ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 110 - Turn off the Water!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/860788/

Rose: Folksinger

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the new thread, Dusty! Love the color of that rose.

Whoa, I think this is my first time being first!

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

The rains are up here and expected to last til tomorrow. Everybody stay safe and dry.

Talk then,


Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey Marcy
Your flower garden is deserving of garden of the month

My son's GF (the one that was at the RU with me) got put in the hospital today
Her blood pressure has been up for a few days
She has preeclampsia...
She is probably going to have to stay in the hospital for the remainder of pregnancy
She is only 6 months

It is storming here now...


Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Dang Pauletta...I'll pray for a safe pregnancy, and good health for her and baby.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Paulette, t&p's to your DS's GF. That is nothing to fool with. I hope that she will be able to come home, and have bed rest there. She would be lots more comfortable.

Calm here now, so have a good signal, so gonna check my e-mail while I can.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Storms were horrendous here today...When I have to pull over twice because I can't see, and the wipers won't carry it...it's bad...Really freaky cells that moved super fast...

((((Toni)))) You are in my prayers...stand fast... be firm, and if the missing objects are not returned this weekend, call the police and report the theft, and stick to your guns....

My Wheelie went to the shop tonight for hoist work, and to have the front end worked on and new tires...Apparently there is a recall on them for the front suspension which is what has caused the cupping on my tires...That's fine with me...I have been griping about them for over a month now...I do NOT like bad steer tires...
Four went to the shop and six are running tomorrow, and that leaves the two new ones in the barn...so my plans to use mine for moving anything tomorrow are shot...Boss said call him tomorrow night and he will see what I can use for Sunday...

Pauletta...I will send Smoke for the safety and Health of the Mother and Baby...

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend...

This message was edited Jun 13, 2008 10:21 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I'm praying for her too, Pauletta. Poor thing, how awful!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Aww thank you Pauletta! And I pray mother and baby will do fine! Your son is such a sweet young man! But then..he has such a sweet mama too!!!
Dusty...you be careful out there! That rain was horrendous today up around here! Glad ...for once..that I was in Walmart when it was happening. They came on the microphone and told everyone there was a severe storm warning for Greenville....and said we all should go to the TWO restrooms if need be....lol. Now can you just see ALL those people crowded into TWO restrooms???????????
Night everyone...I am off to a garden show tomorrow if it doesn't rain too hard!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Pauletta give her a HUG from Robyn and I!
I had a ball meeting and talking w/ her.
Tell her all those plants we took and tucked in the corners of the trunk have done well and are planted and Happy!
And I hate to say it but never caught her name.... :-(
Then after talking for about a half an hour I feel dumb asking.....


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

My mom has gout, and eating cherries really helps her. I don't know why, but it's worth a try. :-)

Paulette my thoughts and prayers are with you and your DS girlfreind . That is so scary for her . (((( big hugs ))))))
I hope it all comes out well for her and baby.
Well some rain here
gonna do a wave for know ~~~~~~~~
blessings and good night
see you in the morning :)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hmm, thanks for that tip, Marylyn! I will tell my Dad, too. I bought a magazine today with an article all about how cherries are so good for you. The magazine is called "First", and it's at checkout stands in Kroger's.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm praying for your son's girlfriend and the baby, too, Pauletta.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Pauletta, Sorry to hear about your son's GF having preeclampsia. She might not have to stay in thehospital depending on how she reponds to bedrest and the medication they give her. Here's hoping. Regardless, it's going to make for a long pregnancy and the concern factor goes way up. Keeping her and the baby in my thoughts and prayers

Dusty, Sorry to hear about the Wheelie. I wish I didn't have sucha crazy weekend ahead or we'd come help. And they are talking rain til noon :(

Hugs to everyone..

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

George, thats Filipendula elegans in the pic. Did you smell it? I love the soft, baby powder-like scent. What I brought here isn't as happy as there. They like plenty of moisture, I gave Deb one to grow in her wetland and its doing well. The ones here are pretty, just quite a bit smaller than when they were in the woods.

and the thunder rolled da da da
not feeling well today , girly stuff i guess. LOL
well i m off to the garden to see what critter ate what out there
i planted my melons a few days ago, glad i idid. Lots of rain here
big wave for now~~~~~~

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Good morning (((((((All))))))))))...

Not much happening around my way today. No watering the rain last night pretty much took care of that for the weekend. Will check to see if anything needs it tomorrow morning. The humidity is killer here too. Lots of budding and very little fruit set. Yep Paul Robeson bit the dust last night. Shriveled right up and wilted. I know I am whining about the Black tomatoes but honestly I have lots of others. Way more than I will be needing since I am not giving any to family this year. Next year will just have to be the year for the Black toms in my garden.

Pauletta how is mother and baby this am? Please keep us updated. Dusty thanks for the encouragement as well as everybody else. I will do what I need to, I promise.

Marcy try cranberries and blue berries (juices) as well as the cherries. I don't know why but I think it has something to do with the acids gout patients need. That and water water water of course.

New Shell...Where are you woman? How are you doing?

TTYL after breakfast and stuff....


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning....

Thanks Jazzy, for the offer, but this isn't the BIG weekend move...I am just trying to get all the small pieces, and the packed bins, plants, extra lamps etc...It would have just been easier to have the larger van...I will get one for tomorrow...I was just hoping to be able to rest up some tomorrow rather than load and go...Oh well best laid plans of mice & man, often go awry...I will just spend the day getting more packed up, and sort through my garden shed...The tool shed is already done and packed up...

Marcy, count your blessings you were IN Walmart...I was OUT coming back across from Winchester and Union City into Greenville trying to outrun it, and everytime I slowed for a curve or hit a light, it caught up to me...By the time I hit Greenville and was aiming south instead of east, I was right in it...Then I hit all the lovely ones in Dayton, including the downed lines on Main St...and had to wangle my way around the back streets to get out of the traffic jams...From the way people were driving down here it looked like everyone had taken leave of their senses when the rain started...
At least you would have had a *seat* if you would have had to go into the restroom..... ROFLLLLLLL

Bons...Isn't it interesting that 2 weeks ago you couldn't plant because it was too muddy in your yard, and now you are already having to water?? LOL
I am going to be soooo blessed up at the homestead with the water situation...There are THREE wells up there, so I won't have horrendous water bills to pay if I need to water...

I heard on the talk radio yesterday that Champaign county was getting hit hard with the rains and there were flood warnings...They had just mowed and were baling the 1st cutting of hay the Sunday that Cookie and I went up there, and when I came through this past Wednesday it was already up over a foot , so I'm betting they will get 3 cuttings this year if the rain holds and we don't get drought like last year...I WAS gonna say that should drive the price of hay back down, but with the cost of fuel to mow & bale it, and transport it, it will probably stay the same or go up... :-(

It looks like the sun is trying to come out finally, so I need to load up my old vanity and get it down to the Traders shop along with a box of chatchkies I have for him...

Bro... Are you still planning to come up today or tomorrow??

Have a great day everyone!!!

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all the T&P everyone...
Must be working
BP is down this morning..
Will know more about protein in urine this evening

Jazz you are right..
They told her this morning that she might get to go home sunday
According to how she is responding to bed rest

Rick...Her name is Michelle...LOL
And I will tell her about the plants

Marcy Thanks for your compliments...


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wonderful news, Pauletta! Prayers for continued improvement are forthcoming.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

THe problem with mild preeclampsia is that the mom may not necessarily feel bad so it's tempting to get up and DO something..Anyone who has been sick and in bed for a while can relate. Once you feel better you just HAVE to move.

Dusty we did get alot of rain. I had all my coffee cans out and my 5 gal buckets . The coffee cans were full !! and the 5 gal bucket was 1/4 full
also filled up two of my rain barrels from our little creek.
corn blew over too
rabbits ate my lettuce
tonight going to spray with pepper spray and garlic spray. Hopefully the little monsters don't like it spicy lol
Had another snake surprise !! sheesh man i jumped . I relize they are harmless but its just the surprise of seeing it when i lift something up and WALAH there it is ... yikes.
SIL got bitten by a rattler , maybe that is why i m so weird on it ?
well sunny here today and hot.
Hope everyone is doing well
Glad to hear Michelle is getting better.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue, I haven't had bunny issues since I started sprinkling cayenne pepper on my pansies and coleus--don't know about lettuce, though.
Yikes, a rattlesnake! I'd be a little freaked out, too! Saw a nice big rat snake drinking from the pond yesterday--that was interesting. He was really thirsty and drank for a long time. I stood and watched his little cheeks puffing out with every slurp, lol. He didn't even flinch when I threw a grub into the pond for the goldfish to eat.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Evening.. Here I am procrastinating on my school work.. Cactus is beginning to bloom..

Thumbnail by Jazzpunkin
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Oooo, Jazz, that is worth procrastinating for! What kind of cactus?

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Jazzy is right Pauletta...Tell her to practice being a quadraplegic...Totally helpless...She is not allowed to do anything more than get up to go potty, and in some cases, not even that...She is not allowed to lift anything other than her arm...LOL
If she gets bored/tired of the bed, then on her next potty trip she can amble into the living room and lay on the couch...But LAY is the key...Sitting upright puts pressures downward where they don't need to be...

I made out like a bandit at my Traders...My chiffarobe is in the back of my SUV...I already unloaded everything else...I'm about to drag that out, and let the boys move it for me since I won't be able to get it upstairs now anyway...I got 2 lovely framed prints for the living room in exchange for 2 metal framed signed prints that I had in the short hall here...I got a beautiful antique framed portrait in exchange for the box of Junque I took him... LOL I'll try to get a pic for ya...She needed to go home with me..I hate seeing things this beautiful no longer in Family posession...

Stopped at a yard sale and got a 13" color Tv and another stereo/CD setup for $15 for the 2 of them...I got the TV to go in the kitchen on the counter...there's already cable there...I like to watch the news when I'm in there cooking...
I have been wanting a second radio/CD for my craft room since I keep the one I have in my bedroom...That's the only time I get to listen to my music since Jim keeps the TV on all the time...

(((((((((Toni)))))))))) I hope you are fareing well this weekend...I have something to show you...As worn out as I am I can't remember if I posted this or not...but this is Jemima...my childhood playmate and best friend...If I did post it, sorry...I miss her big time...so it's nice to be able to hug you !!!

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Here are the prints I got...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

This is the link to the other things...If you click on the magnifier, you can see them better...


This message was edited Jun 14, 2008 7:01 PM

This message was edited Jun 14, 2008 7:02 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Lovely finds, Dusty! I used to have a dresser similar to that as a teen. It was next to a sunny window, covered with a bazillion cacti and succulents. I had a bed frame to match. Sadly, I stored it at the house of one of my sister's exes, and they broke up and he moved away and took them with him!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey everyone!
Hi Marilyn! Thanks for the info on the cherries. I had read that on the internet too....but like you said, they don't know why? He will try them! And his toe is feeling better today, thanks to the Aleve. It is still swollen, so I am making him take the Aleve still.
Pauletta, so glad to hear Michelle is doing better. Let's hope it continues!!
Dusty...that was some storms..huh???? We woke about 2 AM this morning to thunder, lightning, and rain. Guess that was the weather they said would be south and east of us....LOL!!! Had a tremendous storm, power went out...was out for about 3 hrs. I had to get up and shut down the puter, as it was on power save. You don't realize how dark a house is, with no power! Especially, when you are used to having those candle lights in the windows! It was DARK!! And of course the flashlight was in the kitchen!!
Well...the garden show was wonderful! We were there most of the afternoon. I bought a bunch of plants...geesh. It's a disease!!! Like I needed ANYTHING!! I am still not done planting round up plants!! I also got a small old blue stool to sit a plant on. I am a stool nut...lol!
Also bought a nice big ripe tomato from Fulton Farms. Actually it came out of TN....so it was SAFE!! We had BLT's for supper...woohoo...in JUNE!!! Tasted so good too!
It was a beautiful day...and I should have been home working, but Dave wanted to go to that show....(like I didn't!) so we went!!
Now I am ready to sit the rest of the evening!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Renee`....They are old, but in very good condition and very useable and that is what I wanted...I need drawers, and the dresser and left side of the chiffarobe fill that need very well...A little Old English, and they look terrific...

I don't know if you remember the beautiful old Duncan Phyfe style desk I got on Freecycle last year, and the coincidence that I had an old key that operates the lock to the dropdown...That same key operates the locks on the chiffarobe doors, and top drawer...There is a Junque dealer in Springfield that has a bazillion old keys and I will try to get a duplicate there...Not that I need to lock up anything, but it will add value to the piece if it has the keys...

Pork chops, baked potatoes, broccoli for Jim and Lima beans for me for dinner...We are eating later as it was just too warm in this house to eat earlier, but we were both starved for something besides salads...

The owner never did get the freon put in the A/C for us last summer, and last week was brutal in here...He is not a happy camper about us leaving...He thought he had a signed contract to purchase from us for sure...He said the entire property looked terrific, and was impressed that he had every months payment on time or early, so he had no complaints...He was understanding when he realized it was a job related move...just disappointed...I guess he is going to just rent it now as he put a 4 Rent sign on the corner...No Realtor Sale sign...

I just let the pups out, and the yard is full of lightening bugs...How beautiful!! I missed them last summer....I think I will go sit out with them for a bit...

Have a wonderful evening....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening friends. Today was a busy day, and I am just getting a chance to sit down.

Went to that stained glass class, and I enjoyed it very much, but will have to think about if I really want to purchase all of the equipment you need, and then maybe not like it well enough to keep at it. Ric, I need your input here. We made a stained glass dragon fly sun catcher (will post a pic tomorrow) as camera batteries are recharging. Came home, tried to take a little nap, but phone calls and people coming in, nixxed that.

Then we went out to eat, with Edna's DH, and am just now getting a chance to post.

Oh, before I went this morning, as it was cool, went out with a sharp hoe, and got the crab grass out of that one bed. I still have annuals to plant in there tomorrow.

While we were out tonight, DH had to stop by Tractor Supply, and I stayed in the car. Outside a flea market, there were racks and racks of plants, and before I knew it, I was opening the car door to go look. Sheesh, I say to myself, I don't need any more plants, and turned around and got back in the car. That is the first time in a long time, I have talked myself out of a look anyway!!

Dusty,sounds like some great finds, and some trades.

Renee, I could have watched that snake through binoculars, maybe. Taynors, lifting up something and finding one is not my idea of a good surprise. Hope you can deter the bunnies from eating your garden. A good dog, will certainly help.

Well, gonna check one more forum and then I am off to bed. Early church tomorrow, and some friends coming tomorrow afternoon to use the pool.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, Bonnie, congrats on the willpower to turn away from the plants and get back in the car! Don't know if I could've done it!

LOL Defoe on resisting the plants ,
Dusty great pics. I don't know if you remember but i was wondering when you get some time, My cousin is an Native American artist. I would love to show you some of his pics. I will try and post some too. I thought you might like to see them, he does poetry also.
Well not much going on here.
didn't make it to the farm to sprinkle my cyenne lol :)
had a horrendous headache , spent most day inside today.
well i hope everyone has a great night

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello All!!
This has been the best day. I wanted to check out a flea market in the next county over and my farm friends were going to try and sell chickens there so we followed them to the site. I will not be selling there. The stuff is too cheap for me to make any money there, but I loaded up on booth stuff! I had to go unload in the car 2 times then just started dropping off stuff at farm friends booth and made Jeff go get car to load up before leaving.

Then we decided to take the "old" way home and hit tons of yard sales and little junk shops. OMG The car is so full. The trunk is packed to the max as well as back seat. The rain was our friend. People were over trying to sell and sold us whole tables full for 3.00 and we felt so bad we gave them 5.00. I felt guilty buying their stuff so cheap I did give them more then asking price many times. I would do my "thats stuff ok I guess and act like it was trash" They would say .10 cents. I have quite the gift of gab(like you couldn't tell LOL) I spent 35.00 and know I can turn it into at least 300.00. I am being good though. I am only keeping one piece. A beautiful piece of blue pottery. It's perfect. I know I could sell it and make a good profit, but it's just too pretty!

Got very little sleep last night. I only slept about 3 hours, so when I came home thought I would take a small nap. maybe an hour or so. That nap turned into 4.5 hours! Needless to say I got very little done in the garden. The GH is almost empty and ready for cleaning, organizing and sterilizing. That GH was the best investment I have ever made plant wise. I can't wait to build the other one and start really selling in the spring. I learned so much that I did wrong with first GH and had a few great tips from some special ORV friends with germination ; ) I am ready (I think) to turn a profit on my hobby.

Jeff and I both napped way to long and are just now fixing some supper. Fried chicken, shelly beans, Mashed taters, biscuits and gravy! My heart Dr. would have a stroke!! I just want some comfort food.
(((HUGS)))) TO ALL!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow George GREAT Haul!
And WHAT a late Kip!
It's a beautiful night here maybe you can dine there under the stars?

The first of many local Catholicfests is going on.....
you could hear it over the Hot Tub jet noise....
now if I turned MY stereo up that load this late... LOL!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, George that sounds like such a fun day. I love to do stuff like that. If I am by myself, I will usually stop at yard sales, and just browse. Sometimes you can find a great deal on something. I have gotten some of the cutest little planters, and yard art, plus plants at yard sales. My DTS and I are so much alike in some things, but she wouldn't be caught dead at a yard sale!! She says junk is junk, and I have plenty of my own. She hasn't discovered the painting that is marked $10.00 and is worth $300, or the McCoy, or Occupied Japan, or the other things people have, and do not know what it is.

I collect Occupied Japan pieces, and a lot of people do not know it's worth. I got a McCoy piece last year for .25 cents, and it is worth about $150.00.

Oh, what a fun day. I am jealous.

Ric, waiting to hear from you on the stained glass tools, and do you think it is worth the investment on my part?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie it depends on what they are asking you to buy.
I was trained old school.
Soldering gun, some lead came, glass and solder... pretty cheap.... well not the glass but....


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Ric, evidently this is "new school" a grinder, many cutters, copper foil, plus the lead, the glass the nippers. Remember, you are talking to somebody who only has the desire, no tools!! Sounds like expensive to me, and I don't even know if I will like it well enough to continue. I do some mosaics, and could use the scrap stained glass for mosaic projects, hehe, this is beginning to make sense.

Maybe I can look on ebay for tools and accessories.

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