
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is a pic of some of my Black Bullis Grapes, (aka, Bullet).
Planted two of them about 7 years ago for making jelly & wine.
Love the jelly & even though I'm not much on drinking wine, it has a good flavor. Not much on color though without a little human help.
Have a friend of ours that can't wait until the wine is ready every year, calls it "Moonshine Wine"!!!! LOL

Thumbnail by Camillia84
(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wow is right

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Got the first few ripe grapes from the vines today. The vines are even more loaded this year than last! Am going to have to enlist a lot of help this year in harvesting them---was all I could do to get them all last year by myself & have even more now!

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Cammillia - My DH is a bit of a wine connesieur, & tells me that red wines get their color from the skins being crushed along with the grapes - no matter what color the grape, & that pale wines are just crushed without the skin. I have no idea about this, but, you might try & see what happens! Samantha

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 9b)

Camillia, I just can't believe the size of those grapes. It is no wonder that
I have never heard of this variety since you live in Florida. Way different climate for me up here in Oregon. Yesterday at breakfast time it was 44 degrees outside. Today is the first of August, and it rained this morning.

Seeing those grapes , that size makes me think you know how to prune grapes, or they wouldn't get so big. Personally, I think grapes and Wisteria should both get pruned the same, so they both get huge clusters. When you harvest the grapes this year, how about posting us some great photos.???? Frank

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

wow...that makes me want to plant some of those!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i still say wow

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

just went looking for some of these to buy online. We can't grow much in Texas, but we can sure grow melons and grapes!

I would really like to find one of those & possibly use it to replace one of my others...

Here is something interesting I just read:
"Bullis and its variants (bullace, bullet grape, bull grape) are very old names for dark-fruited muscadines. Some authorities have written that the name "Bull" grape reflects comparison of the berries with cow or pigs eyes; or, alternatively, muscadines were called "Bullace" because of their resemblance to a European plum of the same name, and that Bullis, Bull and Bullet are all corruptions of the Bullace!"

So your grape was originally named after a European plum! Makes perfect sense, since that is what I thought you had in your hand before I read it was grapes.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I read that Scuppernong may be a better choice for eating?

It said that the bullis are kinda "twangy" and bitter. Is that how YOU would describe them?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

To all;

Have done some research of my own, will have to go through my paperwork to find the web site that describes the ones I have & let you know. Yes, these grapes originally came from Europe & over the years the name has changed to what most southerners call "Bullets".
The type I have is a very sweet grape & very tasty if you don't mind the seeds.
I have tried crushing the skins when making my wine but doesn't improve the color.
As far as pruning---that is a no-no with these!!!! Pruned them one time in about six years---lost over half of my harvest when they grew back. May HAVE to take them back a little this year as they have gotten so large that I have enough for my entire neighbor-hood!!!!! LOL!

Don't know how cold it gets there in the winter or if you get snow but do know that mine grow totally unprotected during the winter & it has been known for the temps to get in the high 20s & wind chills in the teens with no damage to my grapes at all.

Will get more pics as they ripen & will offer up some of the seeds to any-one that may want to try their hands at these when they are ready to be harvested.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i would love o try a few seeds . they probably would do great here as not to far up state from you.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

To all that were interested in these grapes that I may have forgotten to get in touch with since they have been rooted;

I Have 10 rooted plants available at this time.

Please keep in mind, these are self fertile grape vines. I have two established ( 8 year old ) vines, more than I can handle!

Let me know if interested!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

ME! Me! Me!

I am very interested! Are you selling them, or trading them or both?

I have both, lol...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

still interested. If you don't want my plants, surely you can take my money?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)


You have mail!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

im interested if you have any left plmk and thxs

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have run out of rooted cuttings at this time but have some that as yet to have shown leaves. Will post again as soon as I know they are living!

Had a few people from last year on the waiting list & quite a few new ones. Didn't really expect so much interest!!!

Am moving the grapes this year to a new spot as I'm turning the grape arbor into a green house. Provided they survive the move I'll also have more seeds this summer.
Don't see any problems with the move as Iv'e moved some of my other grapes before with-out any damage.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)


You have mail.

Ocoee (W. Orlando), FL(Zone 9b) long does it take seedlings to finally bear fruit?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Not really sure as the people I gave the seedlings to moved away---would imagine about the same time as any other fruit---5 to 6 years. Never grew them from seed for myself.

I bought my vines established & no idea how old they were at the time

Would love to know if any-one else out there could tell us!!! Haven't been able to find out on any of the sites on this grape.

(Note) Have had a lot of requests on this grape---seems they are no longer available for purchase.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I need to apologise to all of you that requested "Rooted" grape cuttings---they are not rooted yet. Had only previously gone by the new leaves & hadn't checked on whether there were roots or not until some-one brought it to my attention.

Please forgive my mistake!!!

Thumbnail by Camillia84
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

you are forgiven :0)

La Grange Park, IL

Hi, I am interested in trading for Black Bullis Grapes seeds?

My have list
Broccoli De Cicco
Onion Hybrid Granex Yellow
Pepper California Wonder Pimento
Pepper Cayenne Long Red Thin
Pepper Chili Cheyenne
Pepper Heat Wave
Pepper Thai Dragon
Pepper Jalapeno Sup Veger Heat
Pumpkin Big Max
Squash Winter Nutty Delica
Tomato Cherry Gardener's Delight
Tomato Cherry Juliet
Tomato Super Sweet

Coleus Rainbow Mixed
Ornamental Perennial Grasses Mixed
Hollyhock Fordhook Giant Mixed
Hollyhock Country Romance Mixed
Impatiens Butterfly Hybrid Mixed
Impatiens Dwarf Pink Baby
Impatiens Flavors Hybrid Mixed
Milk Weed Butterfly Plant Common Milkweed
Morning Glory Black Night Dark Blue
Morning Glory Flying Saucers Light pink
Zingiber Offiicinale Ginger
Yucca Agavaceae White Flower Spike

Honey Lotus White Flower
Leaves of Heaven

Basil Dark Opal Purple
True Lavender Perennial
Rosemary Officinalis

Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)


You Have Mail!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh drat! I just planted some grape vines this year that I started from seed. The are a purple grape, very sweet, but now I am depressed that I wil have to wait soooo long before any fruit. WHAAAH!

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