ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 111 - Hold the Wind & Water....

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/862931/

Rose: Little Darling

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dusty, the other was getting pretty long.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

;-)...You are welcome...I am off to my rack...Wayyyy tooo early get up in the morning...

I'll try to catch up tomorrow...

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I was typing away and you moved on me Dusty.

Lou, I'm so glad everything is OK. Those people deserved to have their butts chewed, as Someone said, the owner knew what kind of liability he had, even if they didn't. They could have potentially cost him a LOT more than renting an RV and a trailer. I echo what Doe41 said, don't sign anything!

Welcome, Doe!

Renee, your hair looks very nice. I've thought about chopping mine off... just can't seem to get the nerve to do it. Maybe if I ever have an interview. :)

Neal, sorry about your dumps, I get in them too, a lot here lately.

Bonnie, I posted a picture of a brug last week I think. Not sure which # it was on. I"ll look for it.

My "optional" class started tonight... I've been debating for 2 weeks about dropping it, but in the end I went, but let me tell you 4 1/2 hours of math class twice a week is NOT going to be a fun thing for me, even if the end result is being classified as"Highly Qualified". YUCK.

I have to do a kid brag on the youngest. He's been on the same baseball team since he was 4 years old. There are 5 of them who have played together with the same coach for all that time. a few years ago, he was the first one to hit a Grand Slam home run, and last night, he was the first one to ever be able to throw a player out at home plate from the outfield. (remember, he just turned 11 last month) not only was that the first time someone one his team had done it, it also saved the game... that run would have been the winning run for that team--instead we went into extra innings, held them, they held us, we made it back to the top of the batting order-- son got an RBI, and then scored himself to make us 3 up on them. :)

Sue, maybe you need to come down and show me how to can brandied cherries??

Toni... I'll find something for you--start watching your mail about Friday.

Pauletta, how is mom doing?

Bonnie, here is the brug that bloomed last week

Marcy, I moved my tropical bed this year.. and so far I'm really liking the results--now if I can just get everything to survive the winter and come back this strong again.

I think my pineapple upside down cake is cool enough, I'm going to go eat a piece of it.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi ((((((((Guys))))))))))

Lou I am so glad everything worked out for you. Audrey is right. Don't sign anything and make sure you still file your comp paperwork (to cover your butt). Renee that new 'do is nice. Chele you got skills girl.

Hey Robin, the salmon salad was good but your dinner sounds better. Summer time I don't like to cook much especially when it's just me but I do make a great dinner guest hint, hint. I am real good at bringing the pop and chips :)

Neal and Sue, I think we all have out down moments. I know I have mine and have had more than many of them recently. Just hang in there, count your blessings, and know the burdens are not your's but the Lord's. Sue's slip n slide and a couple of those beers may help too sometime :) Seriously, Feel better soon Neal.

Well I'm hitting the sack. Just wanted to tell all to have a wonderful Wednesday!



ETA Melissa we bumped. Thanks so much Sis. Great about the youngest. Vel yeah we do need an update on Michelle. How's she doing?

This message was edited Jun 17, 2008 11:25 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Toni, it was me who cooked the wonderful supper. You are invited anytime you want to visit!! Now don't come at any other time than supper. We do "what you can find" during the day. LOL.

Melissa that is pretty, but did I read somewhere that is a jimson, what we used to call jimson weed? Well, everything has it's admirers.

This message was edited Jun 17, 2008 11:24 PM

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

(((((((((Bonnie))))))))))) I can come to your house too. No problem I am an equal opportunity dinner crasher :)


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

You would be very welcome, and to add to my southern cooking, I could let you show me some soul cooking tricks too!!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie, what you're thinking of is Datura, it's the Jimson weed. Brugmansia's get really tall, have HUGE flowers and smell heavenly.

Toni, you can stop by my house on the way to Bonnie's. :)

I actually may be in your neck of the woods at the end of the month... son is supposed to go to Erie PA for wrestling camp, and I usually try to stop at Curt Hanson's on the way back --one of the times I'm on my way back. :) He is still undecided as to whether he is going to go.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa thanks for straightening me out. I knew that one of them was a weed, at least to me!!

Congrats on the son's spectacular plays tonight. Sounds like you have another teriffic athlete on your hands. Can't be too proud of them, can we. I knew that when I had my backside planted on a cold metal bleacher, during football season, I would one day see a play that was just unparrelled.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

That's what I think when my rear is freezing on those metal bleachers! I just wish the youngest liked football... I'm going to miss those bleachers!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

hehehe, Melissa, you won't miss them long!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the compliments on my makeover, everyone! Chele did a great job, and ohhh, it feels sooo good to have all that hair off my neck! I can't wait to go out and do some gardening without having to deal with it.
She pierces ears, too. LOL, y'all musta wondered what she meant when she said I was "stabbed". I highly recommend that anyone wanting to be "sheared, stabbed, fed, planted and egged", head to Lynchburg! And entertained, too--the kids are a blast! Sweet, fun, happy, good girls.

Toni, you've got to get her to bring all the chickens out to run around on your neighbor's grass. LOL

Melissa, good luck in the math class. If I can do it, anybody can, lol. And congrats on the sports star! Sports are so good for kids. Any updates on Mom and baby?

Dusty, how long before you're completely moved?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning.. Just a quick fly-by on my way out..

Renee`...We will be gone from here the weekend of the 28th & 29th of this month...Hopefully all on that Saturday...

Have a great Day!!


This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 6:08 AM

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday from another gemini Lana! There are a bunch of us here!

Renee, love the new look! That big smile shows even brighter :-) (Good job, Chelle!)

Ric, I think it is indeed an apple shaped quince! I've suspected quince of some kind, but I've only ever seen the flowering ornamental types before, which don't have the fuzz. Thanks for figuring it out!

Hey darius, would you like an apple shaped quince to add to your fruit collection?

(((Melissa))), sorry to hear you've been in the same boat. I've noticed over the years there seems to be a pattern with me, after the "high" of spring passes, I tend to get down. And its so weird to me because thats when theres plenty of sunny time that I love, and the gardens are in their prime at this time. The hard part for me is not wanting to burden others with it, and trying to keep it to myself a lot. It makes Dave feel helpless and he gets frustrated, and I know from having friends who are also bipolar that the low times are often lacking rationale or reason, and friends and family often have difficulty dealing with listening to it. Its so strange to be surrounded with people who care, but to feel all alone at the same time. Now I'm just trying to hang in there till July 10 when my appointment is.

Thank you all so much for your uplifting words, they truly help. Over the last few days our internet has been on again and off again (been ok the last couple of days, keeping my fingers crossed!), and what a bummer to have my routine of coffee with "my peeps" suddenly taken away.

Ric and Chelle, I think you're right on the grass. It looks for all the world like Miscanthus giganteus:


Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday WV!!! Lana!!!!! whoo hoo!!!

Neal , hang in there sweetie.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, sunny cool day here again. However,I won't get to enjoy it till this afternoon. Grocery day for my DMIL.,with other errands thrown in.

Neal, please don't feel like you can't talk to us about your blue moods. What kind of appointment do you have? On my DH's side, there are several who are bipolar, and the meds surely do help, IF they will take them. Sometimes, they have the illusion that they are okay, it's everybody else.

Happy Birthday Lana, forgot to check the birthday list.

Okay, off to get ready to go to the grocery.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Good Morning everyone! Beautiful day in the works for this Kentucky hilltop!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy birthday, Lana! I wish you lots of puppy kisses (and Brian kisses!), fresh blooms on your favorite plants, and a happy day. :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Neal... YES, YES! (quince) :)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Guys.

Happy Birthday Lana..

Pauletta, is Michelle doing okay?

It's taking us 5 months to get out of our house and Dusty and Jim are doing it in a month...what's wrong with that picture??? I guess it's because we're moving SOOOOO far away!

I have my two small brugs planted in gallon size containers and this is my first year for them. Do you think I should up-pot them now before they get any bigger? They're about a foot tall.

Renee, the hairdo suits you perfectly. What a classy lady! Great job, Chele.

Bonnie, the dinner sounds fabulous! You southern gals sure know how to cook!

Neal...I've been on meds for years...recently had to switch to new...don't let it overtake you.

Waving to all ~~~~

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Ahem....Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Dear Lanaaaaaaaaaaaaa Happy birthday to you! And many moreeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Good morning all! Got up early and its misty and cloudy out there. Fall weather more than Spring. Today is a good day to get the floors inside mopped and whatever.

The building inspector fined ole girl yesterday saying her little string was a "trip hazard". Guess it sucks to be her LOL. She gets to pay $250 bucks she could have spent on her kid. They said either take it down or tack it down and she's done neither thus far. Nor has she picked up the stems from all the day lilies. And you guys are right. Stuff does happen for a reason. Rather than shredding her string to little pieces and throwing it at her, I just took my happy pill and trimmed back my bushes. Now everybody on the street can see my little garden and yesterday alone I got 8 compliments. People are just walking up and looking and saying how nice everything is. Even teenagers. I'm digging it too myself but her little girl sure looked lonely out there when her mother told her to stay on her side of the line while me and Oprah were playing catch. She yelled at her for saying hi to me. I feel for that kid. She got a real winner for a Mom.

Well gonna go take something out for dinner and mop. Talk this evening hope your day is a good one. Hey ((((((((Crash)))))))) Good luck in the class (((((((((Melissa)))))))))))))) Hey you (((((((((Darius)))))))))) and good morning (((((((MsRobin))))))) good to meet ya! (((((((((((Hugs and kisses Joyce))))))))))))) we bumped.

Talk soon. T

This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 9:24 AM

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

YAY!!! that's funny Toni, see what goes around comes around! snicker, snicker.
((((Toni)))) right back at ya1

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Toni...

Poor kid. :o(

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

It's a shame when parents squelch a child's natural friendliness and fill their heads with nonsense about people. :P I have to say, I was very close to spitting coffee when I read "Guess it sucks to be her. LOL" I was doing just that by the time I (barely) swallowed my coffee rather than spewing it.

Hey, I did get around to posting one picture from Dawes, and more will come: http://www.gardenwife.com/2008/06/18/dawes-sunset/

I've got to get ready for work. Medical massage today. Hooray!! My boss sent me a text message asking if I could come in at noon instead of 1pm. Ummmm...No. I wondered when I saw the schedule, but I have an appointment and she can stick with what she posted.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks (((Bonnie)))...y'all make me teary...in a good way :-)
I've got an appointment to get back into therapy and to see the shrink. When we moved I just kept putting off switching to Comp Care here, then got the silly idea I'd be ok without meds.

Toni, We'd love to see pics of your pretty garden! Too funny about the neighbor! I do feel sorry for the child, though.

I think of Marcy's bright smile whenever I look at these poppies :-)

Thumbnail by gemini_sage
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oohhh Marcy or Neal...I'd love some of those seeds....

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I'll be sure to save plenty! I got a ton of poppies going this year and will be saving loads of seed :-)

Toni you should lay over the string and start yelling " ow my leg , my leg " snicker. Oh that poor girl. I guess you and O can play on the border of the string and the girl can stay on her side ? poor thing that little girl.
Joycet your moving ? where ? did i miss something ?
Yeah Melissa on the baseball. That is great !! you have great kids. :) eewww math . I don't do math. Good luck in your class. :)
Hmmm i m thinking of peircing my ears again . one closed up.
Happy Birthday Lana
(((( Neal )))))
Where is Geo ?
Take care everyone have a great day
off to the farm and get some eggs from farmer down the raod and some more beets.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, Sue. We're moving to the house next door.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone!! Well...thank you Neal!!! And how I envy you with that quince!!! I have always wanted one!!! Quinces make THE best jelly!!! Nothing like a piece of toast, buttered, with quince jelly on it!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Well...let's see how much I can remember from reading all the posts....LOL!! Bonnie...I will post a picture when it starts looking like something in the tropical bed. Things have to get acclimated first though!
Toni...you crack me up girl!!!! Love it!!! Yeah...shame on that mother to do that to a child! Poor baby just wanted to be friendly.
Melissa...I wanna see your tropical garden tooooooo!!!! Not sure if this will be my last yr for one or not. It's getting hard for Dave to bring them in and out in the fall and spring....and I surely can't do it. It may have to turn into a perennial garden instead.
Hi to Ms Robin and Doe...and welcome! Nice to have you here!!
Renee'....your haircut looks greatttttt!!! Good job Chele!!!! And glad you got to visit and had a good time Renee'!
Bonnie, nothing wrong with the hybrid daturas? They smell wonderful...and are so beautiful at night! Especially the white ones!! Such big blooms! And the brugs are related...but daturas face up...and brugs face downward. Brugs also smell wonderful at night!
Ohhhhhhhh....sorry...almost forgot....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANA!!!! And many more!!
Melissa....congrats on the son!!! Baseball is my sport of choice! My son was a third baseman in high school....and a good one too. We went to every game!!
LOL..have to tell a story here. Like I said...Jim played baseball in high school. Well..he recently joined a softball team...after not having played for a long time. ( He is 36).....After the first practice, he came home ...all battered and bruised...from sliding in to home plate. And boy did he hurt for a few days! He found out he wasn't so young anymore!!! I think he decided not to continue with it too...LOL!!
Ok...I know I missed something...but that's all I can remember...lol!
Darius, Sandy, Dusty, Kimberley....oh heck....ALL of you....have a wonderful day!!!! It's cool, but the sun is shining here! So more dirt playing for me!! I hope all of you have a wonderful day!
Joyce....I will look up my seeds. Think I still have some...and will send them to you. They should still be viable.

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Ok here is the string in question, I just ran out when GW asked for pics. For some reason the rest haven't downloaded yet but so far I have 2. Look what she did to those poor day lilies that patch was over 6 ft around and she just cut a slice out of it at 6 o'clock to 10 o'clock and left this mess. Next to it are my ornamental peppers behind my garage on the right.

Thumbnail by Antoinine
Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

This is what is seen from one view from the street when you walk up to my house now that the bushes are trimmed. More to follow when they download from my cell. Hope you can see it

Thumbnail by Antoinine
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Melissa, the volunteer cherry I got from you is officially dead, and not from lack of good care. I wonder if it's because part of the taproot was broken off? :(

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm Here. Just lurking a lot. That sepsis combined with me stupidly spending 6 hours in the 95 degree sun with a humidity of 1000+ has really kicked my rear. I was feeling so much better and went to the Lucasville swap meet. I should have known better, but just had to have a peahen and see what else was being sold.(It' s such a fun sale and my favorite). I dehydrated. I am prone to that with some of the meds I take. The med masks my heat/cold sensors in my body and poof before I know it I'm ill. It has sent me to the hospital quite a few times. I should have went with this episode, but just didn't want to stay in hospital. They always admit me with the dehydration because it messes with my sodium/potassium levels(not good for a heart patient) So I drank like 15 glasses of water when I got home and a cool bath. I am still dragging after a week. So is my lot in life. Need the meds to live, but the side effects can get you to.

I can work in the gardens in the evening when it cools down and these last couple of days have been cherry. Everything is looking so good. Lilies blooming their little heads off. The first daylilies have begun also and well just too much to mention. The tropical garden is done and planted! That is going to be my favorite garden I can tell already. I finally found my bananas I wanted and all four seem happy. I love those. It is the icing on the cake in the tropical garden to me.

I used Rox_males deer resistant report and created a garden that gets hit by deer a lot. So far, so good. It was a bit of a challenge to get the right plants(at right price! LOL) It's looking quite good also. Weeds are my only enemy now. A lot of the plants in the original beds are out of control and I have been giving away lots and selling some. Supports my habit and people have been buying me little goodies to "trade" for my plants. Can't go wrong there.

I finally ordered some english own root roses. I am running out of garden space, but I'm clearing a lot out also. I am making a lot of room for my new goodies. I still have a pile to plant by driveway, but I love seeing them and planning for their forever homes. I need to stop going to lowes! Their clearance rack is going to be the death of me! I am considering tilling an area to put their clearance stuff in for future sales.

I am still working out the details for the items I had for trades for people. When you get your box. It is a gift. I am not all that worried about getting any plants back for what I send. Some things are just too large to ship, but at least can send the smaller stuff. I will dmail you when your goody box is to be shipped.

There must be something in the stars. I have been dealing with a lot of people in crisis here lately. They run to our woods for respite. I don't mine. They take care of them selves and bring supplies. I just cook and play in my garden. They clean up my messes and play with me in the dirt. I just listen and try to give advice as best I can. One set of friends will never be allowed back though. I am almost done with clearing the GH and prepping it for the next use. 4 flats and some pots left and it's empty. I started going over my data base and started missing things. This set(former friends) loves plants and I had given them a lot for their garden. Anything marked lily(formosa, babies etc.) are gone. Plus some EE's, brugs, blackberry lilies and Siberian seedlings not to mention all the extra maters potted for a trade for some glass ware. I also take Xanax and 17 are also missing. She called at 3am crying and apologizing Etc. and then wanted money. HA! She is a pill head. That has no place in my life.
Well I have done it again. Was not going to post and here is a letter!!
I have 2-3 more sets of friends with issues now, but will not get into it here. I used you all as my therapist. Thank god, Jeff and I are in a good space and can help people who want to help themselves.
Sorry for the long post.
(((HUGS)))) to all.
I should respond to all you all, but would take another page to do that. Just know I think of you all daily and are in my prayers and thoughts.
This is what helps me deal with my and others problems

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

George, those hollyhocks are gorgeous!

(((Hugs))) to you and Jeff for all you've been through and all you do.

When is your trip to Middletown scheduled? I have this pile of Georges stuff and it WILL be yours! I didn't take it to the RU on purpose so we HAVE to get together!

Toni, WHAT is her problem?????? Geesh!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

This also makes me very happy! I look at her multiple times a day.
The fairy

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Joyce. I just can't bring myself to go to Middletown. I am just going to come to your house and hopefully visit with some others close by. Jeff and I are just going to find a cheapy hotel and try to hit as many ORV people as we can in a weekend. What would be a good central location to Max our ORV friends?

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I'm sure Ric would be a better person to give you the answer to that, as he knows how far it is from just about everyone's house and I don't. So we'll throw that out to Ric... Oh Ric........

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh...I forgot to say, Marcy, I am so excited. Those poppies are fantastic!

I also wanted to tell you that your chicken sounds wonderful, too, and I'll be trying that!

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