ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 110 - Turn off the Water!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Lou... I am soooo glad you went....I have been thinking of you all day and I sent Smoke for you for a good outcome...It just is not worth your health to risk being there...Lung ailments are near impossible to fix without alot of other problems kicking in to complicate matters...I am so sorry you have to go through this...Your Doc is right...I would be very careful where I went or who I saw as long as your lungs are in this condition...Be very wary of little children possibly carrying viruses...A mask may be in order for a couple weeks when you go out in public...Take care of you !!!

Toni i got a buch of ugly metal stakes and wire if you need me to come on over lolol :) Dusty funny 5 not 4 wire LOLLLL hmmm i got some old tires we can attach and hang some pretty flowers too :) *wink * i think she might like that ! don't you ?
Dispatcher i m sooo glad you went to the Dr. i have had you on my mind today .
I am praying for you all out in the flooded areas and to get some relief soon and waters get lower. yikes
Toni sounds like a busy week for you. Glad things are moving along though. Glad to hear you shingles are doing well. When i can't sleep i usually scrapbook :) but lately i don't have that . I hope you can get some sleep.
Jook is your friend ,
2 cups basmati rice
4 cups water
boil , then simmer until porridge like consistency. yummy with sweet potatos or yams
Heals the negative energy and helps connect your chi :) i promise . Then a shot of Tequila LOL
well not much here
I have a huge zit on my chin LOL
Bad no i havn't got all my plants in the ground , but they are in pots and i forgot to look at them today
i did see a bloom on the Dragons daylilly ! and a few others . Yeah

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Lou, I'm very sorry to hear your lungs are in that condition. I just recovered from pleurisy and have some idea how you are feeling. You do need to be careful and give yourself time to heal. I really hope they get a new trailer so you can work because I know you need to but try not to overdo it.

I've spent considerable time there at the hospital in Columbus, between my father and my grandmother. We've not even got back down to check on my dad's stuff or his house. For all I know, it could have been raided or demolished by now. I feel really bad for those of you in Indiana. I know you've had more than your share of the storms. :(

Keep your chin up and get well.

(Audrey) Dyersburg, TN(Zone 7a)

Lou, don't let them talk you into filing for unemployment! This IS under workman's comp! If you file the other way, you may lose major wc. They'll try anythink to get off paying you! You have a good case if you wanted to sue! Just my opinion, but I was hurt at Wal*Mart, and stupid me, I didn't want to cause them any trouble! I still have severe pain, after I had my knee replaced, even, and it's been over 10 years! This may bother you the rest of your life!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah...Lou, what Sissy said!

Toni...I take Ambien and it does the trick. I have not had any side effects from it and it puts me to sleep, keeps me to sleep and doesn't leave me groggy the next day. I am trying not to use it so much, cause I don't want to become dependent on it, but it surely does do what it's supposed to do.

Dusty, I forgot to tell you a funny. At the RU, Esther asked me if you and I were really sisters. She says sometimes we confuse her so much...!

I think Doe is right Lou
I don't see how this isn't under WC ? it was job related at a work area and you were injured by the flood . ? if that makes sense ? lol :)
but really i think you should check it out further. i know its hard to with all that is going around and your probly tired too . We are here for you !!! :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Lou, I'm glad you went to the doctor. (((hugs))) If you are off for a few weeks, enjoy them!

Hey, did anyone else get epimedium from Esther? Esther, if you're reading this, which kind(s) are they? How tall do they get? I see many kinds on the Plantfiles and I want to be sure I put them in the right place. Are they a groundcover?

Hey Dusty i almost forgot to tell you
The nursery in Uraban right by MCDonalds and behind CVS and goodwill is having there clearance sale
most of the plants are 2 bucks !! or 40% off on the bigger ones.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Lou thanks for the info and the compliments.
I'm just glad it wasn't worse.
Flash floods hit here a lot but they are so common everyone knows the drill.

Lou Workman's Comp does apply.
At least until they prove otherwise. Their Burden of Proof, at least in Ohio, not yours.
Their best bet would be to just pay you down time.
If unemployment ..... make sure it's at LEAST 5 Days....
Do you have 'Lost Time' Insurance for illness?
If so again stay off 5 days..... these are the usual Ohio 'Kick in' times.... don't know about IN.
FEMA in place?

Toni I figured the Prosecutor wouldn't take kindly to your ordeal.
Cleaveland Police and Courts are usually brutal... don't ask...
Compound that w/ the circumstances..... they'll threaten to hang'em.
I hope this ends your troubles there. You NEED a decent break.

(((HUGS to BOTH you Ladies))))

Just opened today in the BR


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Yesterday when we were cleaning the Brickroom I noticed the Wisteria climbing a potted Bamboo
we had in there. A light went on.
We have about 30 canes harvested so I asked Robyn about building a 'boo Screen...


Thumbnail by henryr10
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)


;o) JK

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

So, Sue .. How many did you buy me?? Did you put them on the back porch and water them???

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Here we are so far.....


Thumbnail by henryr10
Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow...I need to get moved soon...I have so much to put in the ground. I did get all the tomatoes and peppers from the RU planted. That felt good...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Cookie...So did you tell Esther the truth??? We were seperated at birth some years distant??? ROFLLLL
She will never believe the bond you and I have...No wonder we confuse her...LOL

HIYA ESTHER!!!!! Yep..Cookie is my Baby Sissy..Cause I said so.. LOL

I've been clicking these dern Ruby slippers all dern day and I ain't home yet...I gotta talk to that dern Wizard!!!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I've decided to just camp in between the two houses and keep both gardens. Except this one has weeds galore since the rains came through. I don't have enough hours or hands...need to clone myself!

Of course I told Esther the truth!! ;o) I didn't want her walking around all dazed and confused because of me!

I need to come to your house again, Ric and Robyn. Seeing it in the winter just doesn't compare....

Dusty you will just have to come and see for yourself LOLLLLL *wink*
Not only did you two have Esther confused you had Robin too. She thought i was cookie when she sent me the book LOLLLLLL i still chuckle about that one. :)
ok off to bed for me
kids were just a handful today .
blessings to you all

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey everybody, you all been a chatting up a storm, and I have been busy getting everything all done, and completed tonight. Just when you think you have paid all of the bills, the mailman comes!! Yep, got several to pay tomorrow, want to get them in the mail before vacation.

Lou, glad you went to the Dr. I agree, I would not file unemployment, but workers compensation. The good thing about going that route is, they will continue to pay for the Dr's the drugs, and other medical necessities regardless how long this may go on. However, I am hoping that you will get better real soon, but these types of things can be recurring. Don't settle for unemployment. Why don't you talk to a lawyer, you would probably be charged just a consultation fee, and who knows, if push comes to shove, you may need an attorney, and it would be better to have spoken to one, to keep you from doing something that would mess up your claim.

Sue, yes it is me that makes the pickled beets. Joyce, says the ones I gave her were good, so I guess that makes my recipe for them a recommendation. I will find the recipe and d-mail it to you.

Toni, wow, you weren't joking were you. You go girl. Most of us just complain about the injustices done to us, and do nothing about it. You complain and take action. Hope the lawyers scare the crap out of those greedy relatives. About the neighbor, can you borrow enough viscious dogs to place them about every 3 feet along that fence line. You could tie them out, so they could go only as far as your property line, that would surely keep her and the hen pecked DH away!! Start with Ric's theft deterent!! She might change her attitude, if she knows that you are just giving them a try, she might become a sweeter person because of it. About the Ambien. I am one who cannot take it. I would take it in my kitchen, stop by the bathroom, then on to the bedroom, and sometimes wouldn't even remember getting into bed. Also, would find Mr. B outside some mornings, and ask my DH when he let him out. Well, he didn't I did. So I was doing the sleepwalking, and not in control. That is scary, and I stopped taking it. Just be careful, and if you have things that you can't recall, please reconsider taking it. That is not a well published side effect, but if you read the literature that comes with the meds, it is there, in real fine print. Right now, I am taking an over the counter med from Walmart, called Sleep Aid Liquicaps. The main ingredient is DIPHENHYDRAMINE, a major deconjestant, which causes drowsiness. I would try something over the counter, before taking the narcotics. Just MHO

Kimberly, I got some of the epimediums from Esther, and I planted it in a front flower bed, and am watching it. If it becomes tall or doesn't fit there, it can be moved.

~~ to Audrey and dsrose.

Dusty, clicking the ruby slippers, and having a talk with the Wizard. How funny. Did the lookers ever get there today?

Chele, are you feeling better now? If looks are an indiction of illness, you couldn't tell at the RU that you are sick.

Ric, that bamboo screen is a good idea. A real live privacy fence.

My day turned out real good. The rain came early this morning, then the sun came out, I got out and finished planting all of the annuals that hadn't made it in the ground. I put petunias in planters on my garden shed porch yesterday, (these are ones I grew from seed) and they are blooming today. I had about 50 different wave petunias in many colors, and I figure that I saved about $250.00 by starting them from seed. Most nurseries were charging about $4.95 for a cell pack of 3.

Later DGD and I got in the pool, and I vacuumed and brushed it, and then we just had a nice couple of hours. The weather turned cooler, and the sun was nice, but not too hot out there.

This morning I tackled the paperwork, and paid bills, and got all of that done. Had to make a run to the bank and the post office, but was a good day.

Gonna check some other forums, and will BBL

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ric, if I can find the copy I have, I'll scan and dmail how to tie a decorative Japanese Fisherman's Knot for bamboo fencing...

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Cool plants, Ric! I didn't know bamboo grew here!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Lou.....I just wanted to check in before I went to bed to see if you posted. Somebody else chime in here cause I am not a pro but if she files unemployment doesn't that mean she got laid off and they can COBRA her and make her health insurance rates sky high while she is receiving a percentage of her income for a limited amount of time vs. WC the company pays her and all her medical and she can retain her job to return to when she recovers? I think they are running a game on you Lou. File WC and watch how fast that supervisor of your's shuts up. I would definitely let my first phone call in the morning be to a lawyer or union rep if you have one.

As far as dizzy dame next door; I thought of a better solution for her. Everybody bring plants, children, animals (goats, horses and birds included), spouses and anybody else you can fit into your car and we'll have the next RU at my house for about a week LOLOLOL! I figure about a couple of hundred of us could pretty much do the trick. Those poor teenie - bopper yuppies will be running screaming down the street, ROFL. George you are in charge of chickens. Sue you bring the beer. Chele you bring your pink earrings, Ric you bring the Sly Stone CD. Dusty Bonnie and GW you all can just show up and be my big sisters for the day and smack her around while we take turns on Dusty's wheelie riding across her lawn and throwing eggs and tomatoes at her house ROFLLLLLLLLLL. We are a mess sometime aren't we??? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Gonna try the ambien and snuggle up with Oprah.

Nite all again!

This message was edited Jun 16, 2008 11:08 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

ROFLOL, I love it!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Toni, I will come and just be your sister, and hope that if I am thrown in jail, somebody here likes me well enough to post bail!!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh yeah Robin, You get to explain to Homer Simpson the goof ball hubby why Oprah is smarter than him. LOLOLOLLLLLLLL I am rolling/laughing here !!!!!!!!!!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL KY>>>>I am still cracking up..............Going to bed now for real!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I have several Epimediums. Most are from Curt Hanson - he has collections of about everything. I am not sure what the cultivar names are. He told me to plant them in full shade. They have done well in the shade. For me they are almost evergreen - I lightly rake the old leaves off in spring, or trim off - before the flower stalks come up. They bloom pretty early in the year.

My neighbor Jenny is one of the main perennial people at Baker's acres. One day, as we were walking around in my yard, I was asking her what to put in an area of very dense dry shade. She told me to divide my epimediums - they will tolerate dry shade.

I would call them a ground cover. They spread, but have not been out of control. Maybe that's because I have shared many starts with people.

Here is a pic I took at Curt's April 8th. Epimedium is the yellow blooming plant on the left. They come in several colors, and some leaves have red veins and other patterns/colors.

I know I have some other photos of epimedium, but they are all on my photo disk, which is not hooked up right now.

Thumbnail by daylily_ohio
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning everyone! Hello and Welcome to Audrey and msrobin, good to "meet" you :-)

Lou, I'm glad to hear you're taking some time off- those working conditions sound horrible! And molds are surely nothing to ignore- serious stuff that can cause a heap of troubles. I kept thinking about what you said and getting ticked off- the nerve to "threaten" you with loss of employment under those conditions!

Toni, you go girl! You aint no doormat, LOL!

Kimberly, I got 2 epimediums from Esther, red and orange flowering varieties, but I think she has other colors too. They don't really get taller than they are, just spread out wider.

darius, how wonderful some DGrs are closeby now! At some point I've still got to get starts from my raspberries from George's place (my old place). Probably will be in fall at this point, but I should have plenty of starts to share. I've got a couple of red varieties, a gold (which was kind of puny, so not sure if there are babies or even if they're still alive), and a purple that is a cross of red and black raspberries. The wild raspberries are getting ripe here, love those treats waiting in the garden!

And speaking of fruits, y'all remember that mystery "apple" I posted pics of the blooms of earlier? Well its got fruit about the size of a golf ball so far, and look like apples except they're covered in soft white fuzzy hairs. And they have a little circle of pronounced green leafy looking things on the bottom (looks kinda like Goober Pile's hat, LOL). I'm hoping its some kind of cool heirloom!

Our internet connection has been on and off again with the scattered storms- a real pain! And this is the 3rd time we've had AT&T workers out here leave the box on the pole open exposed to the elements, causing another round of issues with the next rain! I shouldn't have to follow them around to make sure they're doing little things like that! Next time I want to say "now did you pick up after yourself and close the box? did you wash your hands after you used the potty? ok, run along now and be a good boy" LOL.

I've been fighting the blues the last few days, but have at least been able to get myself outside to get some garden therapy, which always helps. Pulling weeds is such a good way for me to purge negativity, I envision the weeds as those depressing thoughts and feelings heading right for the compost pile! There is some kind of big grass that grows from rhizomes that has been so hard to get under control. Its actually kind of pretty, with a white stripe down the center of each blade, but I've thought I had all the deep rhizomes dug out several times only to have them show back up in record time. Its in an area where someone in years past did some sort of garden with bricks installed, and I've found metal J&P rose tags while digging. The soil has been well amended too (not by me), so the robust grass spreads extra fast there.

Hugs and Waves all around!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Maybe Ribbon Grass, Neal...?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

It gets taller than what I know ribbon grass to get, like 4-5', and the rhizomes are about as thick as my finger. The only ribbon grass I'm familiar with has the white variegation and gets about 2' tall. This stuff looks almost like skinny corn with longer blades.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Well, I guess not, then!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone! The sun is shining and only 63 degrees here!! COLD! LOL...Dave just laughs at me when I say that...but as usual, I am frozen!!! Of course, if I would put some jeans on instead of shorts, it might help..right? I'll be ok when I get out into the sunshine.
We worked outside ALL day yesterday, coming in only to eat or drink....water, that is! Got a lot done, but plenty more to do. The weeds got way ahead of me, as did the planting of things. But I am making progress!
Dave got the mowing all finished....so he was pleased about that.
Well..nothing much going on here to talk about. I have been busy reading about everyone else's 'goings on' here and agreeing with all of it!
Hey Chele...don't think I said hi back yesterday....so a big 'HI' to you and yours!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day out there!!! I know I will!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, it is chilly here this morning, but have been out pulling weeds, and it is warming up nicely. I had thought the pool would be a no go today, but slowly changing my mind.

I have 2 daylilies blooming today, and they had tags, and when I looked them up, they are the right tags. The problem will be when one blooms with no tag. Then I will be calling Chele!! All of the that have bloomed so far, have been what the tags indicated.

It was puppy tail docking day, and DH and his brother did it. I stayed safely in the house, as I cannot stand an animal who whimpers. I am just a softie, and I know that this procedure doesn't really cause any pain, it just looks brutal. So it is all done, and mama is taking care of them. They will be fine.

Okay, back out to the weed er flower beds.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Good morning! I didn't get too much done yesterday, packed three orders, shipped two and am waiting for an address. I also got the rest of the hall bath painted. I'm going to do the top 1/3 a different color (AGAIN!) then I can get the wall border up. My only goal today is to work on the rest of my RU plants that are sitting in a baby pool.

I'M HAVING COMPANY TODAY! I didn't get to spend too much time with a certain DGer at the RU and she is coming here after lunch time today. She's getting a beauty tune up, some sun and swimming and I might even *let* her pull weeds. hahahaha I'm betting she'll leave with some eggs too. Not telling who it is. ;)

Neal, what does that grass look like. For some reason cordgrass, Spartina comes to mind. I'm trying to think of ones I have grown with monster roots. What about Saccharum (was Erianthus) which is called hardy pampas? That is a big one though. Got any pics? It could just be one of the big Miscanthus.

Darius! It's nice to see you. I did drop in on the farm forum and saw you were getting a friend close by. I'm very happy for you.

Hello Jules! Nice to see you.

Waving at everyone.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello everyone! Marcy, Chele, Bonnie, well everyone! It's beautiful this morning. I got out and did a little weeding. Need to clean house but don't wanna.
Neal, it's hard to believe that someone with all the love that you have and give to so many , can suffer from the blues, me too, sometimes. (((Huggs))) hope ya feel better soon.
Chele, why the secret? LOL I'm so nosey.
It really is god to see so many posting, hang in their Bonnie, I sure know the employment woes when working for jerks.
Toni, I wanna come to the RU, I'll bring Scooter, and my boom box! LOL
I'm in a don't give a crap about stupid inconsiderate neighbors mood too.!
Now I'm just sitting, tapping fingers, waiting for daylilies to start blooming.
BTW Neal, I'm loving these asiatics they are nice! thanks.
Better get moving, "see" ya all later.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Because I'm a brat Crash. LOL Maybe I'll tell ya later. hahahaha

Neal, you need to have a selfish day! Don't listen to any problems. Don't do any favors. Go back out to the garden, cry if you want to, brutalize some weeds, smell a flower, take a picture and do what YOU want to do. It's good for you! :)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Chele...you ARE a brat!! LOL..I wanna know too!!!
Ok...listen up everyone! Please look on the recipe forum for my chicken marinade recipe. I didn't know how to link to it...sorry.
It is really great! I just made some...and thought I would post it!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I think I know who it is...not sure why, seems like I saw a post about a haircut....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Little Miss Detective.

I put a swim suit on to do a few quick jobs before I take a shower (and put on a clean swim suit!). I ran some garbage out and it's actually cool out there today! The pool water has been warm so I bet it will be more pleasant getting in than getting out. If I was OUTSIDE working, I'd not feel so bad though.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello, been out weeding, went to the neighbor's and dug up a clump of daylilies that she didn't want, came home and separated them and planted them, and in for a bite of lunch. I also took along a 1/2 flat of wave petunias, and planted them for her. She is not a gardener, but likes flowers!! Go figure, guess she thinks that everybody who have beautiful gardens just wakes up one morning and it is there. Sheesh, she should know by how much time I spend in mine.

Well DGD is having a melt down, she has a puppy all picked out that she wants to keep, and her grandad, has supposedly picked another one. So gotta go try to console her.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Sandy and Chelle. Feeling a bit better today. The weather is gorgeous and so many more blooms have opened. More poppies and lilies to see every day! Some pretty plum purple ones just started blooming- they're awesome!

Marcy, the poppy seeds you sent me are blooming! I think they're the ones- big double blooms in dark red, absolutely stunning!

Chelle, I'll get some pics of the grass this afternoon. I looked at cordgrass pics and didn't see the white stripe down the center of the blades. It does seem to have rhizomes similar to a pampas grass, but I'm pretty sure its native to this area (or an invasive escape) because it grew at a place in Mt.Sterling (the town neighboring this one to the east) I lived several years ago, and nobody had done any gardening there. I didn't see it in Morehead, but it probably prefers sunnier, more open areas.

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