The Hartlepool Monkey

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i'm interested in the origins of names and was looking at this site :
and found a good story and rhyme about the poor hartlepool monkey.. being a previous resident of this town i know all about this poor unfortunate, but i thought i'd share it with everybody else!

The best known tradition and legend associated with the fishermen of Hartlepool is the story of the hanging of the monkey. Tradition attributes this legend to the Napoleonic wars at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was a December day and the coast at Hartlepool was subject to a heavy battering of gales and snow, through which a French vessel called the Chasse Maree could be vaguely seen just off the Hartlepool headland.

The fisherfolk of Hartlepool fearing an invasion kept a close watch on the French vessel as it struggled against the storm but when the vessel was severely battered and sunk they turned their attention to the wreckage washed ashore. Among the wreckage lay one wet and sorrowful looking survivor, the ship's pet monkey dressed to amuse in a military style uniform.

The fishermen apparently questioned the monkey and held a beach-based trial. Unfamiliar with what a Frenchman looked like they came to the conclusion that this monkey was a French spy and should be sentenced to death. The unfortunate creature was to die by hanging, with the mast of a fishing boat (a coble) providing a convenient gallows.

In former times, when war and strife

The French invasion threaten'd life

An' all was armed to the knife

The Fisherman hung the monkey O !

The Fishermen with courage high,

Siezed on the monkey for a French spy;

"Hang him !" says one; "he's to die"

They did and they hung the monkey Oh!

They tried every means to make him speak

And tortured the monkey till loud he did speak;

Says yen "thats french" says another "its Greek"

For the fishermen had got druncky oh!

poor thing :(

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

This could'nt possibly be true, could it? It is very interesting. I've heard a reference to the "Hartlepool monkey'and had wondered what it was all about. Thanks for letting us know! Doris

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

true enough apparently!

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

Yes I vouch for this story being true and if you come from Hartlepool you are known as a 'Monkey Hanger'

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

the people from the 'old town (the headland)' get the worst time as it was their ancestors...i used to live on the headland and when i used to tell people in 'west' that i lived on the headland they used to say, oh you must be a monkey hanger then!

The rugby clubs did a lot to spread the legend of the Hartlepool Monkey. They hung their mascots from the posts of the many rugby grounds they played in.
I heard that the story was started in West Hartlepool to show the Headlanders in a poor light and help the people from 'West' win one of the first railway contracts to ship coal.
Hartlepudlians have been called monkey hangers by people all over the world. I think its one of the many and varied joys of living here in Hartlepool
Anyway I dont see many swinging through my trees,we must have scared them off!

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