DGers favorite boxwood hedge shears

Amherst, NH

I am working in a huge formal garden in NH and have been conscripted to
shear shaped boxwood and yew hedges by the 100s of feet. I was wondering what tools DG members have found to make this job any easier and/or faster. I have been using a variety of hand shears and a Husqvarna long-handled gas-powered model with an adjustable angle blade but they
are all slow and require tarps to catch the clippings. Has anyone had experience with a TV infomercial model (I don't remember the name) that I think was battery powered ? It was green plastic and triangular shaped as I recall. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I have been trimming boxwood every day for 3 weeks and still have about 175 feet left. When I finish it will be time to start at the beginning again. It's what I imagine painting the Golden Gate Bridge is like, I'll be trimming them until winter.

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