I Went Camping Part 2

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Some stories have a ending, some stories don't, it has been brought to my attention that my last story needed one.....here it is......:)
Hope you enjoy it and thanks for letting me post my stories up here.....


Paul from Alabama

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Yea! You went back for your dog! I love your stories. Been tapping my foot waiting all day for another one, Paul. You came through just like I knew you would. Ya know, I bet that doggie of yours lapped up a sampling of that moonshine from a broken mason jar. Got glass in his tummy, was cross-eyed from being liquored up and just flat didn't recognize you rolled up in that mummy sleeping bag. Am I right? LOL

Piedmont, AL(Zone 7b)

Like I said, I just don't know how it happened but I'll give you this, that's about as a good scenario of what happened as any....Tell you something funny now that you mention it I used to hear stories about animals that got into barrels of mash working off and getting sloppy drunk from it....Might be true,might be kinda like them stories of alligators in the sewers of New York, now there's an urban legend for you........:)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story Cordeledaw and thanks for taking the time to write.......I appreciate it.....

Paul from Alabama

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