PDN open house Sept 12-14

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

The swap thread was just getting too long to read/post to, and this trip deserves/needs a thread of its own :)

PDN open house is Sept 12-14. Who's going?

bonjon, will you be around that weekend? Would love to be able to come by your place, and I've got pots I can bring you.

Mom and I will be going. We haven't worked out any details as of yet and hopefully will do so with the help of this thread. Our plans will be based on all ya'lls plans ;)

I would like to drive down Fri afternoon/evening or at the least leave in the wee hours to have the entire day on Sat to hit PDN and maybe another place(s) bonjon mentioned. I will hopefully be stopping at Green Hill Farm (Bob and Nancy Solbergs) either Sat afternoon or Sun morning depending on how long we make our trip for.

Whats everyone elses plans/thoughts?

Raleigh, NC

I'm not going anywhere - my @$#@$#$@ boss won't give me time off.

Keep in mine Jody - his open house dates for fall are Sept 12-14 - that's Fri-Sun and the following weekend Sept 19-21. Just in case there are scheduling issues. I can't take anyone on Friday there, but can help all Sat and Sun

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'm definitely up for a trip to Plant Delights. I've already got 'permission' from my husband. He and Nathan can have a boy's weekend while I enjoy myself down south.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

Fingers crossed...I'd like to try and come. Call me a "tentative".


Hayes, VA

I need to check a few things out but like laura.........HOPEFULLY going would not be a problem for me.


MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

bon, that stinks you can't get a Fri off... but thats ok :) Still have Sat and Sun. Thanks for the dates. I don't recall the website listing both weekends. Either weekend is fine by me.

Joya thats awsome! :) I'm sure the guys will have a great time while we load up err, get a few plants, LOL.

Are ya'll thinking of a day trip or getting a room? We will most likely be spending at least one night down there, but will make those plans according to what everyone else will be doing.

Personally I'd rather go wee hours Fri, stay Fri night and Sat and come home late evening on Sat. Go to Green Hill Friday and any other "stops". Meet up at PDN Sat for the day.

But I know ya'll may have to work on Fri, so most likely it will be something like meet at PDN Sat and if there is time hit somewhere else. Then anyone that would like to go to Green Hill on Sun can follow us there. Sorry, I'm such a hosta addict that there is no way I can be that close to Bob's place and not go, I have to fit it in somewhere, LOLOL.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'll be getting a room. Raleigh is something like a 5 hour drive from here, so definitely not something I want to do twice in one day.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I would have to stay overnight. If you are visiting Solbergs....sooo tempting!


This message was edited Jun 20, 2008 12:10 AM

Raleigh, NC

Having recently done the "just under 5 hours" and back for the RU, I don't recommend it if you are going to be hiking the gardens as well! LOL. We'd all be worrying you'd fall asleep at the wheel. Want me to ferret out some deals on hotels?

Actually, I'm going to be trying to get that Friday off. I can try - that @*!@#$T$*$#&^!* will probably tell me I can't have it two days before. Then again, I may quit before then....

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

OK, I'd love to go - anyone from this area wanna drive with me? It's about a 4 hr drive for me - I'll probably stay the night - Sat/Sun - it all depends if I have the time so this is just a tentative question :-)

Raleigh, NC

Bec= more the merrier - there's lots of other places around, too. I thought I posted a list, but there was lightening and I told DD to turn off all computers- oh well.

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Bonjon, yes, if you know of any reasonably priced motels that would be great.

Bec! Would love to see you again! Sure hope you can join us :)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I ain't bringing Thor!!! LOL

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

LOL! Good idea, cause I might have to keep him ;) But... I would still love to see you again (even with out my thunder god)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, we're planning this for the weekend of Sept 12-14, right? (And Becky, schedule permitting, I might be up for a road trip... trying to keep my plans flexible... it'd sure be fun!)

I wanted to check before setting a date for the fall swap. Things are settling down with my schedule, and I'm thinking maybe the 20th would work, although that plan isn't set in stone or anything yet LOL... (watch for the thread!)

Raleigh, NC

Oh Good Lord - I haven't been keeping y'all updated!

I quit my job 20 days ago. and applied to be a volunteer at Plant Delights Nursery!

They've invited me to come Wednesday to meet everyone. So I will decidedly be available. I've been working on harvesting irises to sell to have plant spending $$. Have four orders already!

Raleigh, NC

Can't wait for y'all to come!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Ok, so when were y'all planning on telling me about this, eh? LOL! I'll be around that weekend, and would love to meet everyone if it's ok. Can I help you find a hotel closer to PDN than the ones in Raleigh? Or are you wanting to be closer to bonjon's house? There's a Holiday Inn Express in Garner that isn't but 15 minutes or so to the nursery. And it's right by the IHOP, lol!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, all this talk of "friday" and "wednesday" and "that weekend"... and I can't find for certain on this thread *which* weekend you're talking about... is it the 12-14th? (at one point, somebody mentioned the following weekend as an alternative, and that's what I'm trying to double check)

Raleigh, NC

Jill, I'll dmail Jody. She's the one that started all this, deciding since I lived in Raleigh she's just bebop on down here with all the clan from the VA eastern Shore RU for a visit!

I think most folks are planning on the weekend of the 12th, though.

thought I dmailed you about this, Bev? remember? 0 you told me how to reserve part of the deck at PDN for us!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I though it was an iris meeting!! And did you reserve the deck?

Newport News, VA(Zone 7b)

I've been out of town on travel so much that I've not been on the forum much. :-) I need to see if I can make it down and afford the trip...spent a bunch of play money on hostas last week, lol! Gotta get them planted this weekend as they are still in their packaging with some water at the moment.

Will let you know if I can make it down later.


Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

This is very exciting...Hope like all that it comes together:-)

Raleigh, NC

oh Laura, I'm so hoping you make it down!

Does anyone what to keep costs to a minimum and camp like Tropicana does? there's a place not far from me apparently. I can ask - LOL I live here and haven't the slightest idea where it is, just that it's near me.

Bev, they are also thinking of seeing some of the gardens in the area, I think. Don't quite know how long they'll stay at PDN.

For those that absolutely can't afford anything, I'm looking at getting a few cots for my family room! ;~D

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I found the thread on the RU forum... it's the weekend of the 12th. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/862737/

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Sorry everyone, I've been busy and haven't checked in here for a week or so. Only got a minute right now...

I'm still planning on going the weekend of the 12 :) Be back hopefully in the a.m.

Oh... and yes, all hotel info welcome and appreciated :)

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

My plans have changed - so I won't be able to make it down that way :-(

Raleigh, NC

well, darn Becky - we'll mis ya. Maybe next time.

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I am starting the search for hotels for y'all. Closest one to PDN is in Garner. A bit pricey, but a nice one. My parents stayed here once and liked it.

This is Plant Delights site with suggestions for hotels close by if you are looking to stay in the area.

This message was edited Aug 5, 2008 1:03 PM

Raleigh, NC

This message was edited Aug 6, 2008 4:25 PM

Raleigh, NC

There are other gardens in the area - if anyone is interested, dmail me. NCSU has the Arbortetum, UNC-Chapel HIll has a Botanical Gardens, and Duke University has Sarah P Duke gardens, all within 20 miles of each other, just to name a few. If anyone wants to see more while here, let me know.

Raleigh, NC

Friday night, for those that get here Friday and spend the day at Plant Delights, let's all get together somewhere for dinner.
Bev, can I get you to brainstorm something with me for where? we'll keep the price DOWN. I don't know Garner like you do.

I'm treating - dinner Saturday at my place, weather permitting, poolside. Actually, it's more like I'm going to get my son to cook for us while we're in the gardens! - he's been working in some upscale restaurants for six years, and that boy can COOK. he made the most awesome chicken marsala and fettucini alfredo with next to no cost last week. (he's getting a pool party in exchange)

I'm going to ask about serving a boxed lunch there at PDN during the day, something simple. And have liquids there, too, because garden touring can be thirsty work.

so if anyone coming has any food allergies or restrictions, dmail them to me so we can plan something within your restrictions for you.

This message was edited Aug 6, 2008 4:28 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If anybody goes to the Duke Gardens, please please please take a photo of the ginko tree for me. It's my favorite tree in the world... we used to get pizza delivered there and eat it sitting in the branches. NK. Somebody told me recently that it's been roped off now and climbing is no longer permitted... a shame, but on the other hand if the tree was getting damaged (we were always careful!), they may have had no choice.

Raleigh, NC

oh critter - does this mean you're not coming? I'll be so disappointed! but I think we can get a photo for you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, it sounds like my potential "road trip buddy" can't make it... I'm not ruling it out, but if I'm going to host a party the following weekend I'm guessing there might be a few things needing my attention here... I'll see how the next couple of weeks go! I know it would be a blast. :-)

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Jill, I'm going too...ya know we may, just may be able to find some SKUNKS around here for you, LOL! My ribs still hurt, ya crazy woman:->>

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


(we were the only ones in the chat room last night, and I regaled her with my account of the "anti skunk riot gear" I donned in order to let a skunk out of my wooden bunny trap)

If anybody will be driving through my way, PLMK!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

A story truly worth staying up for!! Sure hope you can make it:-) You know when he's in town, Tony usually hangs out around the deck area so you may end up with a chance to chat with the man himself...Always interesting, and very informative!!

Raleigh, NC

yup, he knows just about everything about his plants, and he's fascinating to talk to. I took one of his classes on tropicals, and never laughed so hard in my life.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, it's official... I'm hosting a fall gathering at my place on Saturday, Sept 20. Please see the organization thread on this forum (look for the photo of the black eyed susans).


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