Moving large coneflowers

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Two years ago, I planted coneflowers along my walkway. They looked beautiful that year and last year. This year, they are huge, and looming over the walkway. If I don't move them they will continue to be damaged by people trying to come into the house. All of them have buds, and are on the verge of blooming. When they are wet, you can't enter the house without getting wet from the plants.

I decided to move them last weekend, but then, when I looked at the soil level, I could see that I wouldn't be able to just move some because they had grown so close together. I ended up chickening out. Now it looks like I may have to move two really large clumps - one on each side. I'm not sure yet where I will even move them to. I will make sure that their new bed is prepared BEFORE I move them.

I really hate to do this, but they are clearly in the way. We are constantly brushing against them when passing by. Some of the leaves are starting to look a little tattered. When I began to realize how large they were going to be this year, I told myself that I would move them next year, but now I can't wait if I want to keep them in good condition. I'm sitting here at work thinking about this, but I will post some pictures later.

Believe it or not, I 'm actually considering replacing these with baby swan coneflowers, which are only supposed to grow to about 2 feet. The ones I'm moving are close to 4 feet. I have liatris among them that I hope I can keep.

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Good luck on your move, I hope it turns out alright, don't see why it wouldn't......I've moved some a time or two, because my plant placement wasn't correct to begin with.....getting ready to move one that there just ain't room for now......

Paul from Alabama....

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yep, Penne, and I'm thinking of starting "baby Swan" from seed but I won't need the whole package. I love coneflowers but they all end up so HUGE!


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Here's a view of the walkway from the stairs earlier this month. When I look at this picture, I realize that there has been a significant amount of growth since I took this.

I can't believe that I have enlarged four beds this spring, including doubling one, and still don't have room for these coneflowers.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

You front yard is so pretty, not just grass and more grass....just great....

Paul from Alabama

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

From the picture you stella dora's look to me to be more of a problem then your conflowers...

I love how your curved walkway is line with welcoming flowers.

Why not leave them and run a few lines at different heights (just above ground level, 6 inches higher and then another 6 inches between some stakes that would hold back the plants from the walk way for the remainder of this growing season) from the start of your walkway to the end. Use some type of material that blends in with the plants and this way you don't run the risk of stopping the flower show from the blooms until the end of the season.

I wish I had a scanner I have an old garden picture from my grandmothers garden where she did this, and once the summer was over she then took down the lines and separated and transplanted all the plants that had over grown their boundries.


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Janet, I actually divided the stellas this spring. They were hanging over the lawn. At the time, the coneflowers and liatris were so small that I didn't think they would be a problem.

I actually did consider your suggestion this past weekend, but the walkway isn't very wide. Whenever we finally get around to renovating, I am going to install a wide walkway that will be attractive, and comfortable when flowers are having over the edges. I am just not comfortable having such large plants so closer to the walkway. Also, you can't see it in the picture that I posted, there is an azalea bush on the left side of the walkway looking toward the street. The azalea is too close for me to expand the border on that side.

Last year, I had some huge purple fountain grass that almost took over. I think that everything grows better here because it is full sun, and the soil is well amended.

I need to take some updated pictures tomorrow.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

waiting on your updated pictures...

McLean VA, I grew up in Alexandria... worked down town at the Pentagon for many years before escaping to marry my husband in Kentucky....

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I hope to have pictures tomorrow. Tomorrow at 6:00 my 4 year old graduates from preschool in cap and gown. Before graduation, and after work, I am going to prep a whole new flower bed, because I don't have any place else that is going to work. I am hoping to get some of them at least moved tomorrow, with the rest on Saturday morning before T-ball and kayaking.

I may just take some pictures in the morning before work. It is going to be a busy day.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

6 am or 6 pm? I remember when my kids graduated from preschool in "cap and gown." Even the grown-ups don't know what the cap and gown symbolizes anymore. It's cute, though, but kind of like dressing up cats in doll clothes. Hard enough to get a whole HS class to cough up the $25 to graduate in a gown anymore. Oh, I'm old and cynical, pay no attention.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Okay, here is the update. This is what the walkway looks like before. While they are beautiful, they really are blocking the walkway. This is looking towards the street.

Yes, the stellas are spilling over as well, but they aren't really an obstacle.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Same view, just using the four year old for perspective.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Looking towards the house. You can see now the liatris are also leaning.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Oops. I meant to include this picture.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I dug up all the coneflowers and some of the liatris. While I tried to get as much root as possible, they immediately started to droop. Of course, I was doing this during full sun yesterday. My first thought was to put them in a new bed. I decided on this spot in front of the house. Not large, but at least twice the size of the area that I was moving the coneflowers from.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I immediately found that I was getting large clumps of coneflowers that had multiplied. While it is bad enough to move them as they are blooming, in the hot sun, I couldn't even consider dividing the now. I just moved the clumps together. They ended up being much too large for this spot. As it is, I am going to have to divide them again the spring.

I could only get two clumps of coneflowers, and one clump of liatris here. They look very wilted in this picture, but I did water them thoroughly. I also put some messenger on them.

The coneflowers are actually taller than the azaleas behind them.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I put various other clumps in different spots where I could. All of them looked wilted right after the move, but I am confident that with a little time, and lots of water they will pull through. Next year, I am going to have a serious bumper crop.

I was able to leave one small clump on each side as far as possible from the walkway.

Here is what the walkway looks like now. You can walk without fear! The liatris that wasn't moved, was stake, and tied back.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hay, there is a walk way under there isn't there??? LOL

I especially love the middle flower in orange.... what a cutie pie....

A lot of work you did. My goodness what in the world do you feed those coneflowers???? They are HUGE....

Thanks for sharing your pictures and the progress.


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Especially I'd like to know what she feeds that lovely one in orange - must be a special formula!

Alexandria, IN(Zone 5a)

How did moving your coneflowers work? Did they make it through? I need to move some this weekend and was just wondering how yours turned out. Carrie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

We moved some; my husband did all the work of course, I just gave directions, but they bloomed in their new home! I think they're a little shorter or maybe taller - it's hard to tell, lol, there's this dang maple tree growing so fast we can't keep up and the shade seems to make everything a little less. And i really can't remember what they looked like last year (what kind of a gardener am I, anyway). But they looked just fine, healthy and happy, thanks.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 5a)

Oh good. These are some big plants I will be moving tomorrow!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

Make sure that you give them a lot of water on a regular basis. I found that I needed to give these flower extra water when I moved them, but I did move mine in June.

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