Is this Loquat fried??

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I planted this loquat about three weeks ago is it fried??

Thumbnail by tcinmb
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It just looks a little wilted, probably from transplant shock. You might see if you can rig up some shade to protect it from the sun during the hottest part of the day until it gets established a little better. And make sure you're giving it enough (but not too much!) water.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

How's the loquat looking now?


Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)


That rain we had last week did the trick!!!

Thumbnail by tcinmb
Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Loquats are pretty tough once established. Just keep the water on it for now.

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Looks great! Like Dean said, keep the water on it till it's established. I know you're glad.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Did you ever any advise for prunning your loquat?? I thought that it looked good.

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I had one I planted at my parents house I grew from seed it must be 30' tall now. I never pruned it. The deer ate off the lower branches and fruits.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Dean-- Is it your opinion that the loquat doesn't need to be pruned?? My Dad used to grow these but I don't remember if he pruned or not?? Wish he was still here-- I wouldn't have to ask anyone anything.. I just wish I had paid attention!!!

Central Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I would say no, but I'm not sure if you want to prune for fruit production. Maybe, someone else can help with that. They can get tall. You would need a ladder to get to the top of the tree.

Myrtle Beach, SC(Zone 8b)

If I did prune it would be to keep it managable.

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