ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 111 - Hold the Wind & Water....

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, almost forgot. My DDIL needs some help. She is having a wedding shower for a friend and they are doing a money, gift-card tree. She wants to use a real tree. She would like to use something symbolic about new life, or beginnings or love or something along those lines and I haven't a clue...of course, you that know me, know this is an understatement! ;O)

She said a bush would do okay too, so maybe even a flower if you have any ideas.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Neal. It sounds like that's the one and Bertie isn't getting it! :o)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

How about a rose bush?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

That's an idea....do you have a specific one in mind?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No, sorry... I have very little sun, so roses don't like me much. I'm good at generalities, but not so good at specifics. (blushing...)

Good morning everyone
Jazz glad your paper is done and got some sleep , good to hear our feeling great
Crash yeah for you. You sound so chiper . Glad things are going well. I agree on the dog enough is enough on some dogs barking all the time . We had one in AZ all night long this stupid dog would bark .
Neal so glad you got out in your lovely garden. I m glad your feeling better.
Msrobin so glad your Dh is going to be getting a job in the same state you live in LOL i know how it is when a DH is gone for work travel. Mine is in china :)
Dusty take care of that back girl. Good scores on the finds. I love to go to thrift stores and garage sales.
Joycet hope Bill knee feels better soon .
Paulette glad baby and mommy are doing well yeah
well i m off to the farm to see what damage the men are doing this time
THis well issue is a bad one . Might get legal issues going. Its not good. uhg.
take care everyone and have a great day

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, y'all -- I read up on your posts, but don't have time to reply to ya individually. I've got to head to work.

Here's a photo before I head out, one from night before last on my way home. It's on Morse Road not far from SR161. I love this silo.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Almost looks fake, it's so perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Puppy pics from this morning.

Thumbnail by defoecat
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all!! Yayyy..the sun is shining...AGAIN!!!! LOVE IT!!!! But I am so sore from working outside everyday...I think I will be glad that tomorrow isTG IF!!! It's not nearly as hard on me to go to Wallyworld....LOL!! Just hard on my pocketbook!
Neal.....dear boy....I would LOVE a start of that quince!!! And the Lauren's grape poppy too. Isn't that one a perennial type..or am I thinking of another one? Doesn't matter....I would like seeds either way! I LOVE poppies!! And my red ones are starting to bloom too.
Pauletta, I am so glad for Michele and Denny! My DIL had to give herself shots in the stomach...her whole pregnancy...and we were so hoping everything would go ok...and it did! We got that ornery little 4 yr. old boy now...LOL! Anyway..I'm glad she seems to be doing well!
I WILL find those poppie seeds today!! While I am awake and aware...lol!
((((((((Sandy))))))))) baby....huggs right back atcha! Hope you are feeling better? Sorry about the barking dog! That is very annoying, I know. My DS has one next door to him.
((((((Jazz)))))....yayyyyyyy for getting the paper done! When are you and Sandy coming up to see me?????
Bonnie, not sure what your tissue poppies are..that you are getting...but I want some...lol!
Morning MsRobin! Sounds great...that hubby will be working nearby this time! What kind of art do you do???? And I want your greenhouse!!! LOL!!
George...thank you SOOOOOO much for that website on the poppies. Gonna investigate that further in a bit!! I hope you are taking good care....and hanging in there. (you too, Neal!) Hugggs to you both!!!
(((((((()))))))))huggs and waving hi~~~~~~ to everyone else...Toni...Sue...(don't let those guys get away with anything!)....Marilyn...HI!!...Dusty...Ric...Chele... Renee' ..Joyce, ...and of course I missed someone...soooooooooo....to you too!!! Oh..i know....Lou....how u doing????
Ok...thoughts please. I have to buy a gift...nothing expensive please...for a niece by marriage...who just graduated nursing school. I have NO idea what to get her. I don't really know her well. She is in her late 30's. Has 3 kids...and 3 stepkids. Just want to let her know I am proud of her and what she has done. Any ideas?????
Now...I am gonna try to do a link to some new pics I took yesterday...so I will shut up and get at it. Have a great day everyone!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy, what about a gift card to a store that sells scrubs? That would probably be very appreciated!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Good morning all...

Great news (((MsRobin)))) about hubby. (((((Pauletta)))) so glad Mom and baby are doing well. Continued prayer coming your way. Great deal on the poppies ((((Geo)))) you made out like a bandit. I can't wait to come south and see all of your gardens. ((((Neal)))) I am glad you are feeling better too Sis. Hang in there. (((((((Dusty))))))) any news on a Cleveland run yet? Love you too Sis.

Yeah ((((Crash)))) I remember "I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden". That was cute. I over heard her mother who is a pretty decent enough woman tell her in the driveway yesterday "Isn't this a little overboard? I hope I don't trip over it" and I just busted out laughing. I know for certain they think I am nuts now and will stay away from me. Don't kill the barking dog. Talk to your neighbor like a normal person and maybe they will do something about it. There are enough kooks in the world already.

(((((((Cookie Marcy Sue Renee))))))))) I am all over the Black tomato plant idea. Melissa is supposed to hook me up this week with a couple more starts and I hope she sends me the darkest of the dark. Anybody have any ideas on a cheap deer fence for my little sitting area. I don't want it to look to "country" out here in the suburbs since it's not enclosed all the way anymore. Something manageable for me to put up. ((((Ric)))) and Geo you are the handiest of the bunch, got any ideas? I am hoping they put up a real fence so I don't have to make the investment and get the permit and whatnot. From my experience most of the repellants don't work. Let me know if you all have any ideas.

Heard from the Prosecutor this morning early. Well, as expected they are supposed to return the items to me and Billie (no one has contacted me and I doubt if they will). If not he is going to file theft charges on all involved and we have to take them to Small Claims individually on behalf of the estate. The secretary is supposed to call me back with time limits, etc or send me a letter or something. Looks like another long drawn out process in any event. If it's not one thing it's another it seems. All morning I am asking myself is it really worth all this. I and they know my mother wouldn't want any of this. So sad that they would think they are entitled to take advantage of her this way. I will never have a relationship with any of them and sooner or later karma is going to eat them all alive anyway. I don't know. I really want to think this one through. My intuition tells me something is not right here.

Well enough of my worries. Gonna go piddle for a while.



This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 10:51 AM

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Those puppies are adorable!

Marcy, how about putting together a little basket with some of the goat milk soaps that Kathy Ann sells in the Marketplace? I bought a bunch as teacher gifts and kept one for myself - honeysuckle... it's SOOOO yummy! She ships really quickly. http://davesgarden.com/products/market/view/427/

Or one of msrobin's birdhouses. They are so cute! http://davesgarden.com/products/market/cat.php?catid=7

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie!!! That's one big PILE-O-PUPPIES! Adorable. Momma still doiing okay keeping up with feeding that many? Poor ole girl... I could barely keep up with One!!

I had a fabulous graduation gift once. It was a new purse and it was filled with all sorts of perfume samples and goodies. Isn't that funny, it was high school graduation and that was the only gift I can remember!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ok..hope this works. I didn't see how to make a new album for each set of pics...so start with the Carefree delight roses for the new ones.
Melissa...good idea! Now....what kind of store sells those...LOL??????
Marilyn...great idea also, but I need it this Saturday :(. Don't think that would work. But I may have to get some for myself...!!
Oh...and if anyone can tell me names of my 'unknowns' in these pics...go for it!!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Yayyy....it worked for me!!! I am getting so good at this, I can hardly stand myself...hahaha!!!

Edited to say....that was a cute gift, Joyce. You remember..probably...cause it was so unusual
Wanted to say too..this girl...is going to work now...so her hubby can get a degree! The stepkids are teens...and their kids are babies. He is a semi driver right now. Whew!! I say....more power to them!!!

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 11:27 AM

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Great pictures, Marcy. You have a good eye when putting things together.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy, I know Penney's sells them, but I'm not sure who else.

toni, I sent you a dmail, I need to know how much postage you want to spend? They don't go in the flat rate boxes very well. I've got a box here that will work, but I don't know how much weight you want me to put in it. You do realize that even though tomatoes are labeled as "black" they are all more of a purple/dark red color? You aren't going to get one that is solid black, it just doesn't exist.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

I know. I should be cool with the one's I have depending on how they produce. No stress Sis seriously.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Neal.....thanks a lot....now I'm loving those pink/rose/burgandy lilies...just what I needed... one more thing to LOVE!!!

Pictures were GREAT!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Marcy, when I have to by gifts for graduates what I do it either get them a frame for their diploma or a monogrammed bible.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, give that Momma dog extra kisses from me--she is very brave. What a sweet bunch of babies!
KathyAnn has wonderful soaps--I use some to scent dresser drawers, too.

Toni, I sympathize about the deer. I'm going to put some tomato plants in a cage and put that in our dog pen just to foil Bambi and friends! I'm praying you get your belongings back.

Neal, I'm glad to hear the blue funk is lifted for you. Garden therapy is powerful stuff! That includes DG therapy.

George, when I'm outside in the heat, away from the house, I carry a water bottle with me. I have one that comes in an insulated carrier with a shoulder strap on it. I forgot where I bought it, but I'm sure sports depts would have it. I fill it with ice water and hang it on the nearest low tree limb.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, 'Lauren's Grape' is an annual P.somniferum type, and thought the same thing as you. Then finally realized I was thinking of Oriental poppy 'Patty's Plum'- some gal's fruit, sounded close, LOL. Love the pictures! I think thats a variegated Japanese Iris in the last one, gorgeous!

Thanks, Cookie! Oh, and just wait till you see one of the latest to open, 'California', the most gorgeous deep raspberry-wine red! If the increase from last year to this year is any indication, it won't be long till I have tons of lilies to share. They really like growing here!

Bonnie, the puppies are sooooo cute! I keep thinking that pic would be fun to photo shop and make a solid wallpaper of puppies!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Neal, does that little plant that gets blue flowers you gave me (not the columbine) take sun? I can't remember what you called it.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone for welcoming me in and for the well wishes regarding DH's Ky job!

Marcy, here's a link to some of my paintings and art projects. http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/photo/2402566180101795656LuriXE You'd love my greenhouse even more if you knew how easy it is to put up and take down!

Marilyn, thanks again....I'm trying to do a good mix of items.

Bonnie, how many puppies? They look like little butterballs!

I'm envious of everyone's flowers! I don't have a lot of flowers yet, but I did have peonies and iris bloom this spring and my gladiolias are just starting to bloom.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello all!
Quick fly by. I can't remember if I told you all, but my Nicky(peacock) has a new girl! I got her at the Lucasville poultry meet. Almost got heat stroke from it, but I love her. She is very calm and very curious of everything going on. I really lucked out with this ones nature. She is a black shoulder. Paid too much for her, but wait until you see her babies. Where my India blue has all the blue neck and tail feathers. At least some of her offspring will have a royal purple neck and tail feathers. Meet Anastasia.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

msrobin, meant to tell you that from your description of the area where your DH will be working, sounds like my back yard!! Seriously, I am about 18 miles from LaGrange, so if you get a chance to come down, you got to give me a call and come by here. Would love to have you.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Lovely artwork, msrobin! Lovely peahen, George! I didn't know they came in other colors-- can't wait to see the chicks.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Great artwork, MsRobin!!! Now let's see a pic of your greenhouse.!!
Neal...thanks for identifying that iris. I wasn't sure what kind it was...plus...I don't even remember planting it..or where I got it...geesh!!! But I like it...lol!! And yeahhh....Patty's Plum is what I was thinking about!! I knew it was something like that!!! I have always wanted to get that one too!! Come to think of it.... I want almost every flower there is....LOL!!! Not that I am greedy or anything!!!
Well..has anyone ever tried to freeze already cooked salmon patties? I looked on the net....and saw where some said you could...so am gonna try it. That's what we had for supper, and had several left. We shall see!!
As soon as the news is over, I am back outside!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Bonnie, he'll be working at the power plant in Terrill, 15-18 miles W (?) of LaGrange. He'll be staying in a motel just off the interstate at LaGrange. After we get the truck fixed (in a few weeks), so I feel more comfortable driving it, I would love to come up with him and then come visit you! I hate sitting in a motel room all day while he's working.

KyWoods, thank you!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the compliment on the artwork.

The greenhouse is10' x 10', nice heavy duty metal frame went together like for a dining canopy, one piece heavy ripstop vinyl cover with large built in zippered door and window., that just slides right over the top of the frame. Used concrete blocks around the edge on the ground flaps. Held up extremely well in our hilltop winds! 30 minutes to put up and 15 to take down.

This message was edited Jun 19, 2008 5:44 PM

Thumbnail by msrobin
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

msrobin, I will be on vacation from June 21-28, but after that, I am pretty much around here most every day. I will send you a dmail with my phone number, and the first time you can come, I will come meet you somewhere, so you will know how to get back again.

whew what a day
Builder called and he is still hot under the collar on this well .Get over i tell him, what is done is done. Let it go already dude. sheesh
went to bank
went to hair place to get sunscreen for my face they carry a brand i like that isn't greasy or oily.
went to wally
got cactus soil and some new pots for the plants i got
had lunch at chinese
went to farm , replanted my succulants in cacuts soil and rocks in terra cotta pots. will show pic tonight
I hope that is the right thing to do. ?
went home
Oh those are cute pups you got there
pureed up my beets put them in freezer, made cole slaw ,waffels and spagetti and i had tacos with lime and cilantro . MMMM
made extra to last all week and i made guacamole mmmmmm
Glad to hear e veryone is doing better and feeling good today
I need beer !! i m pooped
take care

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Ok Neal you passed me your blues. Today was kinda rough for me. Lost in the thoughts. Sue pass me a beer and a prozac. Hopefully will be better when the sun comes back out tomorrow.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

((((((((Toni)))))))) Sorry to hear that. We're here for you.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cookie, thats a Blue Butterfly Clerodendron. I keep mine in a pot and bring it in for winter, but while its outside its in dappled shade. Although I have a feeling more sun would do it some good. Plantfiles says part sun to shade:


Marcy, I've been wanting Patty's Plum too. I don't have any Oriental poppies yet- gotta fix that! I'm too cheap to buy them, and have had no luck with seed. Its been a few years since I've tried and I'm a lot better with seed these days, so oughta give it another go. Unfortunately, I think Patty's Plum needs to be purchased as plants. Or maybe I'm just thinking they don't come true from collected seed- something like that, LOL.

msrobin, nice artwork! I especially love the furniture pieces!

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Well there's a NASTY Bug running rampant thru the shop.
I rarely ever get sick but it finally got me too.
Stomach and Gut feel like I ate ground glass.
Slight fever now so maybe it's breaking.
My lead man beat me to calling in sick this morning..... lol!
So I've skimmed today's posts but really didn't read much in depth.

Toni..... try deer wires.... just put posts in 4 corners... or 3 posts if it's just a few plants.....
maybe 5' tall.... string clear plastic fishing line between the posts..... not a lot.... just at about 3' and 5' high.
Deer can't really see in close very well....
when they bump into it is bugs them and they usually go elsewhere...
Just make sure they can't reach over to the plants..

The Willow's are slow rooters Joyce, if they don't make it I have PLENTY more.
Oxalis..... anything BUT full sun.... deep shade, morning sun, etc.
Plenty of moisture till they root...them they are pretty drought tolerant.

Bonnie I forgot you on Coffee... the pups are cuties!


Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Gemini! I love doing the furniture. We built a large shed this spring, so that I would have some place to work on large pieces.

Sue, catch me up...you bought a farm?

Yes we did msrobin :)
well actually we bought property and we are building a farm
here are some pics of our famous well LOL and some plants too
not many i promise
this is the succulants from the plant swap and i bought a few more too

Thumbnail by

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