A few of my babies

Ottawa, Canada

So I finally charged the batteries and took some photos yesterday. I managed to get them uploaded to the computer but got interrupted by a trip to the emergency room last night. Here are a few of the better photos.

Oh and while running some errands this morning, stopped at a little nursery that I pass often but never stop at. Thought they sold mainly annuals. Heuchera 'Mini Mouse' followed me home:) so we will start with her.

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Smuggled this one home Friday and managed to put it with the other plants to be planted. Unfortunately, my Aunt ratted me out at the hospital last night when I told her I had it. My mom just rolled her eyes.

Here is Beaujolais...

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Autumn Bride

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Petite Pearl Fairy

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Ginger Ale

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada


Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada


Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Midnight Claret

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Rave On

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Planet Saturn

Thumbnail by bj601
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Beautiful! I have been eyeing up Beaujolais for a while now and after seeing yours I think I may have to get one. I like the way you planted up Autumn Bride... she's gorgeous!


(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow.... Rave On is really nice, guess I may have to pick that one up too!

Ottawa, Canada

Sparkling Burgundy

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Swirling fantasy

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada


Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Pinot Noir

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Palace Purple and friends

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Can Can

Thumbnail by bj601
Ottawa, Canada

Peach Flambe

Thumbnail by bj601
Guthrie, KY

I thought I would share also :) I am glad to know there are others out there as crazy as I am for heucheras! This is a mess because I've been gone for a week and we had a storm last night. There's other stuff in there like some trilliums, sedums, cannas coming up in the back, and sage plants in the back that probably can't be seen.

Thumbnail by kmitch747
Ottawa, Canada

Out of about a 100 photos, those are the best. The sun was brutal yesterday and some of the colors didn't show up well.

GayLynn, the face under Autumn Bride was actually a citronella candle. I picked up 5 or 6 of them on clearance and once the candle was done I stuck them in the garden.

I wasn't sure about Rave on at first, this is the first year for it but once it blooms...WOW! The blooms are huge, these big, fat masses of pink flowers, they really are beautiful.


Thumbnail by bj601
Saint Louis, MO

Thanks for sharing your lovely heucheras. I have been eyeing them for quite some time at the nurseries. After following the heucheras forum, I confess I've become an addict too!! On Friday, I had a massive shopping spree and came home with 17....
I wonder if this is the most anyone has purchased in one day. ...

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow truongr, you had some fun! Now you'll have to show us pics of your selection.
bj101, loved your pics. I love the RaveOn too, great color and veining on that one. You have some different varieties of ones I haven't seen around here. Also, great idea with using the face from your citronella candle. Makes for great garden art. The heuch looks like it's growing right out of the top of the head!

Ottawa, Canada

Truongr, that would be a dream day for me!!!! I wish I could find 17 in one day, but then at this point the hunt is part of the fun lol. I have a couple of nurseries that I still need to check out but with my birthday coming, I am trying to behave. Which ones did you bring home with you?

Medinac, thank you. I don't have much room left for garden art. I also like more of the quirky looking stuff, so the candles seem to fit right in. We get only a few new varieties up here each year, so it is always fun to try and find new ones. It has taken about 6 years to accumulate the ones that I have.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

truongr....what a great score! Pictures please...... pretty please!

Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

What a wonderful collection of Heucheras. You also put them together wonderfully. I love some of your planters, you have a wonderful sense of humor. Now I'm the lookout for all of yours that I don't have. When I find a heuchera I don't have I have to purchase it. I'm with everyone else I'm an addict. It is such a wonderful plant with all the differences from one to the other. I'm jealous of truongr-the most I ever found at a nursery was seven. Now I just pick them up as I find them. I hope truongr will post pictures ASAP. I'm starting to build my heucheras for next year.

Ottawa, Canada

Thanks Debbie. I am CONSTANTLY on the search for heucheras lol. I can't resist not bringing one home. It is even worse now after hearing that some are no longer available, I feel like if I don't bring it home, I may not find it again lol.

I smuggled home Sashay, Prince of Orange (although not too sure if it was labelled right.) I was thinking of Orangeman when I found it, but it was on sale so I grabbed it. Didn't even realize in my excitement that it was a different one I have been lusting over lol. The pictures I have found on line do look like what I bought labelled Prince of Orange so we will see. Of course now I need Prince of Silver to go along with it! White Marble and Smokey Rose also jumped in my cart while I was at another store.

I have found a couple of nurseries that have Mardi Gras and French Quarter listed. I am waiting to hear back to see if they actually have them. Is it so bad that I have mapped out all the nurseries that are in between my house and the above mentioned places? Or that they are 2 hours away from my house? LOL I said for my birthday that if they do have them, then I would like to spend the day taking a tour and checking them all out. Now I KNOW the addiction had taken control :).


Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

You are so right, I've exhausted the nurseries near me. Now I'm looking at ones between 25 & 50 miles away. I've map quested directions to them. I also went to Terra Nova's site and found a nursery about 50 miles away that carries their heucheras & other products. I plan on going next week. I've also found that when I like a heuchera I don't always get one I have three carmels planted throught the yard and each is a little different color. The other plant I'm addicted to are lilies - oriental, asiatic, species, etc. I already set aside about $100.00 to order lilies from Buggcrazy in August. Hiding the money from my DH. He already knows about my addiction. I try to get the plants in the ground before he notices anything new. But, this year I made a new garden & it was hard to miss.

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

You guys are funny and I totally relate to your obsession. It puts me in mind of the hoops I jumped through a couple of years ago to acquire a Peachy Keen. We had heard that it was one they had discontinued, yet there may be 'a few' floating around. So, of course I wanted it even more!

I had all my garden friends and family looking in this area. Even Erynne in southern Ontario was on the hunt for me. I asked all the nurseries to bring it in for me if they found it. If the garden club was in session, I would have all them looking too, bribing them with a finder's fee. lol Crazy!

Turned out I found it unexpectedly while on a holiday get-away. Dropped in to a nursery to have a look (well, what kind of holiday would it be without checking out all the nurseries) ..... and lo and behold a whole TRAY of Peachy Keen! I would have done a happy dance if I wasn't so stunned. I felt more like that Ikea commercial where the lady looks at her bill and sheepishly hurries out of the store shouting "Start the car! Start the car!" Couldn't believe it. DH thought I was nuts being so happy over a plant.

I won't post it's pic because, well, that would just be mean. LOL (but I do understand your obsessive behaviour! )


Ottawa, Canada

Sandy, I remember when Loblaws had peachy keen and peach flambe (they may have marmelade at the same time...). I passed up Peachy Keen and picked peach flambe instead. If I admit that at the time I didn't want it...... but now that I know I can;t have it....I WANT IT....will that prove how pathetic I am? I really, really, really want Mardi Gras and French Quarter. I have left sticky notes in the car, around the house with the websites, numbers etc as my birthday is July 5. I am hoping one of my family members will get the hint....(I even printed off the web pages and strategically placed them in areas that will be hard to miss). I love that "start the car" moment when you find a plant you have been looking for for so long in the least likely place. I usually go plant shopping by myself as no one else in my family appreciates the mental happy dance I am doing all the way to the car when I find one (or even when I find a Heuch I don't have yet lol).

Debbie, I have recently given in fighting the attraction to hostas. I knew how obsessed with heucheras I was and how little room I had so I managed to fight it for about 5 years (I have a couple of the basic hostas). I made the mistake of checking out the hosta forums. I drooled over the gardens and photos posted by 3 ladies on here (Sandy, Erynne and Ann!!! ), I started noticing hostas. I drive down streets and envision what my neighbors lawns would look like with hostas, I have started eyeing plants in my gardens with thoughts of replacing them with certain plants. With so many options in sizes now...I am a goner!!!!!!! I am also drooling over a Brunnera I saw but it is $50.

I now have a red leather journel that travels with me everywhere with lists of hostas, heucheras etc that I like, I have (for hostas, not very many yet, still working on that list), I want or that I may want to research so where did I see it so I can go back to get it lol. My boss thinks it is my day planner lol, if he only knew!!!


Agawam, MA(Zone 6a)

I certainly know what you mean. I go to nurseries just to relax & see every plant & whats new & different. I write down every plant I have an interest in & in more time then I would like it comes home with me. I'm going out today to purchase a Brunnera I saw yesterday. Starting to really like them. Yesterday went to Home Depot and came home with of all things 3 orchids. They were having a sale. Next week I'm going to a nursery that I found that carries Terra Nova plants. I'm starting to plan my weeks around going to nurseries. I'm starting to run out of time to garden & weed. I do a walk about every morning to see what has bloomed or grown & plan where to put the next plant. I'm also trying to take pictures of every plant & ID them. I hope the pictures will get me through the New England winter.

Saint Louis, MO

Hi guys,
I am peeking out from my vacation place so I have not been able to take pictures of my 17 new heucheras, although I now have added 2 more so the count is actually 19. I do need to post the pictures so we can keep track of miracle and the proclaimed changing colors. I've been lucky enough to have my yard re-landscaped this winter so I have a lot of space in between hydrangeas where ivy used to grow. I didn't think I'd become a heuchera addict just by reading this forum but ah well... Now I need to get my hands on Southern comfort, Sashay and French Quarters....
As for bj601, perhaps I shouldn't tell you this and perhaps this is the wrong forum but a good source of online hostas is www. hostasdirect.com. I was traveling through Minneapolis where they had the retail site and even met Tom the business owner in real life. He showed me his house which was surrounded by hundreds of varieties of hostas. I will upload pictures as soon as I get home at the end of the week.

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