
Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello Australians!

I live in the USA and LOVE Australian natives. You guys have some awesome plants down there. I am working on collecting some of my favorites. One of my favorites, the Tree Waratah, Alloxylon flammeum, is one that seems impossible to get here. I am hoping you can help me with a problem I am having.

I do however have the NSW waratah, Telopea speciosissima. I grew it from seed & currently has two stems, the larger about 15cm. The problem is it has done nothing for the last 6 months or so. No growth, but it doesn't seen to be declining either, it just sits there. I have given it fish emulsion, not sure what other types I can use, since it they do not like phosphorous and I am unsure of just how much they can get. It gets a few hours of full sun in the late afternoon; otherwise it is dappled through the taller plants around it. It is in a pot with an airy, fast draining media in a pot. I also have a Grevillea banksii in the same growing conditions. It seems to be growing, but very little. A Banksia & Ceratopetalum seem to be growing much better & quicker.

Any ideas on what the problem can be with the Telopea?

David, Fl

Coffs Harbour, Australia

So David, what season are you in? The NSW waratah does much better in a cool climate. Unfortunately I am not experienced with either of your plants, as I live in the sub tropics, but someone will get back to you, you can be sure. Good luck

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

We are in spring now. Our summers are warmer than the Sydney area so I figured I would need to be careful during those months. But our winter temps are similar & the plant did nothing all winter (average high/low- 20°/12°C).

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I can't believe no one has gotten back to you yet. Maybe over the weekend someone will drop in and check for new posts!
I would think your Waratah would be in it's growing season now. Do you get chicken manure pellets there, with a lowish phosphorous percent. I know over here, there is a barand called Dynamic lifter, and it's safe to use on Natives, in small doses. I don't suppose you can easily get Australian native fertilisers over there?

sydney, Australia

grow a few telopeas as well.. any red tips? thats a sign of toxicity from ph//// in the bush naturally, they have dappled light and a few hours direct sun..so you have got that right.. pots????? is there any roots coming out from bottom of pot... time to repot.. is there a white rim around the bottom of pot... salt build up....soak till all bubbles stop....have you checked soil for root nematodes or other root eating pests.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 10a)

Hurray!! Someone answered me!!

No red tips, so I guess I am doing OK with the Phos. No roots coming out the bottom & no salt build up, so doing OK there too. I did notice that I do have some new growth on both growing tips!! I have not checked the soil, wasn't sure if disturbing to roots would be bother the plant. What type of media is best to have them potted in? At some point when I get some size on it I do plan on putting it in the ground.

Thanks for answering Jenny!


sydney, Australia

hi david. They love sandy loam, leaf mulch, dappled light, sheltered area, and every year prune after flowering, prune hard. dont be shy with it. it will love you for it. think of the pruning as collecting propagating material for 20 more.. heres a pic down the back of property

Thumbnail by jencanplay

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