Offer: Cleome lutea, for all the native plant nuts.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

The Cleome is blooming and I have about 100 ripe seeds (mixed with a few unripe seeds) to offer for trade or sasbe. The seeds were collected from the old Warm Springs Resort at the intersection of US Hwy 6 and NV Hwy 375 (the Extraterrestrial Highway). I will probably able to collect some more next week if my co-workers will humor me. Please be patient when responding; I work in remote areas that usually don't even have cell phone service, let alone wireless internet :)

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I would love to trade for some. Cindy

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I'd love some, too!

Do you drive by it and ask your coworkers to stop the car so you can harvest it? Good Lord! That must be really funny!

I'll have some stuff to trade in October...right now I have only one fresh seed: Ragged Robin; Silene flos culi.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i would love some too please

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the offer, I would love some too.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

I would also love some seeds! Can trade or do the envelope..whichever!!

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I would love to trade for some of these!

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all the responses. I'm out of seeds for now, but I should have more in a couple of weeks. I'll post the results of my next trip when I get back.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

I fianlly got the photos of the parent plants downloaded from my camera. They range from 6 to 16 inches tall but will probably get bigger if they get more water. These are not prickly like the pick and white ones.

Thumbnail by Katlian
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ohhh ...they are gorgeous!!!!!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

You have Dmail. I am patient and would love some seeds.

I just planted some cleome this year and they are just beautiful.

So I was researching about how to collect the seeds and I saw some threads about these yellow cleome. I read from some earlier postings that these are very hard to germinate. I think the ones I read earlier were from Utah??? May be some of you that have gotten seeds already can start a thread (and please link us from here) on how your seeds germinations are going.


This message was edited Jun 25, 2008 1:03 PM

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Haha! oops, I just noticed the picture in the post above. Oh well, you get the idea.

I think they like warm soil and possibly light to germinate. We had three days of rain followed by warm weather in May and now there are cleome in all the roadside ditches east of here.

This message was edited Jun 14, 2008 8:48 AM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Kat, if you have extra seeds, and feel generous, dmail me - I would like to try some seeds for the yellow Cleome - thanks!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Kat, I am definitely interested if you get anymore...I have okra from your list and lots of Japanese MG seeds and plenty of other interesting things to trade...

Thanks, Ronnie

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I will be happy to send an envie for some of your next batch of seeds. Thanks for offering.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

You have d-mail

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

May i but in here and ask how to collect the seeds, Mine have just started blooming. I am guessing I will know when its time but im excited. I have 2 pink/purple and 1 white so far, with about 8 more babies. I wouldn't mind sharing some seeds once i get them and find out how to "dry" them.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Tia, To make sure I get the seeds from my pods, I bought those marriage bags(5''x5'') at WallMart. They are made of transparent material. You only have to pull on the string over the seed pod. Here is a picture. You normally wait until the pod dries out on the plant (That is why I use the bag, making it easy to collect the seeds). You can also use hose that you tie over the pod. André

This message was edited Jun 18, 2008 10:45 AM

Thumbnail by Smegtone
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Andre, thanks for the help. i will do the panty hose one, I have some I will NEVER wear. I do know what the seeds look like just didnt know what part of this beauty it came from.
Thanks again

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

It has proven a little difficult to collect seeds off the wild plants. The ones at Warm Spring had about 1/4 of the pods ripe or nearly ripe but the pods fall apart as soon as the seeds are ripe. I found another large patch at MIddlegate junction but it's still a little too early and I only got a few seeds. I'm going back to the south end of the state next week so maybe I'll see some more. Unfortunaely they don't seem to grow around Carson City, only east and south of here.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Them yellow ones are very nice i would love to have some but I would understand if not, being as they are hard to collect. I now have 3 pink/purple and still only 1 white so far. More to come up and show their blessed blooms. I can see my DH rubbing his head asking me what the heck are you doing? When I am putting sleeves on the blooms to collect the seeds.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Warning on Cleome seeds. I had some of all colors (but the yellow) planted by my privacy fence. Well at the end of the season when I was cleaning the area out, I forgot to use preen :( My bad!!! any who, I have had to dig up all my plants and move them that was my the fence, because the cleome seeds had spread, I had a carpet of cleome all up and down the fence. still have some I have to spray.

Plant the cleome where you don't care if they take over, they reseed like crazy, beautiful tho they are I didn't want the mess I have now. Same thing happened with some morning glories I had planted by the fence. Didn't think they would reseed as bad as they did, oh well lesson learned. Just thought I'd share my experience with you all...

I did dig up some of the cleome's and spread them all around the back end of my yard, in various areas where I don't care if they take over. Going to be interesting to see how they do....

Happy Gardening everybody,


Granbury, TX(Zone 8a)

Would love to have some Kaitlan if you get some more. Thanks bunches Tanarae

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Kawonkamish Kaitlan,

I've sent you a Dmail about a trade on the C. lutea.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

got my seeds today! thanks so much

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Jordan, I am anxious to hear about your germination process. Please keep us posted.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

I've sent out all the seeds I had collected so far. It will be a couple of weeks before I go out to collect more, so the big patch at Middlegate should have more ripe seeds by then. There are still a few who are on the waiting list and I will let you know when I have more seeds.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Janel, Just got mine this morning. Have a good day. André

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)


I also sent this info to Katlian. Here's some growing info:

COMMON NAME: Golden Bee Plant / Yellow Spider flower
BOTANIC NAME: Cleome lutea
TYPE: Annual
BLOOM TIME: Late Spring
SOWING METHOD: Direct or transplant
SOIL TYPE: Fine, medium textured, & sandy loam
MOISTURE: Low (8 inches minimum-18 inches maximum)
SOIL PH: 6.2-8.2
SPACING: 12-18 inches
HEIGHT: 24-36 inches
SPREAD: 12-24 inches
CHARACTERISTICS: Native to semi-desert, foothills, mountains, Pinyon-Juniper Woodland, Creosote Bush Scrub, Sagebrush Scrub, wetland-riparian. Drought tolerant, low salinity tolerance or not shade tolerant. 130 minimum frost free days. Minimum temperature for growth is 47F. Good container plant. Pincushion shaped flower, attracts bees and butterflies. Reseeds prolifically.
USES: Screen and cut flower.
DISEASES: Leaf spot, various fungi
PESTS: Harlequin bug, Cabbage webworm,
CULTURE: Loosen and aerate soil. Sow the seed in the open ground (preferably sandy loam) when it becomes warm in the Spring. If the plants show an inclination to fall over, they should be staked. They generally self-sow and can take over beds.


Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Moe, Thanks for the information. As for now, I am trying to soak them in water and peroxyde. André

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i would love some of these plmk and thxs

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Is it too late to get some of these seeds?

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

If you get anymore let me know too...Thanks

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I received the seeds today! Thanks so much for doing this. I think it's too late to plant for this year, but I'm planning to wintersow again this year and will plant some then and also some in the spring of 2009.

Franklinton, LA(Zone 8b)


If its not to late to get some of the cleome seed, I would love some. Any color is fine with me.



Holden, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Janel, Recieved the seed late yesterday. Planting them today. Thank you. Hazel

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Hi, every one who has posted here or sent a d-mail is on the waiting list. My trip to eastern Nevada was postponed until next week but I'm going up to Pyramid Laketomorrow and I'll see if there's any growing up that way.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Okay gang, I've been out in the boondocks for five weeks in a row now (home on weekends though, I'm not that crazy). I was able to collect seeds from three locations so I have enough to go around. The seeds from Lund and the second batch from Middlegate have a lot of unripe seeds so I added extra to compensate. The summer has been hot and dry and I think the plants just didn't have enough water to finish ripening all the seeds. I'll be cleaning and packing seeds this weekend between wedding preparations so look for them next week. Sorry it has taken so long to get these seeds out, it's been a very busy summer.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hazel, did you plant your seeds and did they germinate? None of mine came up. I held on a small few to try some other technique or next year.

This message was edited Aug 16, 2008 10:40 PM

Granbury, TX(Zone 8a)

Katlian, that is wonder ful news. Can't wait to try some of those seeds. Of course I am just hoping I am going to get some. Would sure like to have a few. Thanks bunches. Tanarae

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