Question about blooming

Merchantville, NJ(Zone 6a)

I planted a light blue common variety clematis last year -- purchased for Home Depot - cheap.
It came up this year and had about 7 blossoms in May. Now all that remains is the vine. Will this bloom again? How often do blossoms appear? Is it once only, one time per year? Or do they rest and then bloom again? I dont see any new buds. I live in the Philadelpha area.

Delaware, OH

photo? could be HF young, which i think is on of the blue looking lavendars. it blooms early, takes a few years to establish to better and longer flowering. prune back, fertilize and hope for more blooms. HF young does not bloom twice for me.but i always hope it will. maybe this year?
does this look like the flower that yours had?

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Merchantville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Not exactly -- color is close but the petals seem more divided or distinct instead of run together. Does Jackmani ring a bell? Seems to me I remember it was on the tag last year.

Delaware, OH

jackmanii is usually a darker purple. but mis labeled plants happen all the time. also jackmanii in your zone blooms a little later and unless wilt grabs it it is more profuse bloomer. good luck. do you have any photos?

Merchantville, NJ(Zone 6a)

No pix, sorry. I should have taken some but it's too late now. All blossoms are gone. Hoping it'll bloom again before summer is over.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Here is a pic of my "H.F.Young"..the tepals usually are more open than that when fully opened...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Merchantville, NJ(Zone 6a)

Guess what? The clematis in question has bloomed again -- several blossoms, in fact.
Attached is a pix. Can someone pse identify?
Merchantville, NJ

Thumbnail by weidner
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Your Clematis reminds me of the single form of Clematis "Beauty of Worcester"
I planted two of those and here is mine ..they bloom doubles on the old vines from previous years...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Delaware, OH

jeanne, i like the big center on the beauty of worcester. being married to a brit for 28 years makes the pronunciation easier for me.

yesterday i picked up" liberation"(evifive), sprinkles , which looks like a pink and white tie dye with a rounder flower and an asao, which i had at one time and it seems to have disappeared. a local nursery had these, which was a surprise. rarely do i get something for the collection locally.
hope liberation does better than anna louise (evithree) did for me years back.

not really the time of year for this, but as you all know the addiction rules!!

we are cutting back and lightening the load for some of the heavy bloomers, you can almost here them say"thanks, i needed a break from all that blooming". a little early but the weather (alternating heat, chilly and monsoon) has taken it's toll and it is time.
still looking great here is julia correvon, mrs "chumley",the president, carnival. pope, vill a de lyon, pr charles, rubro,ramona...among others.
have a green day!

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello Niobe and Jeanne and all you clem lovers!!
I just got Liberation, and freckles this year! Can't wait for the first year I will see a full plant!!
These are the clems I have in bloom right now;
Pope, Ville, Julia, Ramona, Versailles, Bourbon, Marmori, Jackmanis, Plena Elegans, Ramona, Patricia Fretwell, Piluii, Polish Spirit, Kullus, Arabella, Artic Queen, Royalty, and a few I can not remember!!! Waaaah HOOOO!! It is like a burst of flowers in the face!!!
I love those clems!!
Gotta go water..

Delaware, OH

sounds beautiful!
is freckles hardy in your area? i do not think it is..i am 5b also.
if it is, would be interested in where you got it, if it winters over. i think one place sold them as hardy. i bought one a few years ago and, alas, it was not.
any info appreciated on this. sounds like a riot of beauty in your yard!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) definitely have the bug..You GO GIRL!!...Jeanne

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh Niobe,
I got 'Broughton Star', 'Freckles' and 'Montana Rubra' all not in my zone. However i have found a micro climate area on the east and south/east side of my house!! Montana has survived 4 years
on the east side of my house. But i must say with sporadic results. Last year was the best flowering
year ever. But this year I had NO flowers! So i am not totally sure about it's location. I may move it.
The other two i just got this spring and plan an even more protected south/east aspect. I am only
hoping for their survival it is a 'chance'. But i will say in that same area i over winter successfully eucomis( pineapple Lily) , cannas and years of tragic stories of wind damaged Rhodies have
been eradicated. Moving them to this site has given me gorgeous returning thriving Rhodies, azaleas,
and a stunning Tri-Color Beech!! So i am only hopeful!! Gotta push that envelope!!! You know us
plant addicts!! 'Gotta have it even if I have to work a little harder to grow it!!'
Well that's my story!!

Delaware, OH

i understand. i have some micro climate areas too...but not enough to keep seiboldi or freckles alive. i too have a couple of montanas..they come back each year, but not until almost june and they do not bloom. not enough warmth for them to get that going on. but i hold out hope for blooms one year! the upside is they are not so agressive and take over as they have to go dormant and they can't come out l it is warm enough.
i am trying with montana spooneri, which i bought to be hardy. it is my third year with it alive and realitively vigorous. but no blooms.
the new clematis i got at a local nursety is called looks like a tie dye with pink and white , round flowers. at least we are getting some cool varieties.

Fenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Niobe I was informed and you probably already know this, That Montanas bloom on Last years wood.
So the problem is to keep the wood warm enough not to freeze off the bud formation for flowering?
True? I was told it won't bloom if you get alot of old wood die back. So this year I have it tucked under an evergreen and i will take and pull as many of the long vines as i can and put them under the evergreen too!! The crown and about 1-2 feet always seem good but the other 10-15' have die back.
What do you know about this??

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Julie..Montanas also can't stand to be too wet..most will die if they are located in a constant soggy part of the garden during winter...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

alas, i know nothing about them. except once when my husband and i were hiking in Big Sur , Calif we came across a old house completely covered in one..and i mean completely. an abandoned house. it was a sight to behold.
i wait till about june 1 and see shoots form the base, examine my vines which are dead as a doornail. whack them all off and watch the montana spooneri grow vigorously thru the summer, but nary a bloom. and it gets the same compost and feeding that everybody here gets so it is not neglected...just not warm enough early enough to get the wood old enough to get blooms i guess.
i would love to have a variety of montanas.....not enough to do it in a greenhouse however!

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