Finch babies

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

I am unsure of what to do. I have found the father finch (I think - a red-headed little bird with a finch type beak) dead on my porch. He used to squak at me while the mother would sit on the eggs/babies and I in my rocking chair. The babies are in one of my hanging baskets and the babies are 2 weeks or so? . I haven't seen the mother in 2 days and they were not responsive when I went to water the basket like usual yesterday. I didn't water today because I wanted mom to come and tried to stay back, but I'm wondering if I should try to help them? Or let nature take it's course? She must be coming back at night if they're still alive, right? It's been hot ...

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

She's taking care of them. I saw her this morning. Just in case anyone posts....

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Glad you have good news of this Jenks. We once had to endure the heartbreak of a mama wren deserting her's and trying to save them......didn't work. After that, I started placing a resin-made bird in each of the hanging baskets to try and deter wrens from far it has worked. There are so many places for them to nest you have to ask why my baskets, but they are such friendly little birds.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad to hear that Mom is taking care of them. Just keep your animals away, if you have any, when they are ready to take flying lessons. Post pics if you can. Someone on orchids did a whole progression of his bird babies. He had terrible "empty nest syndrome" when they took off.


Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Ya, my one cat that was somewhat feral at 10 weeks when I got her -- I am struggling to keep inside as I am sure she is responsible for the daddy's death. My other is almost deaf and I've never let him out so he doesn't even try. I am SO relieved though. I poked my nose up over the basket and she turned and looked at me before flying off! I'm staying off the porch and away until they fly away....then I'm sticking fake cats in the baskets!!! I have bird houses all over but I guess none as safe as a basket. Maybe I'll hang some mint in baskets from the trees? LOL Such a bleeding heart.

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