My new interest Spurias!!

Delhi, IA

OK___ how tall do some of you have? I've read of 5'. Who do they think they kid!!! At any rate please give me names of some of the monsters? Does gigantic height mean less bloom? And I read that they like neutral to slightly alkaline soil. Mine is in acid I'm sure. Best get some lime from the road rocks and sprinkle around them.

And how is it pronounced? I'm an idiot on the subject. I've been saying (SPUR-ee-uh) Is that anything close? I have two; the first I know not from whom it came and last year I recognized a yellow that would match it in style in a friend's garden. She shared and it is Sunny Day. The other older one I've had has been called by me my very late screwy iris!! It is mostly blue with a little yellow in the center but hasn't bloomed yet this year. Now I discover them for sale by different iris vendors. Anything to extend the iris season!! Jean

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