Merino, Australia

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to someone who has recently been on a trip away.
Sue I hope your day is a great one and you must buy a plant for yourself. Haha
As if you need one. I hope there are lots of nice pressies. Jean

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Really? your birthday?
HAPPY Birthday !!!! I hope it is everything that you could wish for ...and lots of Broms too.

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Gisborne, New Zealand

A very Happy Birthday Sue. June is a good month for a B Day. Son-in-law, late best friend and her hubby and mine on black friday, so

Thumbnail by Awchid

Wow look at all the Gemini folk I am outnumbered!
Happy Birthday to all of our lovely Geminis!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh that helebor! LOL, Guess I should have come here first!
Thanks you gals! I did buy myself some plants! Broms of course. $8.95 each from the Whoopi nursery and all are new to my collection. I had to research one but i found it in the end.
I also got a new camera. 8 megapixels and 10 x zoom! OMG I'm so spoilt!
DH and I went out to tea and I had !/2 a dozen kilpatrick oysters followed by Blue eyed Cod with scalloped Kipfler potatoes, asparagus, rocket in a lemon butter sauce. MMMmmmmmm. I'm waiting for a while before i have ice cream (at home now) then tomorrow, seeing as its a teachers strike, I wont have Tafe so I'll go and mow some lawns to work it all off again! lOL.
Aechmea 'Burgundy'

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Aechmea 'Dart'

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Aechmea purpureorosea

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Happy belated best wishes for yesterday, Sue! I spent yesterday packing books in cartons and wasn't online at all. I get the keys to the new house tomorrow and the moving men come on the 30th so my chances to get back on the forums are going to be a bit sporadic for a while but I will try to keep up with things when I can. I just wish it was all over and done with as I am already felling tired!


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks KK, and no apology neccessary(? spelling) I hope your move goes smoothly! I hate moving, but at the same time, it's exciting having a change, and you get to clean out all the junk you don't need anymore!
Today I spent my BigW voucher and bought these. This is my Birthday haul! I bought the cast iron plant mover, the tassle fern and two plants called Mikado, that I have yet to look up in plantfiles.
I have a lady dropping by tomorrow to collect some Rhoeo. She read in the threads somewhere about me wanting to get rid of some. I hope shes got plenty of room!
Catch you lot tomorrow or the next! I have 3 assignments to catch up on!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Perth, Australia

Happy Belated Birthday!!! hope you day was a good one! many happy returns!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Jen, it was great!

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes,Happy belated birthday from me too...pleased you had a really great day!!

Thumbnail by brical1
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks Judy.
The lady (Heather) turned up to get the Rhoeo today and I filled her boot! I hope it all does well for her! If not, she can always come back and get some more. I was going to show her round the garden (I even picked up the dog bombs) but they had a long drive ahead of them and I needed to get to work, so it was a quick visit. *sigh* I'd like for people to come and look.

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