Should I pinch buds off new Limelight?

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

I just planted a new Limelight hydrangea from Parks Seed. It is really scrawny looking, leaves are kind of yellowish & spotty (I'm kinda peeved at Parks, and have been nagging them to let them know. So far, no response to all my complaints about the condition of the plants, though they did finally refund the $13 they overcharged on shipping). The plant has improved somewhat since getting in the ground a few days ago, however: better color, more upright, and now looks like it has a couple of buds forming. Poor thing probably doesn't even have 10 leaves, only two main stems to speak of. Should I remove the buds? Will that help it put more energy into getting established? Or does it make any difference?

I did prepare the planting area really well: dug up about a 4' x 5' area about 18" deep in general, 2' in the planting hole, dug in some peat, added a bag of potting mix, put some Espoma fertilizer for acid plants in the hole with a little more soil on top of it, and mulched the whole area well after planting, without getting the mulch too close to the stem. Also put in landscape edging, to keep the grass from encroaching again (and to keep DH from mowing my flower beds again. . .)

Boy, do I have a back ache! I hope this puny little twig proves to be worth all the effort! LOL If not, hey, I extended my butterfly garden area by another 5 feet, and can add another butterfly bush or something if this fails. I really want that Limelight, though! Should have known there was a reason they were parting with them cheap at end of season. . . You get what you pay for!

DH is in Kentucky caving all week, so I just know he's going to get home and wonder why I dug up this huge area for this little stick. . .LOL He always thinks I'm crazy when I tear up a new area of the lawn, but has to admit that the end result is nice. Just doesn't like to mow around them!

Thanks for any suggestions!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Okay Angie, I think that little guy has no choice BUT to grow now after all the work you did for it! I don't have an answer for you and will leave that to the others who check in on this forum who are very knowledgeable with hydrangea. Limelight is a very nice choice, good luck raising your new little one, I hope he makes it!

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

I'd leave it alone in the growth department. It sounds like all the work you did is paying off. If you remove the buds the plant most likley will just try to bud out again and expend more energy trying to re-bud. It wont put out wnat it cant support. So - pat yourself on the back!
Job well done.

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