Garden Pest to the Max

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

If you live in the north, you most likely have never seen one of these. For those of us in the South and particularly the southwest, here is a bug that can absolutely ruin your day. I see these in my gardens from time to time as they are seeking out the moisture. This particular fella was right outside my patio door about 5 feet off the ground climbing the house wall. This is a Bark Scorpion, supposedly the only scorpion that can climb walls. His sting is the most potent of the different species in the US and he also is one of the smaller species averaging 2 inches in length at maturity. I keep an old steel spatula outside for sightings such as this. He died an honorable death! These ugly things give me the creeps! I usually see about 5-10 of these per year! Also, I have one inside my home each of the last 2 years! Cats love to play with them and then kill them....


Thumbnail by dwr857
(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Ugh. I would have a hard time sleeping once I saw those in my house.My son gets scorpions indoors in San Antonio,too.Lynn

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