please let me know if you will be participating so I can add your name to the list below.

I plan to start shipping on 5/5 or 5/6. This is the route that the Aprons will travel :o)
Gourd-NM--RECEIVED!-sent to tetley 5/21 (I owe gourd $3 refund)
Oneanjl-CA (how come I'm always last?!)

Once I get them back, I will ship them to each of you in a bubble envie. PLEASE put a label in the box with your address on it so I can ship yours back to you! Thanks!
Please post when you receive the aprons, and post the tracking number on the thread so we dont loose them! lol!

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 6:59 PM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)


For The July Swap, it will be a secret buddy swap with a froggie theme.
Froggies can be garden art, or dishtowels, or coffee cups or...?
Participation is limited to the Mixed Seed Nuts.
participants will receive their secret Buddy's name on 7/15 and will need to mail their package to their buddy by 7/25. $15 limit :o)



This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 7:00 PM

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

"Mixed Seed Nuts B-day Club"

I have everyone's address and birthdate. Here are the basic "guidelines".....
Cards, dmails, little gifts, whatever. No need to spend lots of $$ or even any $$. Just a way to let our fellow "Nuts" know that we know there special day. At the end of each month I can dmail all the Mixed Seed Nuts the address and birthdate of the upcoming months Birthday Nut or Nuts, then we all can take it from there ourselves.
*For Privacy Purposes: I will be dmailing the upcoming b-day nut/nuts the month prior so I can get permission to send out their address to all the rest of the nuts. This way we can all maintain the privacy that we are used to if so may be ;o)

Open to suggestions, what do you all think??

Suggestions so far:

Check each Birthday Nuts "wants" from their trade lists to see if we may have something they would like.

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 7:36 PM

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)


Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

August Swap - Mixed Prairie and Meadow Seeds

Lots of choices - from grasses to flowers. Easy to care for perennials attractive to birds, bees and butterflies!

All seeds will be mixed together so everyone can grow their own little prairie meadow patch.

Seeds should be mailed by August 15.

Details, plant info and sign up will be posted next week.
Great chance to try something new!


This message was edited Jun 20, 2008 10:27 PM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

please dont post on this thread yet.... !

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)


(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

okay... I'm not sure where Chatnoir is....but apparently lorriane is posting for her? so we will go ahead and open this thread for all you antsy chatters! lolol!

oh, and rainey.... I should have used THIS picture!!! tee hee

Thumbnail by 1AnjL
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Any word on the aprons?????

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lorraine - Here is what one of those $30 Home Depot round ponds (which are really just big containers) looks like with several water lilies in it before it became so overgrown with plants. I have each of the plants in the pond container in their own pot, that way if I decide to put them into their own individual water container, I can just reach in and take em out and put them somewhere else. I like rearranging the water gardens all the time. Some plants grow more/faster than others so keeping them in their own pot helps keep them from taking over the black water garden pond container.

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 10:22 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(AnnaRuth) Danville, VA(Zone 7a)

Lorraine, I'm with you kid...you crack me up...the only pond I have is the wheel barrow when it's left in it's upright position and it rains in it!! We ain't nuttin' but class, ain't we rainey???

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

So, all I do is get the pot thingie from HD, put water in and sit the pots in. Does the water just sit there? Doesn't it get nasty. Or am I just stupid and you've already told me it has a pump? I guess you really couldn't even see the water, huh?

Oh and did you all look at that picture that crazy woman used. That's not just gonna scare all us frogaphobics not just off thread, but out of Dave's complety. I'm thinking some cutsie little cartoon froggy and this is what we geT!!!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A plastic wheel barrow would work for a Lotus! LOL! It really would! That would be really cute!

I have seen some folks on the Water Gardening Forum make a raised pond using 4" X 4"s and those pool liners. Or you could use a plastic baby pool! I have seen folks do that too! I might even do that this year. I like the size of the baby pools. And they are cheap!!!! LOL! And I could get a lot more plants in one of those. Hmmmmm ... I might just have to look into that for my new plants! :-) :-) :-)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

That's what I thought!!! They don't call it red neck for nothin!!!

Hey I have an old rusted wheelbarrow, !!!!

Angl, Our mascot is a frog, not dirty feet attached to dirty, ugly Lorraine!!!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Doe, I love those two threads. ? ok. Short and sweet. It's all Lucy';s fault. Everything is all her fault, so feel free to blame her for anything that goes wrong!!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lorraine - No pump! The water does get a little nasty until the plants start taking over the container and then they clear up the water. My 2 large black water containers are crystal clear now with all the plant growth.

I will warn ya though ... the frogs and dragonflies really, REALLY like the water containers! LOL! So you will have lots of both in your yard! HA!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

That's all I need, more frogs!!!!!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Lorraine, you totally need a little water pot, so if Rainey Icky visits you she has somewhere to hang out. ;-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sunny - I was wrong about the ID of the yellow Lotus photo I posted on the other thread. It is "Baby Doll". I lost the tags to mine when the raccoon got into my yard a few months ago.

There is a photo of it on the TWL website:

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

greetings and salutations, fellow nuts ;)

hiya Beck....(can I call you that too? )call me Phyl or Fifi - short for Queen Godess of Perfection. LOL (i'm not on any kind of drugs either, lol) welcome to this cozy lil insane asylum, I mean Mixed Seed Nuts =) kick off your shoes...LOL Lorraine did, hahaha heeee heeee....... (kiss ) and stay awhile. we don't bite. hard anyways.

Doe...I'm the proud owner of a leaf...Yay. Officially, I dont ever thank anyone for plants....we hillbillies think its bad luck. so...i hope you're happy that another Lucy has moved to the mountains. she's sitting with my new avacado plant now. looking out the back window towards the woods. =) this kind of leaf is the kind we always stick up on the window sill and wait till the leaf 'hardens' and when it does, it makes a new baby come out. Is water the way you do it?

All the pics are sweet, precious, and everyone looks happy. good job, all.

Lorraine, yes dear, thats my answer to any plants right now.
I was making brownies last night for our church who was having a spaghetti dinner today. And I was trying to get to bed early so I could go to the East Tenn 2008 Quilt Hop today. we made it to 8 stores ......in one gall durn day!!!!!! 12 hrs we stayed in that car today!!!! (were we insane????) but it was fun. but am I gonna pay for it when I get in bed. (this is a medicate heavily night, have a hangover tomorrow) I dont know when we're going back for the 2nd part. I got goodies.........yeah. after the 2nd store, youve already seen so much fabric, that your brain goes on overload and you cant see anymore.

ouch.....i've been falling asleep at my desk, so I'll bid ya'all a pleasant evening. if I didnt anwer a question or owe you an answer....remind me. i'll be back tomorrow..... if I can walk.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

That's true. Will she be bringing friends? Wouldn't want them to all have to sit on the same leaf!!!!
My DIL who still hasn't come back and her garden and all the veg and flowers are dying. I've been trying to keep them watered, but I'm just one old woman. lol I finally convinced my son he should water the stinkin plants.
Anyway, she has a really cute little pond and there are so many water lilies floating around in it. She even has the little miniature elephant ears. Anyway, her pump is off and it's still really pretty.

They are so silly. You should see the yard. Billy loves just pretty greeen grass, so his little "grassland" is all pretty and green, her flowers are sitting there beggin for water. I know he's not my kid!!!
Not watering flowers!!! Makes me sick, I tell you, sick!

Doe, Beck, Gourd, Tetly, Jojo, and all the rest, where are you. You must check in.

Oh, and I guess I'm gonna have to abe nice to Anjl. That girl is the spreadsheet maker of all spreadsheet makers. She made one for my growbag co op and it is sooooooooo easy and cool.

Oh here's the llink to ghe growbags and labels.. I know ya'll got lost! http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/862770/

If none of you are gonna be nice and do a glassine envelope order, I'm gonna order some, so if any of you want some. LMK

Now. Don't ya'll feel bad?

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Quilts!! Wish I could go to one!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Nite, nite, phyl

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

I try not to thank people for plants, too! They'll die!
Lorrainne, I'm here! I'm gonna look at your coop, but I can't afford to buy anything till I get all these swaps mailed! I'm going broke! But it's fun!
I paid $11.50 today to mail one! I sure hopes she likes it! And I'd do it again, but next time I'll use a different box!

Sonoita, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi! I'm back on line. One of my sunflowers is blooming, but it's too late & dark to take a picture. I'll catch up in the AM. Good Night!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm teasing you about the co op. It helps to get to the minimum, but I'm not gonna order stuff I don't need, so no one else should either.!!! I just like to rag on ya'll. Keeps you on your toes!!! You have to be careful or that's what you'll do. Course I want it all.!!!
I know about not being able to do all that shipping. I sent two today and it was about $12.00, so I just can't mail out as many at one time as I want. The only time I use the priority is with plants and stuff. Someone told me they send cuttings and stuff in bubbles in 1st class, only about 2.50. I'm gonna try that.!!

Did you want some of the Jasmine or coleus cuttings? I've lost my list of who I was sending them too. I thought you wanted some and Becky, you did too didn't you? I think Phyl and and...........

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Vining Jasmine is what I'd like Lorraine! D-mail me details of what I need to do!

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Yea, Sonita. Did it drive you nuts? Be sure to get the picture over here. We need to put up some kind of thing on the photo forum and put our mixed seed pictures.!!! All these sunflowers are really pretty!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I took my dog out for her last potty break tonight and I always do a walk-about around my backyard. Sometimes you can see the most interesting things going on! Well ... tonight was no exception.

I spotted this snake climbing down the wall of my house near my daughter's bedroom window. LOL! Funny how snakes can climb walls. =:-O

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, let's see, you put up with my procrastination, and then you take the cuttings and put them in soil. !!!!

Lol, I have the Confederate and the Carolina and they both climb.

http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/55230/ confederate

I know the carolina is in plant files cause I've seen it, but can't find it now.!!! Anyway, it has a really pretty yellow flower.

I'll mail you some Monday and like I said earlier, if you have trouble with them rooting after the "trip" I'll send more. I'll send another link to the thread that tells what to do when you get them. You may know, but I didn't!!! So it helped me

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hello Nuts!!!

Thank you for the hugs ya'll ;o) I just had one of those "blah" days and needed a group hug...lol ;o) All betters now. Okay I have something VERY IMPORTANT to say rather point out... Fifi made me think of it when she called us the insane asylum.... okay are you ladies ready???? are you sure???? okay now if i spell my name backwards guess what it spells???? that's right ASSILEM and how does that sound when you say it outloud???? yup it's official I really am Nuts I was born with the name!!!LOL!!! Oh boy I really do have way to much time on my hands sometimes ;o)

AnjL- Tree Rose UPDATE!! My lavender tree rose has leaves all over it!! oh my goodness one day they weren't there and next day "poof" it was covered. I think an Anjl or something sent *warm fuzzies* to my tree roses!! Now make the other three sprout too....mmmfff....hee hee hee

Where's Anna Ruth??? I'm worried about my leaf Lucy, what do I do to start it rooting??I looked all over the propagation forum and got completely lost. I ran away with my tail between my legs and haven't been back. Thats a whole bunch of real garden talk over there....I got scared.... Mama Mentor Rainey?? I cried and I couldn't see you in the darkness of the thread world...sniff sniff

Yes, I'm feeling better now ;o)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

And I got this photo of my Plumeria transplant that is blooming! Poor plant is still in shock from being relocated from a pot to the ground. I can't believe it decided to bloom after all the trauma. LOL!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Melissa - Now that is FUNNY! Assilem!!! Glad you are feeling all better now. :-) I'll send my snake over to cheer ya up! Oh wait ... I gotta send it to Lorraine first because we all know how much she loves snakes and frogs. I wonder though if my snake was going after one of the frogs. Hey, ya get 2 in 1! LOL!

Lorraine - Thanks for offering to send me cuttings! I will take good care of those babies!

Nitey, nite, y'all!

This message was edited Jun 20, 2008 12:29 AM

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)




Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Lissa, go over here and see if it helps with the cuttings. I haven't been able to learn much over there either, but these ladies explained it really good. You know, like I was a beginner instead of having worked with 1,000's of cuttings

Anyway, help is coming lol
It starts out about coleus, but appllies to all cuttings


Ask some questions and they'll be really helpful. The couple ladies on there are really good at explaining

Santee, CA(Zone 9a)

Super Rainey saves the cutting!! TY ;o)

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

Anjl, what's wrong with with how you have it. Maybe a mix mash there on the other side of the walkway by the table and stuff. You know, like you like them?
Hydrangeas and stuff by the front door, maybe more structured there? The guy who did Kathryn's yard had hydrangeas, some of the stuff that the leaves turn kind of rust color in the fall and azaleas, couple box wood. I think it's pretty. Then he put flowers in and around.

What am I doing, you've seen my stuff./ I can't suggest anything!! Oh and you gotta have the climbing jasmine somewhere.

Gilmer, TX(Zone 8a)

jThat's right, and never forget it!!!! Hear me roar!

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

I dont know what to plant there! lol! right now it is one giant lawn!

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